User talk:Shallyverma

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Revision as of 18:38, 22 June 2012 by Edwardw (talk | contribs) (re)
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HI I have a question on VideoLAN when it stream content from file. Does it support forward and reverse operation on content and then stream it to client? For ex. I have setup VLC to stream MPEG file to my client which receives it, decode and display it. and I want to play the content in fast forward fashion, then i can set up VLS to do forward operation and send selected content to client so that it can be played in fast forward mode?
Hi Shallyverma - you'll get an answer if you ask over at the VideoLAN forum. This wiki isn't really a support wiki, it's more of a documentation wiki. Edwardw 20:38, 22 June 2012 (CEST)