From VideoLAN Wiki
Revision as of 00:20, 29 January 2005 by Fkuehne (talk | contribs) (merged the "Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts" and added some stupid phrases to make the article more "complete" -- please delete the old "Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts" article-page if possible)
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VLC's Mac OS X interface is designed quite similar to the interfaces of other ports. At present, almost all features available in the WxWindows-interface can be used in the Mac OS X one as well. Only an advanced interface does not exist at the moment, but will probably be added later on. Skins aren't supported in this port too. That's hopefully going to change after the 0.8.2 release.

Keyboard Shortcuts

You can find most of the keyboard shortcuts by taking a look at the menus. Additional hotkeys are defined in the section "Hotkeys" of your VLC preferences.

Some handy key combo's are:

  • You can use the spacebar to start/pause the video.
  • When in fullscreen you can use the escape key to exit the fullscreen state
  • When you are watching a DVD and the video window is the frontmost window you can use the arrow keys and the enter key to navigate the DVD menus.

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