TODO for DBus integration
List all signals, methods with their arguments and return value
Decide service bahaviour
Could vlc be a on-demand startable service, would it be useful ?
We just have to create a /usr/share/dbus-1/org.videolan.vlc.service:
[D-BUS Service]
Exec=/usr/bin/vlc -I dummy --control dbus
Clarify one instance mode
Now if vlc is built with D-Bus >= 1.0.0 it will automatically register org.videolan.vlc, and no other instances of vlc will be allowed to replace the service.
When vlc starts it registers the org.videolan.vlc service on the session bus
- if it succeeds, it register '/' object on it
- if it fails:
- if "one-instance" is false, just warn that it didn't register the service
- if "one-instance" is true, the mrls given on the command line are passed to the owner of org.videolan.vlc through D-Bus interface
When D-Bus control interface starts, it does:
- unregister '/'
- register '/org/videolan/vlc'
Missing features
volume control => VolumeGet and VolumeSet
playlist => hard.... could we use xspf ?
timing of the input element (position, jump)
preferences ?
List of signals and methods
'ItemChange' 's' : Emitted when a new input element is played, the string contains the filename, or the input name if it has some metadata.
'NewInstance' 'i' : Emitted when vlc control interface is started, with vlc pid
'GetPlayStatus' ->'s' : return "play" "pause" "stopped" or "unknown"
'GetPlayingItem' ->'s' : return the filename of the current item being played, or it's name if it has some metadata. Same data provided by "ItemChange"
'ToglePause' ->'b' : toggle the play/pause status, and start playing if it was stopped, return true if playing, false if paused
'AddMRL' 'sb'-> : add string to the playlist, and play it if bool is true
'Nothing' -> : do nothing, just here for tests, and code example
'Quit' -> : exits vlc
'Stop' -> : stop playlist
'Prev' -> : plays previous playlist item
'Next" ""->"" : plays next playlist item