How to merge and transcode multiple videos

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Merge & Transcode in Windows

If you have more than one source files that need to be merged and transcoded resulting in a single out put file create a batch script with the following line in it:

C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\vlc\vlc.exe -vvv pirate1.avi pirate2.avi  --sout-keep
--sout=#gather:transcode{vcodec=divx3,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=6}:standard{access=file,mux=ts,dst=out.avi} --sout-all

PATH_TO_VLC is vlc on linux, C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\vlc\vlc.exe on Windows, but that can change depending on the installation.

Edit the path to vlc, input files, and transcode parameters to meet your needs.

If all streams match, no transcoding is necessary.

vlc --sout file/ts:out.ts --sout-keep

See also Documentation:Modules/gather

You could also append them to a same file:

vlc --sout-file-append --sout=file/