VLC HowTo/Use with a Creative remote
This page describes how to to use VLC media player with a Creative brand remote control on Windows XP. | Other "how to" pages |
This guide describes the steps required to configure Creative brand remotes that come with Creative sound cards to work with VLC.
This should be compatible with any Creative brand sound card and remote. Creative Remote Center is the application that recieves and passes remote commands to other applications, and it is therefore necessary to install and run. It translates key presses on the remote into application commands through the use of key files. Exact keymap settings are not given because they vary by remote model and how the VLC hotkeys are mapped.
Open (your remote).RCI file
From the installation directory of Creative Remote Center, navigate to /Rc/RCRx
There will probably be several files with the .rci file extension. Open the one that matches the model number of your remote with any text editor such as Notepad.
Each set of four lines represent one button recognized by the remote. There are two values you will need for each button: MMCDEvent
number, and KeyName
[RCKeyCode########] A button on the remote control. MMCDEvent=#### The code sent by the remote when that button is pressed. KeyName=''String'' Identifies the button pressed. OneShot=# Send multiple signals while button is held down (volume, for instance) or just a single button press signal.
Create wxWindowClassNR.key
Creative Remote Center sends application commands from the remote through key files. If there is a key file with the same name as the window that currently has focus, Remote Center will be able to send commands to it.
VLC uses wxWindowClassNR
as the main application window. Create a key file with that name in order to control it with Remote Center.
From the Creative Remote Center install directory, navigate to /Rc/KeyMap
and create a file called wxWindowClassNR.key
. This file will contain the keymap to control VLC. It will look like a windows registry file, but just open it with a text editor.
Make the file header
The first seven lines of every key file is nearly identical. Only the second line is important. It identifies which window this key file is going to control. It should be identical to the name of the file.
Copy and paste this into the beginning of the wxWindowClassNR.key file
[RC Key Map Information] Name=wxWindowClassNR Version=1.30 By=Creative Technology Ltd. Company=Creative Technology Ltd. Copyright=Copyright (C) 2001 Creative Technology Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Comments=
Keymap entries
The next section of the key file will be keymap entries.
Keymap format:
[KeyEvent####] #### corresponds to an MMCDEvent number in the .RCI file. KeyName=''String'' ''String'' is displayed via the Remote Center On Screen Display when you press the button. Notification=# # can be one of several values, but for our purposes should be -1 or possibly 2. Details later. KeyEventRemap=## ## is a value that corresponds to the keyboard key you want the button mapped to.
Notification values: -1 - Sends the KeyEventRemap value to the window that has focus. ASCII decimal format. 2 - Sends the KeyEventRemap value to the highlighted window. non-ASCII format. {3,4,5} - Used in the Default.key key file. Don't use these!
Use Notification=-1
for simple keyboard keys that have an ASCII representation.
Use Notification=2
for key combinations involving Ctrl, Alt, and Shift. Not all of the non-ASCII codes are known because Creative has not released the information, however some people have worked on discovering the values. [http://forums.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=soundblaster