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Installing VLC on Debian GNU/Linux

If you are using Debian Lenny, Squeeze, Wheezy, or Sid then you can install VLC using the APT package manager.

For more up to date packages, please take the VLC packages from squeeze-backports-sloppy or wheezy-backports.

Just log into a terminal, "Accessories>Terminal" as root, using either sudo or su, (if this is confusing, type "man sudo" or "man su", without the quotation marks, for detailed instructions) then type the following and you are done:

   # apt-get install vlc

Look out there are many deprecated vlc based packages like gnome-vlc etc. Just installing vlc will do.

Many vlc plugins can be installed afterwards (some of these are no longer used and are "dummy packages"):

 vlc-plugin-alsa    - ALSA audio output plugin for VLC (install it if sound doesn't work)
 vlc-plugin-arts    - aRts audio output plugin for VLC (install it if sound still doesn't work and you're using KDE)
 vlc-plugin-esd     - Esound audio output plugin for VLC (install it if sound still doesn't work and you're using Gnome)
 vlc-plugin-ggi     - GGI video output plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-glide   - Glide video output plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-sdl     - SDL video and audio output plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-svgalib - SVGAlib video output plugin for VLC
 mozilla-plugin-vlc - the VLC plugin for Mozilla based browsers

All the above plugins are available in Debian Etch as well.

Nvidia problem with VLC in Debian

If you use nvidia-xconfig it's possible that the screen goes into standby when playing a movie with vlc. To correct the problem, we must comment (put a # in front of the line) on the option "DPMS" in your file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'.