Revision as of 05:57, 1 February 2019 by DoesItReallyMatter (talk | contribs) (Change WinAMP → Winamp)
XMMS is an open source media player similar to Winamp. It supports most common audio formats, and also plays some videos.
XMMS has good audio compatibility, and can play a range of video formats. XMMS does have some problems when receiving streamed content.
When streaming Ogg/vorbis to XMMS via HTTP the MRL needs to end in ".ogg". This could be done by providing a filename with the sout line, something like this:
% vlc --sout http/ogg:
As a temporary hack you could append "?.ogg" to the MRL you give XMMS.
XMMS supports ES, PS and MPEG-1 muxers with mpga audio out of the box. The TS muxer gives strange audio in XMMS.