VLC HowTo/Merge videos together
Merge & Transcode
If you have more than one source files that need to be merged into a single output file, the general way is this (no transcoding is necessary if all streams match):
% vlc file1.ps file2.ps file3.ps --sout "#gather:std{access=file,mux=ts,dst=all.ts}" --sout-keep
NB that whenever you use sout, your video and audio codecs must "be appropriate" for the mux you use (in this case, ps works with a ts mux, so we're ok). See Transcode#Transcoding_with_the_Wizard
If you want to write your files out to a mux that doesn't support the current audio or video encoding, or if you are wanting to join streams that do not have matching video/audio, then it is recommended to transcode as well. Here is an example.
% "PATH_TO_VLC" -vvv FILE1.EXT FILE2.EXT FILE3.EXT ETC.ETC --sout-keep --sout=#gather:transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=192,channels=6}:standard{access=file,mux=ts,dst=out.mpg} --sout-all
Next edit the path to vlc, input files, and transcode peramiters to meet your needs.
See also Documentation:Modules/gather
Or you can use file appending:
% vlc go.ps.1 go.ps.2 go.ps.3 vlc://quit --sout-file-append --sout=file/ps:go.ps
Non Interactive Mode
To do any of this in "non interactive" mode, add -I dummy and also "vlc://quit" to the end of your list of inputs. See Transcode for more detail.
Other options
Overall, none of the ways VLC offers to combine streams appears to merge them with correct time signatures<ref> even when replayed in VLC (causing seeking errors), so a non VLC option might work better. Please update if you find one. Straight concatenation works at times. See also https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AjWmZ0umsuZHdHNzZVhuMTkxTHdYbUdCQzF3cE51Snc&hl=en for a list of several various 3rd party "video joining" utilities.