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* '''vlc.msg_err(''' ''<string>'' ''')''': print an error message.
* '''vlc.msg_err(''' ''<string>'' ''')''': print an error message.
* '''vlc.msg_info(''' ''<string>'' ''')''': print an info message.
* '''vlc.msg_info(''' ''<string>'' ''')''': print an info message.
== Scripts shipped with VLC ==
Scripts for popular playlist formats and video websites are available in the default VLC installer:
* dailymotion.lua: URL translation for Daily Motion video pages;
* googlevideo.lua: URL translation for Google Video video pages;
* metacafe.lua: URL translation for metacafe video pages and flash player;
* youtube.lua: URL translation for YouTube video pages and flash player (including fullscreen video URLs);
* youtube_hompage.lua: Parse YouTube homepage and browse page.

Revision as of 14:55, 25 May 2007

VLC User Guide

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Building Pages for the HTTP Interface
Format String
Building Lua Playlist Scripts
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Starting with version 0.9.0, VLC gives you the possible to implement your own playlist loading modules easily. Such modules can do stuff like:

  • URL translation: You give it the youtube webpage URL and VLC starts playing the corresponding video;
  • Text playlist parsing: You use some custom text playlist format.

Lua playlist scripts shipped with VLC are stored in the following directory:

  • C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\luaplaylist\ on Windows;
  • VLC.app/luaplaylist/ on Mac OS X (?);
  • /usr/share/vlc/luaplaylist/ on Linux.

You can add your own Lua playlist scripts in this directory or in your VLC's preferences folder "luaplaylist" subdirectory.

Simple Examples

URL translation

What we want to do

Lets say that we want VLC to open Google Video links automatically. Google Video pages have URLs like


to the URL of the corresponding Google Video Playlist file which is



The Lua script is going to be made of 2 functions. The first one is the probe() function. This function tells VLC if the Lua script should be used (function returns true) or not (function returns false). Here it would look like:

function probe()
    if vlc.access ~= "http"
        return false
    if string.match( vlc.path, "video.google.com/videoplay" )
        return true
        return false

Lets analyse that function step by step. First we check that VLC is using HTTP. If it isn't (for example it's reading a file off your hard drive or a DVD), we don't want to trigger the Google Video URL translation. The vlc Lua object provides vlc.access which should be equal to string "http". Then we check that the URL is a Google Video page. This is easily done by trying to find the "video.google.com/videoplay" string in vlc.path.

Note that the same function can be written as

function probe()
    return vlc.access == "http" and string.match( vlc.path, "video.google.com/videoplay" )


If the probe() function returns true, VLC will use the parse() to ask for the new playlist item(s) which need to be added.

function parse()
    item = {}
    item.path = "http://" .. string.gsub( vlc.path, "videoplay", "videogvp" )
    item.name = "Some Google video playlist"
    return { item }

We create a new playlist item (a Lua table). We set the item's path to the appropriate string: 1/ we prepend "http://" since the vlc.path string doesn't include that part of the original URL and 2/ we replace "videoplay" by "videogvp".

We also set the new playlist item's name to "Some Google video playlist".

We then return the new playlist to VLC (a Lua table which basically represents a list of items).

A shorter version would be:

function parse()
    return { { path = "http://" .. string.gsub( vlc.path, "videoplay", "videogvp" ); name = "Some Google video playlist" } }

Saving that to a file

To make that script available to VLC, simply create a new something.lua file in one of the directories listed in the introduction (You should also remove the googlevideo.lua file shipped with VLC to make sure that it isn't used instead of your new script).

Text Playlist Parsing

In the previous example we translated a URL to another URL. This new URL redirects VLC to a Google Video Playlist which is basically a text file. This file needs to be read to get the final video's true URL. Here's what such a file would look like if you were to open it with a text editor:

# download the free Google Video Player from http://video.google.com/
title:Penguins go for a stroll
description:African penguins caught a breath of fresh air as they were out for a stroll through Tokyo's aquarium. Ikebukuro Sunshine Aquarium offer spectators a chance to get a closer encounter with penguins as they are taken for a walk through the aquariums compound.
description:During the parade the penguins were separated from spectators, mainly children, by portable fences on wheels which were pushed by the zookeepers. The fence ensures they don't run away and also prevents them from biting spectators. 
description:"I came up with this idea to let people get a close look at penguins walking." said Keeper Masahiro Tomiyama, adding only penguins born and raised at the aquarium can walk outside their cage without feeling stressed by all the attention.
description:Reuters 16094/06
description:Keywords: animals, cute, sweet, funny, ITN Source.


