T-Shirt Design Contest

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Revision as of 02:17, 12 December 2005 by Lizator (talk | contribs)
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What we want

The T-Shirt is supposed to show support to the VideoLAN project. It would be nice if people seeing the T-Shirt could guess that its about some video player/server related project (and maybe even put the videolan.org url somewhere).

For price reasons, the number of colors on the T-shirt will likely be limited to 3. (that makes it about 7 euros production cost per T-Shirt if we order 100)

The VideoLAN graphics you might want to use are :

The VLC cone : cone-soppera10.png The VideoLAN logo : vl4_251x188.jpg

More VideoLAN graphics can be downloaded here : http://www.videolan.org/goodies.html .

The winner is .... Lorenzo Milito !

front black back black

Get a VideoLAN t-shirt

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