X264 GCodeIn Ideas
Google Code In
This page is about gathering ideas for the x264 project for acceptance in the Google Code In 2010-2011 program.
x264 has been part of Videolan's Google Summer of Code in 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Ideas for x264
This is a temporary page for listing ideas for Google Code-in tasks.
The final tasks will be moved to melange, when needed.
Category: Quality Assurance
Description: Automated regression test tool: x264 has no standard regression test tool, and all the developers rely on their own scripts. An automated regression test tool should be able to:
1. Test any two revisions against each other. 2. Test a wide variety of x264 settings combinations. We can help you here by giving you some of the existing scripts. 3. Report the status of a revision: working (basic regression test passes), broken (basic regression test fails), crash, etc. 4. Report the difference between any two revisions (output differs, output is identical, which tests' output differs, etc).
Outcome: A regression test script (in Bash, Perl, Python, or similar)
Difficulty: medium
Tools: x264, JM, ffmpeg, Linux
Time: 3 days
Mentor: Dark Shikari
For ANY question, contact User:Dark Shikari, preferably on IRC.
IRC channel: #x264dev on irc://irc.freenode.net