Hacker Guide/Video Filters

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Location in source tree

Look in modules/video_filter/.

See modules/video_filter/Modules.am for a list of video filters currently in VLC, and which source files belong to which.

Adding new source files

Want to develop a new filter or add new source files to an existing one?

The file modules/video_filter/Modules.am tells the build system which source files go into which filter, so go ahead and update it.

When done, you'll probably need to go to the root of your VLC source tree, and do something akin to the following:

  • find . -name .deps -exec rm -rf \{\} \;
  • ./bootstrap
  • ./configure

This ensures that the build system finds your new files. Then you can go on as usual:

  • ./compile

Individual filter docs

Some filters may have their own Hacker's Guide sections.

Currently, the deinterlace filter has both a Hacker's Guide section and user documentation with some useful technical information.


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