We Use VideoLAN

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Revision as of 19:29, 11 February 2005 by Dionoea (talk | contribs)
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Do you have some cool project you use VideoLAN for? Post a link and a small description here.

The Balloon JediMaster and friends are building a Mars balloon which uses VideoLAN to stream images back to earth. http://www.maveric.org.uk/photos/testing/

Distributed VideoLAN Server Management Bart Kerver from SURFnet has created software to manage multiple VideoLAN servers. http://speeldoos.showcase.surfnet.nl/dvlsm/

Cypherpunk version of MacBeth People at Pirate Utopia are using VLC in a MacBeth-inspired show to display ASCII-art video. http://www.pirateutopia.org/macbeth/techie.htm

Neutrino MoviePlayer The Neutrino MoviePlayer now uses VLC so users can stream the movies on their computer to a a DBox.

Advene project Advene (Annotate DVDs, Exchange on the Net) aims at providing a format to share annotations about movies stored on DVDs, as well as tools to edit and visualize the annotations. It uses VLC to play/extract info from the DVD's

Las Vegas Security Lines On the Las Vegas Airport, people in line for the security checks are treated to some 'how to keep the line as short as possible' movies. These movies are being streamed with VLC. An article about this project