SoC 2009/Enhancing VLMC

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This project is part of Google Summer of Code 2009.
Student: Hugo Beauzee-Luyssen
Mentor: Ludovic Fauvet

Enhancing VLMC


The aim of this project is to provide a functionnal workflow for the VLMC project, including the transition and effects API, in order to allow external developpers to create new effects. At the moment, VLMC isn't abble to generate a video output. After this summer, it (hopefully) will :)

The workflow consists of 5 differents workflows :

  • The main workflow
  • The clip workflow
  • The track workflow
  • The effects workflow
  • The transition workflow

Basically, the main workflow will query the track workflow, which will query the clip workflow for each clip contained in the so called track. Transitions and effect workflow will query transition and effects modules at different points, from the precedently described workflows.


Task name End date Dependencies Status
Clip workflow 06-06-09 Requires a functional preview widget, and a basic timeline Almost done
Tracks workflow 13-06-09 Requires a functionnal Clip workflow Not started yet
Main workflow 11-07-09 Requires a functionnal Track workflow Not started yet
Effect and Transition API 14-08-09 Requires lots of conception :p Not started yet
Effect workflow 28-08-09 Requires all the basic workflow to be functionnal, and an effect API to query modules Not started yet
Transition workflow 11-09-09 Requires all the basic workflow to be functionnal, and the transition API Not started yet
Plug effects and transition workflow 25-09-09 Plug the effect and transition workflow through the whole workflow Not started yet

In order to test the effect and transition workflow, they will be plugged at an arbitrary spot. Probably the clip workflow.


Clip workflow 06-06-09 Tracks workflow 13-06-09 Main workflow 11-07-09 Effect and Transition API 14-08-09 Effect workflow 28-08-09 Transition workflow 11-09-09 Plug effects and transition workflow 25-09-09

From 19-06 to 01-07 : Some small vacations :)

This will need a bit of a formating work ;)

