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Answers to some common problems people encounter with VLC. More help is available in the

Installing VLC

On Mac OS 9

The Official FAQ page also answers this question – the important points from there are mentioned below.

  • Sorry, VLC will not work on OS 9, and probably never will. However, Mac OS X is supported - Find out Why

Compiling VLC

How do I compile VLC?

Mozilla Firefox Plugin

  • Debian: All you need is to download the vlc plugin package - mozilla-plugin-vlc (stable release)
  • All Linux: To make the firefox plugin with the vlc player, you will first need the Firefox Development package (from: ubuntu ...). Then, when you compile, run ./configure with --enable-mozilla, and if needed with --with-mozilla-sdk-path=/path_to_firefox_sdk

"Missing header file ffmpeg/avcodec.h" and "Missing header file postproc/postprocess.h" Errors

  • When you run ./configure, make sure that at least the following flags are set (descriptions of these avaliable from ./configure --help )
./configure --enable-shared --enable-shared-pp --enable-pp --enable-gpl
  • The path of ffmpeg is not set. Check if you can locate the file libavcodec.pc on your computer, and export PKG_CONFIG_PATH to where you found it before running ./configure. For example
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/you/ffmpeg/

"cc1: error: invalid option `tune=opteron'" Error on 64-bit systems

  • One user writes: "From what I can see, the -mtune flag is not available for this type of processor in man gcc. I had to change the configure options comment out all the lines where they set mcpu or mtune flags.) I don't know if this is the correct way to proceed but was the only way for me to get results fast."

"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11" Error on 64-bit systems

  • In configure, there is an x_libraries variable there that is set to "/usr/X11R6/lib" (around line 16371). Because it is a 64 bit system, this variable needs to be /usr/X11R6/lib64. After changing that, it should continue compiling.

Problems Starting VLC

I can't use VLC 0.8 (or later) with Mac OSX 10.1.5

  • VLC 0.7.0 is last one which supports OSX 10.1.5. It is a good idea to upgrade to 10.2, as this is much faster than 10.1.5 even on pretty slow Macs.

Error Messages

Error messages can be viewed by selecting Messages from the View menu.

main private error: no sout mux module matched "ts"

  • This can be an error if libdvbpsi was not installed when vlc was compiled. To fix this error, install libdvbpsi; then re-compile vlc. libdvbpsi

main dialogs provider error: no dialogs provider module matched "any"

Problems playing types of files

WMV files

  • The latest versions of WMV video (known as wmv3) are not supported by VLC. This format will be supported when the specs are made public - expected to be within a year. On some Windows systems they can be played now, as VLC will attempt to decode the files using software included with Windows.
  • Linux (x86) workarround:
    1. Find the win32 codecs (win32codecs). Like, here!
    2. Extract the files to the /usr/lib/win32 or /usr/local/lib/win32 directories
    3. Compile VLC with --enable-dmo --enable-loader

Real Media files

  • Realmedia files (.rm, .rpm, etc) are proprietary (ie, copyrighted) file formats, created by RealNetworks. Because of this, VLC can't support them at present.

QuickTime Files (.mov)

  • Mov file doesn't play, but plays ok in QuickTime
    • open the url in QuickTime player
    • let it decide which datarate is best for your connection
    • let it play for a few seconds, then pause it
    • open the stream info, copy the url
    • open & save that one in VLC

Flash Video Files (.flv)

  • Flash Video support has recently been added (provided through ffmpeg) - to view .flv files you will need version 0.8.4a. Download and install the latest version here.

Other Files

The Official FAQ page also answers this question – the important points from there are mentioned below.

  • Make sure that the file isn't corrupted

VLC and Other Programs


  • To use AMR, you'll need to compile vlc and ffmpeg with amr support yourself. This is because the amr license is not compatible with the vlc license.


Problems Playing DVDs

Unable to play any DVDs

The Official FAQ page also answers this question – the important points from there are mentioned below.

  • Linux: To play DVDs with VLC in linux, you need to install the libdvdcss package
  • Make sure you have access rigths to your DVD player. In linux, you can use chmod to edit access rights to your DVD block device:
    • # chmod 666 /dev/dvd
    • The videolan FAQ seems to suggest you need write access to this device - is this true? If you know, please edit this entry.

Playing DVDs from other Region Codes

The Official FAQ page also answers this question – the important points from there are mentioned below.

