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Revision as of 15:33, 10 September 2007 by Dionoea (talk | contribs) (→‎svn 21817)
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NOTE: I mostly focussed on QT4 so if there's an issue it doesn't necessarily mean it isn't a problem in WX either..

Remaining issues

3 , 4? , 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23?, 25?, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 45

nightly win32-20070831

1 WX/QT4: play file, open playlist, CRASH

  • rumoured to be fixed in svn already Trax
  • nope wrong.. Trax
Starting program: /home/User/daily/vlc-0.9.0-svn-21875-debug/vlc.exe -I wx 
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to thread 2776.0x8a8]
0x77c478c0 in strlen () from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/msvcrt.dll
(gdb) bt
#0  0x77c478c0 in strlen () from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/msvcrt.dll
#1  0x691c2103 in TextPrint (p_msg=0x3e8320, p_file=0x77c5fce0)
    at logger.c:393
#2  0x691c1f28 in FlushQueue (p_sub=0xbcaa40, p_file=0x77c5fce0, i_mode=0)
    at logger.c:377
#3  0x691c1e49 in Run (p_intf=0xa51348) at logger.c:337
#4  0x70317339 in RunInterface ()
   from /home/User/daily/vlc-0.9.0-svn-21875-debug/libvlc.dll
#5  0x77c3a3b0 in msvcrt!_endthreadex ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/msvcrt.dll
#6  0x00a51348 in ?? ()
#7  0x00000000 in ?? () from

As for QT4, normal discovery is fine but if you first open file, then shoutcast TV discovery and click on item

Starting program: /home/User/daily/vlc-0.9.0-svn-21875-debug/vlc.exe

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to thread 2084.0x1e8]
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
0x70321655 in __vlc_mutex_lock ()
   from /home/User/daily/vlc-0.9.0-svn-21875-debug/libvlc.dll
(gdb) bt
#0  0x70321655 in __vlc_mutex_lock ()
   from /home/User/daily/vlc-0.9.0-svn-21875-debug/libvlc.dll
#1  0x7032139f in input_item_subitem_added ()
   from /home/User/daily/vlc-0.9.0-svn-21875-debug/libvlc.dll
#2  0x7038b075 in vlc_event_send ()
   from /home/User/daily/vlc-0.9.0-svn-21875-debug/libvlc.dll
#3  0x70244a01 in input_ItemAddSubItem (p_parent=0x4c23640, p_child=0x7d077e0)
    at ../../../include/vlc_input.h:160
#4  0x702446a7 in Demux (p_demux=0x4c1cc68) at pls.c:164
#5  0x70334c48 in MainLoop ()
   from /home/User/daily/vlc-0.9.0-svn-21875-debug/libvlc.dll
#6  0x7033474a in Run ()
   from /home/User/daily/vlc-0.9.0-svn-21875-debug/libvlc.dll
#7  0x77c3a3b0 in msvcrt!_endthreadex ()
   from /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/msvcrt.dll
#8  0x04bd89e8 in ?? ()
#9  0x04b7b0e0 in ?? ()
#10 0x003e0000 in ?? ()
#11 0x04cbe700 in ?? ()
#12 0x00000000 in ?? () from

2 QT4 (fixed): mkv crash (regression, works in WX)

  • Sample ? jb 12:14, 8 September 2007 (CEST)
  • Must have been fixed meanwhile. Works perfectly jb 16:57, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

3 QT4: play file, deinterlace, enable, resizes video to 10x10 pixels! deinterlace disable same effect workaround: disable/enable video track

  • should be fixed on win32 funman
  • threading issue on linux, so can't test now funman

4 QT4/WX: play button, doesn't give open dialog anymore

  • Works fine, but we need a way to know which one of "media library"/"playlist"/"services discovery" is active, and also a way to get the number of items in one of these "playlists" funman 01:22, 8 September 2007 (CEST)
  • needs --no-media-library as workaround Trax

5 QT4: open file, doesn't go where you click. when there is 2 rows and you click on a 2nd row it will shift the whole view to the left. so if you doubleclick (which used to select and open) you end up selecting the wrong file

  • Qt4.2 bug under windows.

