VideoLAN Values

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You should also check out our Code of Conduct.

Shared Values

This Code of Conduct presents a vision of the shared values and thinking in the VideoLAN community.

In short:

  • Be considerate and respectful
  • Be collaborative
  • Be pragmatic and concise
  • Ask if you don't know, share if you know
  • Be inclusive
  • Be patient

Be considerate and respectful

VideoLAN has millions of users and hundreds of contributors. What you do and contribute will impact the life of others. Think about your actions.

There is absolutely no excuse for personal attacks, racism, sexism or any other form of discrimination based on religion, politics, Linux distribution, Operating System or else.
Respect everyone, no matter what is their level of implication in VideoLAN.

In a disagreement, in the first instance assume that people mean well. A community where people feel comfortable is a productive one.

Be collaborative

Be pragmatic and concise

Ask if you don't know, share if you know

Be inclusive

Be patient