Hacker Guide/VLC source tree

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This page lists the directories in the source tree of VLC, aimed at giving new beginners an overview of the code.

The directories are listed in alphabetical order, with an overview of their contents on the right:

Directory Name Directory Explanation

activex activex bindings

bindings Java and Python bindings

doc Documentation (not up-to-date)

evc I don't know

extras -

        -contrib (subdirectory of extras) - for required libraries (contains Makefiles to automatically download and compile (or cross-compile) and patch those. Please first attempt to get the development headers precompiled for your distribution.
        extras also contains the emacs.init file (useful for coding in Videolan style)

include Header files for vlc

ipkg I guess this is not so important, last modified 2 years ago!

libs Loader and secure rtp libraries

lxdialog I guess this is not important, last modified 1 year ago!

m4 Macro files needed for ???

modules -most important directory --todo

mozilla Mozilla plugin

msvc Deprecated, Microsoft Visual C files I guess

po i18n files

python -not important

share -icons,scripts to make default player etc.

src -to-do

test -scripts to see if everything is OK