6 QT4/WX (fixed): no longer avi corrupt warning popup

7 QT4 (fixed): slider doesn't go where you click anymore, regression (does work in WX)

8 QT4: shoutcast TV, changing channels often segfaults

  • might be related to issue 1 Trax

9 QT4: extended prefs, various modules not found (erase, marq, logo etc.)

  • ok on linux funman
  • this is when changing settings Trax

10 QT4: wrong win32 slash, / instead of \ in filename

11 QT4: shows popup filename in taskbar while wx doesn't

12 QT4: shows full filename in titlebar instead of just the filename, video only

13 QT4: shows full filename on vout osd instead of just the filename

14 QT4: assertion CRASH in playlist_model.cpp: add sap or podcast, select, remove also will not remove audio or TV

15 QT4 (fixed): open network:

    • https will not appear in customize
    • rtsp cannot enter address
    • udp/rtp (unicast) can enter address but doesn't appear in customize
  • Done and fixed jb 12:27, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

16 QT4: assertion CRASH on open directory: playlist/tree.c line 191

  • fixed, not using PLAYLIST_GO anymore, so the added directory won't start playing funman

17 QT4 (implemented): Filter "video files" doesnt include .gxf and .mxf

18 QT4: dock playlist, doesn't seem to work properly when showing videos, too small undock and replay a clip and CRASH (because the size is small?)

  • Won't fix until QDockWidget

19 QT4: would be nice to have the speaker icon have a mute version with a cross in it

20 QT4 (fixed): the numerical value for slower/faster isn't updated

  • Done jb 15:48, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

21 QT4: play file, open playlist, doubleclick the file you are playing, CRASH as sertion failed: playlist_model.cpp line 495, expression index.isValid() or does this only happen when adding telnet interface in the mean time!?

22 QT4 (fixed): play button is now also pause button but has no pause icon yet

  • done jb 12:43, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

23 QT4: cannot play files with underscores (this is in cygwin)

24 QT4: S button for taking snapshots doesn't work, nor does F for fullscreen

  • F does work jb 15:56, 8 September 2007 (CEST)
  • S Does worl too jb 16:12, 8 September 2007 (CEST)
  • S is ok but F does not work in 21875 win32 Trax 18:30, 8 September 2007 (CEST)
  • F is done funman

25 QT4: rightclick in video doesn't open menu immediately, needs a "first" click this works counterintuitive, especially if you after that doubleclick for fullscreen (which needs another click then)

26 QT4: option to unhide menus works quite well, how do I unhide easily? suggestion, rightclick on video, tools, make a hide menu toggle (but this won't work if there is no vout active)

  • Partly done. Not optimal but this would be enough though jb 19:25, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

27 QT4 (fixed): in win32 it seems the main window isn't resized properly initially the bottom line icons (forward, stop etc.) are half their usual height, dragging the resize slider bottom right a bit makes it "normal" again after clip is played it "resets" to the wrong height again in initial mode

  • fixed by ssbssa funman 03:38, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

28 QT4: file, open, this will give a default folder

C:\documents and settings\user\application data
note that there are no capitals while there should be (what is manipulating this?)
in WX the last used folder is remembered, in QT4 not

This has been changed after my XDG Base Directory Specification commit. (It should at least default to a "normal" user directory, not app data). Not sure if that was the issue you were mentioning though. Dionoea

29 QT4: file open, when browsing there is always debug msgs:

intersectingStaticSet: row 10 was invalid
  • QT4.2 bug under windows

30 QT4: when files are opened with weird characters in filename or path like

it will be misidentified as having subtitles and spam: freetype warning: unbreakable string
does not happen in WX

31 QT4/WX: in cygwin gdb it's impossible to open files, gives weird filename could not open spam; drag and drop does work

32 QT4/WX: start audio stream, open visualisation goom, disable goom, will not destroy the goom vout

33 QT4/WX (fixed): goto time function doesn't reset timing counter. example clip is at 0:52/4:10 goto 0:10 with function and counter stays at 0:52/4:10 until the played clip exceeds 52 sec. then it continues to count

  • Done. jb 12:58, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

34 QT4/WX: generic performance issue. a simple thing like opening internet explorer with blank page will interfere with VLC cause audio/video hickups when something is playing. regression but --high-prio "fixes" it

  • make high-prio default ? funman 01:47, 8 September 2007 (CEST)
  • maybe workaround but there's something seriously wrong with performance that needs fixing. shouldn't have to use this option Trax

35 QT4/WX: play clip, turn on wallpaper, turn on deinterlace, wallpaper disappears from menu

svn 21737

36 QT4: shoutcast TV discovery, click on the 1st discovered item, CRASH on playlist_nodedump

  • duplicate issue? Trax

37 QT4: show more options in open dialogue. it's perhaps usable to always have this enabled?

       makes it easier to copy/paste links in VLC and you can see what some options do if
       you toggle them (timeshift etc.)
  • i don't agree, but we could have a setting to have it always enabled (i.e. not by default) funman

