IPod Video Conversion Guide
This page describes how to make your Video Files playable on an iPod. | Other "how to" pages |
To play on this device, the file you copy to it needs to be of the correct format. This format is summarised below:
Video Codec | h264 (H.264) |
Audio Codec | mp4a (MP4 audio), aac (AAC) |
Container | mp4 (MPEG4/MOV) |
Size | 320x240 |
To make the video the correct size, you can edit the prefences, or run vlc from a command prompt.
vlc "input_filename" :sout='#transcode{vcodec=h264,acodec=mp4a,audio-sync}:std{access=file, mux=mp4,url="output_filename"}' --sout-transcode-width=320 --sout-transcode-height=240 --aspect-rato=width:height
This all goes on one line, and you'll need to fill in some of the values: the input and output filenames, plus the aspect ratio of the input file. By default vlc will stretch the video to the size specified by sout-transcode-height and width, but if you tell vlc the file's aspect ratio, it will scale and put a black border around it. The aspect ratio can be written as a ratio of width and height, with a colon between the two, or as a decimal.
This has also been discussed in the forum