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From VideoLAN Wiki
Revision as of 23:14, 6 November 2013 by J-b (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to VideoLAN's Wiki,
The reference documentation and tips on VideoLAN's projects.
We currently have 763 articles.

What is VideoLAN?

VideoLAN is a team and a community that develop and support open source video projects.

What is VLC?

VLC media player 3.0.12 is a multimedia player to play every media format on all platforms.

Download VLC!

Edit the Wiki!

This website is a Wiki, please edit it! Keep content appropriate and useful.

To modify the content of the Wiki, you need to create an account, which this is very fast.

NB: This is not the place to report bugs or to request help.

Check out our VideoLAN wiki syntax and our test page.