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MDC, the missing manual

This page contains some hard-won but still incomplete information that the boys at mozilla conveniently forget to tell you and that may be useful for developing mozilla plugins (such as our vlc plugin).

General structure

Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) conforming plugins have a number of entry points that vary across platforms a bit in number and precise function per entry point. Those entry points together must mainly do two things: One) tell the browser what MIME-type(s) this plugin supports, and two) setup two function pointer tables.

The first table contains pointers to functions inside the browser that the plugin may call. This table apparently must be copied to local storage and due to the structure will end up as a global for the plugin so it may as well be a statically allocated global, though there is a shutdown entry point to clean up any dynamic allocations after the last instance.

The second table contains pointers to functions the plugin exports to the browser to call. The browser will create a new instance by calling the new function pointer for each place in a webpage that the plugin is needed, and all the other functions will be called with a reference to such an instance.

Enabling script interaction with the plugin should be done using the "NPAPI scripting extensions". This can be done by exporting the desired scripting interfaces through implementing NPObject derivates.

"And we've completely removed support for XPCOM plugins from Mozilla 1.9.2 (Firefox 3.6).
Benjamin Smedberg posting in on

"XPCOM plugins" may or may not be different from "xulrunner extensions". Clarification needed.


Compiling a plugin is a bit sparsely documented but the gist seems to be to use pkg-config mozilla-plugin and to add a few choice flags. Thus on linux I have (which may or may not be correct):

PKGCONFIG=`which pkg-config`
MOZILLA_PLUGIN_CFLAGS=`$(PKGCONFIG) --cflags mozilla-plugin`
MOZILLA_PLUGIN_LIBS=`$(PKGCONFIG) --libs mozilla-plugin`

CXXFLAGS+=-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wl,-z,defs -shared \
LDFLAGS+= -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic \
        $(MOZILLA_PLUGIN_LIBS) npplugin.o
        $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $< -o $@

npplugin.o: npplugin.cpp


One way to get more useful output out of nspr-based browsers (firefox, epiphany at least) is to set two environment variables:


However, I have failed to find a comprehensive list of modules to choose from.  all:5 works but is perhaps a bit too verbose. The default for NSPR_LOG_FILE appears to be stderr. On windows the special WinDebug which redirects to OutputDebugString().


Module name function
all enable all log modules
sync enable unbuffered logging
timestamp prefix log messages with an UTC timestamp (NSPR 4.8 or later)
bufsize:size set the log buffer size
nsNativeModuleLoader xulrunner/XPCOM component loading
mime MailNews applications (SeaMonkey/Thunderbird)
In debug builds also: imapoffline, bayesianfilter, msgcompose, mapi, nsaboutlookcardlog, nsabwinhelperlog, ldapautocomplete, nswabaddressbook, nsaboutlookdirectorylog, movemail, msgbiff, msgpurge, appleimportlog, import
nsRDFService RDF service
nsXULTemplateBuilder template rule network construction and subsequent use
InMemoryDataSource Assert(), Unassert(), HasAssertion(), etc. for most datasources.
nsComponentManager XPCOM, clarification needed
MCD autoconfig?
HelperAppService save as related?
negotiateauth Found in modauthkerb documentation