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Revision as of 21:24, 23 March 2007 by Pdherbemont (talk | contribs) (english fix.)
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(Pdherbemont is Pierre d'Herbemont) proposition

The problem

The problem with current implementation of and gui/macosx is that it relays on the src/vlc.c common file that set up the interface. This permit to use vlc command line and do cool vlc thing with it. However there are many troubles with gui/macosx:

  • It can't be detached, nor can be attached on the fly. Thus we can't really say that gui/macosx is a vlc interface module.
  • There is a technical conflict with Cocoa:
     [NSApp run]; /* May not exit however vlc will cleanly ends only if gui/macosx Run() ends, so this won't work */

We do:

     if(setjmp(jmpbuff) == 0)
         [NSApp run]; /* May not exit */
     /* Will exit when longjmp(jmpbuff, 1) is called, then vlc will cleanly ends */

Which is kind of ugly.

Proposed solution

gui/macosx shouldn't be a module interface but instead an application that makes uses of libvlc (named here VLCOSX). However src/vlc.c would be still be build (named here vlc), and we'll have in the bundle the two binary VLCOSX and vlc. VLCOSX would start the Cocoa application whereas vlc would be the real vlc that we can use with command line. VLCOSX could still be hacked to forward vlc option to libvlc, but this is really not is goal.