VLC Developers Corner

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This is a directory of everything to do with the development of VideoLAN's projects.

Check VLC's page to get info on VLC.

763 articles

VideoLAN other projects

Here is a short list of the main projects hosted by the VideoLAN project:

  • VLS is a streaming server, used for professional streaming solutions. VLC can now do the same. VLS is deprecated and unmaintained.
  • MiniSAPServer is a SAP server.
  • x264, a free H264 / AVC encoder.


  • libdvdcss, a C library to access DVDs without having to bother about the decryption.
  • libdvbpsi, a C library to decode and generate MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables.
  • libdca, a DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder.

Discover also lesser known projects.

Build an application on VLC

There are several ways to build an application that uses VLC. Some are listed here.

  • Build a GPL application using libvlc, in C/C++/C#
  • Use the python bindings MediaControlIDL
  • Use the java bindings
  • Use the ActiveX Controls
  • Use the JavaScript API
  • Talk to VLC through the DBus communication

Code VLC

Start coding on VLC

VLC Code

Tools to code VLC

Development discussions under work

Current discussions


Past discussions
