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Revision as of 23:24, 16 January 2006 by Tonsofpcs (talk | contribs) (Work in progress, but moving along well)
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The Windows build of VLC includes an (optionaly installed) ActiveX control. The ActiveX control enables VLC to be embedded in web browsers and third-party applications.

The ActiveX control includes the following properties and methods (functions):

name type description syntax (VB)
length property (get only) Returns length of the current clip.
position property (get and set) Return or set the playback position on the current clip.
setVariable method Assigns a value to a variable that is defined in libvlc.c controlname.setVariable name as String, value
getVariable method Returns the contents of a variable that is defined in libvlc.c x = controlname.getVariable(name as String)