38 QT4/WX: opening a shoutcast playlist will not autostart the 1st item

39 QT4: extended settings, add text, enable, disable (VLC marq still remains!), enable, CRASH

  • fixed (marq still remains anyway :/) funman

40 QT4: extended settings, add logo, CRASH

41 QT4: file, open file. blank icons for files (no icons for registered filetypes)

42 QT4: [00000642] main interface error: option errors-dialog does not exist

  • done in rev 21869. jb 16:54, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

43 QT4: menu inconsistencies. main menu has interfaces as part of tools while right click menu in vout has interfaces as seperate option

  • done in rev 21879 jb 19:25, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

44 QT4: extended prefs doesn't have Close, OK or Cancel button. feels unnatural to close the prefs with the X top right. Use same Save, Cancel, Reset ext. prefs like the normal prefs menu has?

  • done in rev 21890 jb 03:30, 9 September 2007 (CEST)

45 QT4: equalizer status isn't updated everywhere (already in trac?) when changing from main menu the status in extended prefs isn't updated accordingly and vice versa.the function is ok it's only the selection that isn't updated. why bother with 2 locations? doesn't extended prefs suffice or is main menu intended as "quick" setting?

svn 21817

46 QT4: cosmetics. extended prefs.. using wall or clone filter it's not possible to set the amount of clone or wall rows before hand because it's greyed out so you always have to use the defaults first, enable the option then set the appropriate amount.

  • Yes. This is a normal behaviour, way easier to code. jb 13:48, 8 September 2007 (CEST)
  • That code would also work if the items weren't grayed out (we'd just need to use something else than a QGroupBox for the container since that automatically disables the child widgets when it's unchecked ... so basically we'd need our own QGroupBox class without the "disable all the child widgets" bit, or move the enable/disable checkbox out of the GroupBox's title (which wouldn't look good)). The motivation behind greying those items out was that most filters allow updating of their parameters real time so it doesn't really matter. (And filters which don't allow updating of their parameters should be restarted automatically, not sure if that's done though, I'd have to check.) If wanted/needed, we can keep all the input boxes enabled, even when the filter is disabled (or make it an option :D). Dionoea

47 QT4: start vlc, open playlist, dock playlist:

       33201 1 QPaintDevice: Cannot destroy paint device that is being painted.
       Be sure to QPainter::end() painters!

(fixed) 48 QT4: cosmetics. media information stats. imho the order looks nicer to have Video, Audio, Input, Streaming and also have the main window be just as big as all the expanded settings (same for Codec information)

  • Done jb 13:08, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

49 QT4: open disc, disk device is not selectable (nothing to select, stays empty) and browse button is not functional yet. does work when I just manually type in my DVD drive as D:

50 QT4: cosmetics. language selection in interfaces is not sorted alphabetically

  • No idea how to do that jb 14:29, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

51 QT4: cosmetics. Tools, Codec information and Media information, to have both seems a bit redundant (they both open the Codec information tab). Why not drop Codec information from the menu but keep the CTRL+I as Media information as I stands for information :)

  • Because this is the most asked question in support: "What is the codec" jb 13:02, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

52 QT4: cosmetics: Tools, Codec information, Codec Details, why bother showing empty fields (i.e. Language is often not used)

  • Because noones wants the same things. Won't fix jb 13:01, 8 September 2007 (CEST)

53 QT4: cosmetics. overall view of QT4 is quite huge compared to WX and even other players (this sample doesn't even have the extra buttons)

       the play/stop etc. buttons in tray icon menu are already a lot smaller, are they usable?

54 QT4: cosmetics. the title section of the clip on the bottom does not have a 3d "feel" as if it's embedded, the same way the speed and time/duration section is.

55 QT4: cosmetics. personally I'd like the title section on the right and the time/speed on the left as it is with WX. this because those sections are rather fixed and "look" better at the left starting side.

56 QT4: cosmetics. as the slider bar is already quite large, why not have the time/duration section on the left or right side on the same height. this leaves more room for (often) long title info.

57 QT4: cosmetics and nice to have. magnetic menus for debug, ext. prefs etc. they open all over the place :)

58 QT4: always shows time slider, even for livestreams (i.e. shoutcast)