  • The ability to play DVDs from all regions depends mostly on your DVD drive, and testing it is usually the quickest way to find out if your DVD drive can do it. Most newer DVD drives are RPC2 drives, which don't allow raw access to the drive untill the drive firmware has done a regioncheck. VLC uses libdvdcss and it needs raw access to the DVD drive to crack the encryption key. So with these drives it is impossible to circumvent the region protection. (This goes for all software. You will need to flash your drives firmware, but sometimes there is no alternate firmware available for your drive). On other RPC2 drives that DO allow raw access, it might take VLC a long time to crack the key. So just pop the disc in your drive and try it out, while you get a coffee. RPC1 drives should 'always' work regardless of the regioncode.

Poor Quality Video and Audio

The video runs but the picture is distorted

The Official FAQ page also answers this question – the important points from there are mentioned below.

  • Linux: There is probably a problem with the output layer. There are several ways of troubleshooting it.
    • First, try with another output plugin, for instance:
       % vlc -V sdl
       % vlc -V x11
    • Second, change your screen depth and/or definition. It quite often helps.
    • Lastly, if running Unix, have a look at your XFree86 video driver.

Video is choppy

The Official FAQ page also answers this question – the important points from there are mentioned below.

  • Your system may be too slow to decode all pictures. Sometimes, your CPU (computer) really isn't fast enough, but often the situation can be improved by changing your system configuration to be a bit kinder to VLC.
    • Quit other programs running in the background
    • Turn on DMA on your DVD device:
      • Linux:
        # hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd
      • Windows: go to the System section of the control panel, and go to the Hardware manager (it is sometimes in a separate tab, and sometimes, you have to go to the Advanced tab. Then, righ-click on your DVD player, and check the DMA checkbox.
    • Upgrade to the latest driver for your video board.
    • Linux: you can additionnaly upgrade your drivers to the latest XFree86 version. If supported, check that the xvideo plug-in is effectively used with:
       % vlc -vvvv

Audio and video are out of sync

The Official FAQ page also answers this question – the important points from there are mentioned below.

  • If you are transcoding a file, use the audio-sync option.
  • You can manually set the audio offset while playing (so you can put the audio back in sync). The default keys in Windoes are Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J to increase/decreas the delay.
  • Linux/Unix: Try using another audio output plugin and, under Unix, kill esd or artsd if they are running. If the problem is due to the input file, have a look at the "Audio desynchronisation compensation" option.

Problems with Streaming

main input error: no suitable access module for `rtsp://some_url'

vlc needs livemedia from live555.com to read rtsp stream this way.

You can check you have it by :

  vlc -l | grep live

It should read

 livedotcom            live.com (RTSP/RTP/SDP) demuxer
 livedotcom            RTSP/RTP access and demux

If not, you have to install liblivemedia-dev (name of Debian package).

Problems converting between file formats (transcoding)

Missing Audio and/or Video

  • Certain containers (aka muxers) can only hold certain types of video and audio - look at Streaming features

VLC Crashes


The Official FAQ page also answers this question – the important points from there are mentioned below.

  • If VLC crashes, the following steps will help determine the cause.
    • Increase the verbosity level (either in the preferences or with a -vvvv command line option) and look at the debug messages (in the terminal or in the Messages window).
  • If you are convinced that it is a bug in VLC, have a look at the bug reporting page.

When using DirectShow (eg Webcam)

This has also been discussed in the forum

  • There was a bug a while back when you tried to stream using a directshow/webcam it would reboot the computer. The fix was to specify the resolution on the command line or in the "Advanced" section when opening the directshow.

Other Problems

I only want one VLC player!

  • To use the same VLC player for all the media files, go to Settings, Preferences

Licensing, legal issues and logo use

  • Information on this is avaliable on the main videolan website, videolan.org. Also read the Legal concerns section of the FAQ.
  • This is a wiki site: it is editabale by all, so it is best to check to official website.

Fixing Strange Behaviour

The Official FAQ page also answers this question – the important points from there are mentioned below.

  • The first thing to do is to reset the VLC preferences in the preferences dialog of the application and restart VLC. If VLC doesn't even start anymore, delete VLC's configuration file (where is it?). Then restart VLC. If it does not get any better, read the rest of this page or FAQ page, or ask for help at the forum.