The first thing we need to worry about is making sure that the file we're playing is a Google Video Playlist (GVP) file. We could rely on the URL, but that would prevent playing GVP files from our hard drive. Fortunately, the file's contents, especially the "gvp_version:" string seem specific to GVP files. We'll thus try reading a bunch of characters from the begining of the file and look for the "gvp_version:" string.

function probe()
    return string.match( vlc.probe( 512 ), "gvp_version:" )

The vlc.probe( <number of chars> ) function asks VLC to return the first <number of chars> characters. If the string "gvp_version:" isn't found in a file's first 512 characters, we're almost 100% sure that it's not a valid GVP file.


We now need to read information from the file to create our new playlist item. A simple version would only fetch the URL:

function parse()
    item = {}
    while true
        line = vlc.readline()
        if not line
        if string.match( line, "^url:" )
            item.path = string.sub( line, 5 )
    return { item }

We read all the file's lines using the vlc.readline() function. If we encounter the line starting with "url:" (string.match( line, "url:" ) would match lines containing "url:", while string.match( line, "^url:" ) only matches those starting with "url:"), we use that as our new item's path.

If vlc.readline() returns nil, this means that we've finished reading the file so we break out of the while loop and return our new playlist.

This simple parse() function unfortunately discards all the other usefull meta information available in the GVP file. Lets try to use it:

function parse()
    item = {}
    while true
        line = vlc.readline()
        if not line
        if string.match( line, "^url:" )
            item.path = string.sub( line, 5 )
        elseif string.match( line, "^title:" )
            item.name = string.sub( line, 7 )
        elseif string.match( line, "^duration:" )
            item.duration = string.sub( line, 10 ) / 1000
        elseif string.match( line, "^description:" )
            if item.description
                item.description = item.description .. "\n" .. string.sub( line, 13 )
                item.description = string.sub( line, 13 )
    return { item }

Getting the video's title works like the URL parameter. The duration is a bit more tricky. GVP uses times in miliseconds while VLC wants a time in seconds. We thus have to divide it by 1000. For the description, it works like the URL and title parameters except that a GVP file can have more than one description parameter. If we read more than one parameter we thus concantenate the different description lines.


VLC Lua playlist script

VLC Lua playlist modules should define two functions:

  • probe(): returns true if we want to handle the playlist in this script
  • parse(): read the incoming data and return playlist item(s)

The playlist is a table of playlist objects. A playlist object has the following members:

  • .path: the item's full path / URL
  • .name: the item's name in playlist (OPTIONAL)
  • .title: the item's Title (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .artist: the item's Artist (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .genre: the item's Genre (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .copyright: the item's Copyright (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .album: the item's Album (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .tracknum: the item's Tracknum (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .description: the item's Description (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .rating: the item's Rating (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .date: the item's Date (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .setting: the item's Setting (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .url: the item's URL (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .language: the item's Language (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .nowplaying: the item's NowPlaying (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .publisher: the item's Publisher (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .encodedby: the item's EncodedBy (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .arturl: the item's ArtURL (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .trackid: the item's TrackID (OPTIONAL, meta data)
  • .options: a list of VLC options (OPTIONAL) example: .options = { "fullscreen" }
  • .duration: stream duration in seconds (OPTIONAL)

Invalid playlist items will be discarded by VLC.

The vlc Lua object

VLC defines a global vlc object with the following members:

  • vlc.path: the URL string (without the leading http:// or file:// element)
  • vlc.access: the access used ("http" for http://, "file" for file://, etc.)
  • vlc.peek( <int> ): return the first <int> characters from the playlist file.
  • vlc.read( <int> ): read <int> characters from the playlist file. THIS FUNCTION CANNOT BE USED IN peek().
  • vlc.readline(): return a new line of playlist data on each call. THIS FUNCTION CANNOT BE USED IN peek().
  • vlc.decode_uri( <string> ): decode %xy characters in a string.
  • vlc.resolve_xml_special_chars( <string> ): decode &abc; characters in a string.
  • vlc.msg_dbg( <string> ): print a debug message.
  • vlc.msg_warn( <string> ): print a warning message.
  • vlc.msg_err( <string> ): print an error message.
  • vlc.msg_info( <string> ): print an info message.

Scripts shipped with VLC

Scripts for popular playlist formats and video websites are available in the default VLC installer:

  • dailymotion.lua: URL translation for Daily Motion video pages;
  • googlevideo.lua: URL translation for Google Video video pages;
  • metacafe.lua: URL translation for metacafe video pages and flash player;
  • youtube.lua: URL translation for YouTube video pages and flash player (including fullscreen video URLs);
  • youtube_hompage.lua: Parse YouTube homepage and browse page.

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