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Revision as of 09:39, 16 December 2010 by HacKurx (talk | contribs) (Nvidia DPMS by HacKurx)
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Installing VLC on Debian GNU/Linux

If you are using Debian Lenny, Squeeze, Wheezy, or Sid then you can install VLC using the Apt manager.

Just log into a terminal, "Accessories>Terminal" as root, using either sudo or su, (if this is confusing, type "man sudo" or "man su", without the quotation marks, for detailed instructions) then type the following and you are done:

   # apt-get install vlc

Look out there are many deprecated vlc based packages like gnome-vlc etc. Just installing vlc will do.

Many vlc plugins can be installed afterwards (some of these are no longer used and are "dummy packages"):

 vlc-plugin-alsa    - ALSA audio output plugin for VLC (install it if sound doesn't work)
 vlc-plugin-arts    - aRts audio output plugin for VLC (install it if sound still doesn't work and you're using KDE)
 vlc-plugin-esd     - Esound audio output plugin for VLC (install it if sound still doesn't work and you're using Gnome)
 vlc-plugin-ggi     - GGI video output plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-glide   - Glide video output plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-sdl     - SDL video and audio output plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-svgalib - SVGAlib video output plugin for VLC
 mozilla-plugin-vlc - the VLC plugin for Mozilla based browsers

All the above plugins are available in Debian Etch as well.

Nvidia problem with VLC in Debian

If you use nvidia-xconfig it's possible that the screen goes into standby when playing a movie with vlc. To correct the problem, we must comment (put a # in front of the line) on the option "DPMS" in your file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'.