VLC Features OS

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On what operating systems can run VLC media player ?


Windows 9x family

Although it is now unsupported, VLC should work flawlessly on Windows 98 and Windows ME.

You need to install the unicode package to make it work.

Windows NT family

VLC works and is supported on:

  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP

Although it is now unsupported, VLC should work on Windows NT4.0, but with major issues due to the lack of a correct DirectX support.

Windows Vista

VLC has still some problems with Vista, but it works. Read the forum thread on that matter.


VLC works perfectly under linux.

The teams support the Debian Version. But Ubuntu, Gentoo, OpenSuse, Mandriva, Fedora Core are oftenly tested by the team, but the packages are not made by the VideoLAN team.



VLC should work without problems.


VLC is buildable under Solaris after some adaptations. Reports have said that those were doable.

Other Unixes

Same as Solaris

Mac OS

Mac OS X

VLC works perfectly under Mac OS X.

For 10.2 and under, use VLC 0.8.4a For 10.3, use VLC 0.8.6b For 10.4 and over, every up-to-date version of VLC works.

Mac OS 9

There is no and will not be any version of VLC for Mac OS 9 because of its deprecated status


Windows CE

Palm OS

No version done.


No version done.



There is a port of VLC on the PSP done by an external team.


VLC runs under YDL5 on the PS3.