
From VideoLAN Wiki
Revision as of 17:17, 19 January 2015 by Leoujzvlc (talk | contribs) (→‎History)
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Development environment

To develop VLC for iOS, you need:

  • Mac OS X Lion (or later)
  • Latest XCode version (4.6.3 works so far)
  • A correct shell (we recommend iTerm2 and zsh)
  • CocoaPods (for dependency management)

Get the source

If you want to develop VLC for iOS, it is highly recommended that you use the git version:

git clone git://

Build it

Build it for the simulator.

sh -s

Wait, and grab a coffee.

Manually assign the code sign in Xcode, and build it for devices.


Grab a second coffee. :)

Better to have a look at the usage() function in, you might need -s to enable debug, -l or -n to save some time when you need to rebuild the project.

You might encounter lots of issues, just google it. Sometimes the issues might be about the project itself or the dependenies or the dependencies of the dependencies (:(the latest git and the dependencies might change at anytime), please report to the irc or trac, sometimes you might have to wait for a patch


Open the .xcworkspace (not .xcodeproj) in Xcode and click on Run.

Buliding release version needs code signing

Before running simulator in Xcode, run .sh with -s first; Before running iphoneos in Xcode, run .sh without -s first.

Send patches

You can create patches and send them to our mailing list ios@v.o, or on our IRC.

Please see Git#Submitting_patches on how to send patches...


If everything goes well, congratulations to Lucky You! If not, please report any problem to our mailing list ios@v.o, or on our IRC.

This might help you more than Google, because everything might change at anytime.


The first version of this howto was written by jb on 18 July 2013.

Previous Version

The old version of the app can be compiled using this howto.