Hacker Guide/Video Filters
Location in source tree
Look in modules/video_filter/.
See modules/video_filter/Modules.am for a list of video filters currently in VLC, and which source files belong to which.
Adding new source files
Want to develop a new filter or add new source files to an existing one?
The file modules/video_filter/Modules.am tells the build system which source files go into which filter, so go ahead and update it.
When done, you'll probably need to go to the root of your VLC source tree, and do something akin to the following:
find . -name .deps -exec rm -rf \{\} \;
This ensures that the build system finds your new files. Then you can go on as usual:
Individual filter docs
Some filters may have their own Hacker's Guide sections.
Currently, the deinterlace filter has both a Hacker's Guide section and user documentation with some useful technical information.
Programming conventions
VLC video filters are usually written in C99, like the rest of VLC. The AtmoLight plugin uses C++, though.
Also, the usual stuff holds here too:
- Use assert() for checking conditions that, in presence of no bugs, always hold.
- Don't use assert() for checking stuff that may fail at runtime. Handle errors gracefully.
- Keep your code readable. Make private functions when it simplifies things.
- Prefer 80 characters per line at maximum, if possible.
- Particularly for video filters: keep in mind that this is low-level stuff and needs to be fast.
- Consider writing the inner processing loops in vectorized inline assembly, such as MMX. This can often gain a factor of 2-8x in speed, depending on how much and what kind of processing your algorithm needs.
Some notes on the API
Note: See modules/video_filter/deinterlace/deinterlace.c for an example of everything discussed in this section. See also the Deinterlace Hacker's Guide for some further details.
The video filters use an object-based model. Calls to the filter will come with an instance pointer, so each filter instance can keep local data.
Usually, each filter defines its own internal data structure called filter_sys_t. It is completely private to the filter.
The API for video filters in VLC 1.2 is called video filter2. This requires the functions Open() and Close(). The Open() function is expected to allocate private data (if any), and set up the filter structure with pointers to a frame processing function (p_filter->pf_video_filter, which is the actual filter), a flush function (p_filter->pf_video_flush), and a mouse event function (p_filter->pf_video_mouse). The Close() function should deallocate private data.
The frame processing function takes a frame as input (picture_t*, include/vlc_picture.h), and optionally outputs one or more frames (picture_t*) as a linked list. The usual case is one frame in, one frame out, but this is not a requirement. (See framerate doublers and IVTC in the deinterlace modules for counterexamples.)
If you do not wish to output a frame at a particular call to your processing function, you can return NULL. If you wish to output several, make a linked list by using the next field of picture_t.
You don't have to necessarily output the same frame (after processing) that just came in. You can keep a private input frame history in your filter_sys_t, pick the base frame for your output from that, and adjust the PTSs (presentation timestamps, field date in picture_t) of your output as you deem necessary. The deinterlacer provides an example of how to do this.
Note however that there may be other filters in the chain that already set up an offset; this leaves less time (until the designated PTS) for the rest of the filters to do their processing.
Be sure to allocate your output pictures using
picture_t *p_outpic = filter_NewPicture( p_filter );
This function requests a new picture from the private pool (see src/video_output/vout_wrapper.c). This is very important! Be aware that pictures created like
picture_t *p_temp = picture_NewFromFormat( &p_input_pic->format );
lack a shared memory context (in Linux; or the equivalent in other OS), and thus cannot be passed to the video output logic. If your filter attempts to do so, VLC will crash.
If you need temporary pictures, you can allocate those using picture_NewFromFormat(), but remember to always create output pictures using filter_NewPicture(). Here an output picture is defined as a picture which goes out from the filter to the caller.
There is a limit to the number of simultaneous picture slots available in the private pool. Currently ([71992c5fbc75ee2c94cd2a3ab1aaca70bfc688a9]) this is 3 pictures for the filter layer. See constant private_picture in src/video_output/vout_wrapper.c. If you try to allocate more output pictures than this (during a single processing call), the allocation will fail.
In VLC 1.2, the video format (resolution, chroma) never changes on the fly. The whole filter chain is Close()d and then Open()ed again if the format changes.
Note that it is allowed to flush the filter without closing it. This actually happens under some circumstances, so don't deallocate stuff in your flush function. Rather, allocate dynamic resources in Open(), and deallocate them in Close() (or in private functions called from those).
Supported input and output formats are left up to each filter. The usual thing is to support YUV formats, e.g. I420, J420, YV12, I422 and J422. See include/vlc_fourcc.h.
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