SoC 2008/Qt improvements

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This project is part of Google Summer of Code 2008.
Student: Lukas Durfina
Mentor: Jean-Baptiste Kempf

GSoC - QT improvements

Goals of my project:

  Fullscreen controller (FSC) for Linux and Windows
  make VLC interface for Phonon to provide it as backend
  playlist enhancements

GIT repo

web browsing:;a=summary

getting code: git clone git://

feel free to clone, compile, test and make feedback

Work timetable

26th May - start of coding

9th June - FSC should be mostly done, start Phonon part of project 9th - 12th June - one or two free days caused by bachelor exams

3th August - VLC Phonon backend should be greatly working 4th August - start coding around playlist

5th September - end of the SoC project

Status of work

26th May

          prototype of fullscreen controller is working on linux,
          but on windows there is issue with hidding of FS controller
          I requested Tanguy Krotoff for svn account in VLC(-mplayer) Phonon backend repository

28th May

          I have account in VLC(-mplayer) Phonon backend repository
          FSC works in unintergrated and integrated video

29th May

          hidding on windows is working, it is done by trick, but
          searching for resolving problem with hide() continue