SoC 2008 Rules

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Revision as of 06:29, 18 March 2008 by J-b (talk | contribs) (→‎Rules)
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Those rules are mostly for x264 and VLC.

Those rules are quite flexible for any situation.


We don't like rules.

We like freedom and having fun with software programming.

However, we have no choice, seeing past experiences and issues. :'(

Summer Generalities

If you are a student, we expect that:

  • You don't have a full-time job during your summer if you are doing SoC at the same time,
  • You are of good will to work within VideoLAN team.

If you are a mentor, we expect that:

  • You are willing to work with one student and answers his questions.


To be selected, students will have to:

  • Show on IRC,
  • Join the mailing lists (x264-devel or vlc-devel, according to your project),
  • Select an idea,
  • Say hello to your potential mentor and admin.
  • Learn about the code you should modify (where in the source, what is the idea...),
  • Be able to compile a VLC for your platform (for VLC development) and learn how to use Git.
  • Complete the Google admission and give a planning idea.

During the summer

Student expectations

  • Student explain your planning to mentor and admin (not everyone has the same vacations)
  • Student should report a small mail once a week to both mentor and admin during the time agreed (failure to do that will fail the application )
  • Student should commit one your personal git branch once a week, except the first week of your schedule (or more if your project is complex)

Explaining why you can't work one week is fine. Disappearing without notice is not.

  • Update wiki status page.

Student rights

  • Ask questions and stupid questions to anyone
  • Bother the mentor with questions
  • Ask the admin for another mentor if the mentor doesn't answer or doesn't answer adequately.

Students will be considered as full-right developers.

Mentor expectations

  • Mentor should talk to admins to any problems as fast as noticed
  • Mentor should tell admins if they can't make it to have another mentor.

Mentor rights

  • Fail a student :D



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