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Willkommen bei der Videolan Wiki,
Die Referenz-Dokumentation und Tipps für VideoLAN-Projekte.
Wir haben derzeit 763 Artikel.

Was ist VideoLAN?

VideoLAN ist ein Open Source Team und eine Gemeinde die entwickelt und Video-Projekte unterstützt.

VideoLAN produziert kostenlose Software unter der GNU General Public Lizenz.

VideoLAN Informationen

See how you can contact the Team.

VideoLAN Projekte

Here is a short list of the main projects hosted by the VideoLAN Projekt:

  • VLC media player, the core and main program, is a complete video solution that is a player, a live transcoder and a streamer.
  • MiniSAPServer ist ein SAP-Server.
  • x264, ein kostenloser H264 / AVC-Encoder.


  • libdvdcss, a C library to access DVDs without having to bother about the decryption.
  • libdca, ein DTS Coherent Akustik Dekoder.
  • libdvbpsi, eine C Bibliothek zum dekodieren und generieren von MPEG TS und DVB PSI-Tablen.

Entdecken Sie auch weniger bekannte Projekte.

VLC Media Player 3.0.12

VLC herunterladen!

Was ist VLC?

VLC für Ihre Plattform...

Tipps und Tricks

Support / Get Help

Official Documentation


Unsere Wissensdatenbank hat Informationen in


Fehler berichten

Help the project

In this section, you can find how you can help and participate to the VideoLAN project, you being a programmer or not.

Developers Corner

VideoLAN is also a development community that you can join.

You can help VideoLAN by developing, doing artwork, doing translations ...

The Developers Corner contains various information relative to development: Howtos, work in progress, ...

Wiki bearbeiten!

Please note that to modify the content of the Wiki, or to submit articles or FAQ questions, you need to be identified. Please create an account, this is very fast.

Checkout the special VideoLAN wiki syntax for this wiki.

Feel free to add to this site, however, keep content appropriate and useful. This is not the place to report bugs or to request help. See our info on bug reporting.

You can try the wiki syntax in the Sandbox, the test page.