SoC 2009 projects

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Here is a list of the accepted projects for Google Summer of Code 2OO9.

List of current VLC projects

QuickTimeVR Playback

VLC is a cross platform media player widely used and FreePV is a panoramic viewer that was initially developed due to the lack of an implementation of QuickTime and Shockwave for Linux, both work with QuickTime files and the problem arise from that, since video and vr share the mime type, to solve this, the main goal is to integrate the FreePV library into VLC to enable it to play QuickTimeVR contents, the second goal is to explore the use of wiimote as an advance interaction method.

Media Library

The project is about extending the Media Library(ML) for VLC Player. The media library will allow users to manage all their local and network media. The project will use the basic structure that already exists for the ML and will focus on extending the features. New features include Search, Smart playlists, Annotations and "Just play music".

Lua Services Discovery

The main goal of this project will be giving VideoLAN a Lua framework to load scriptable services discovery, to make them easier to write, if they don't require C complexity.
Second goal will be giving VideoLAN access to a great number of online music and video services, like Jamendo, Magnatune, youtube, Dailymotion, etc..., using the new Lua modules.

A Media Center Interface for VLC

While it is easy to use and functional, the existing default, Qt based GUI for VLC is quite minimal and basic. I propose to develop a new "Media Center" style GUI. This GUI will be based on Qt/OpenGL and will aim to be aesthetically pleasing, while remaining easy to use and functional. It will draw on many nice features of other popular media center software such as Front Row, Windows Media Center and XBMC.

DXVA integration

The Windows DXVA API gives access to video decoding and processing in the graphic card. Decoding with the GPU will reduce the load on the CPU and (hopefully) speed up the decoding. This project aims at creating a MPEG2 and H.264 decoder for VLC using this API.

RTMP Flash Streaming

This project is about to implement the RTMP Streaming function for VLC media player. It includes RTMP input and output parts(Fix bugs in RTMP input module and total rewrite the RTMP output module). while Adobe is about to publish the RTMP protocol spec in the first half of this year, It's the time to do this job.

Enhancing VLMC

The aim of this student project is to provide a functionnal video generation workflow for the video editing tool 'VLMC'. It includes an effect and a transition API, in order to allow developpers to create new modules for this application.

This project will be developped closely with VLMC team, so they can add required features, such as the timeline, a previsualisation widget, and many others...