Discussion about API
OlivierAubert And isn't that too VLC-specific ? The rest of the API (minus suggested VLM, which is clearly identified) is fairly generic. We could move vlc specific features in an 'extra' module.
The generic part is actually very worrying to me. I think we anyway should definitely have "VLC" in the symbol names, to avoid any clashes. "mediacontrol" is far too generic to me.
Stream Information
- mediacontrol_get_stream_information Return synthetized information (position, url, status), so that applications can quickly get it (Advene for instance calls this method every 100ms)
- mediacontrol_get_video_information Return misc. information about the video (aspect ratio, dimensions, bitrate, codec, author, etc). The output could be transmitted in some generic format (XML?)
Zorglub: I'm not too keen on introducing some XML or stuff like that in the API. IMHO, information should be returned in structured programmatic way. The caller can then generate XML if it wants too. I also think we should integrate these, probably using the Stream and Media Information facility. This needs some polishing
OlivierAubert Could be transformed into a Playlist object (returned by MediaControl.playlist), that would feature the corresponding methods: add, clear, next, prev, play, sort...