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Revision as of 19:53, 2 December 2007 by Hovis (talk | contribs) (added reset option)
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VLC uses this protocol (or access module) to read data from a device or network.

module options

     --v4l-caching <integer>    Caching value in ms
     --v4l-vdev <string>        Video device name
     --v4l-adev <string>        Audio device name
     --v4l-chroma <string>      Video input chroma format
     --v4l-fps <float>          Framerate
     --v4l-samplerate <integer> Samplerate
     --v4l-channel <integer>    Channel
     --v4l-tuner <integer>      Tuner
     --v4l-norm {3 (Automatic), 2 (SECAM), 0 (PAL), 1 (NTSC)}
     --v4l-frequency <integer>  Frequency
     --v4l-audio <integer>      Audio Channel
     --v4l-stereo, --no-v4l-stereo
                                Stereo (default enabled)
     --v4l-width <integer>      Width
     --v4l-height <integer>     Height
     --v4l-brightness <integer> Brightness
     --v4l-colour <integer>     Color
     --v4l-hue <integer>        Hue
     --v4l-contrast <integer>   Contrast
     --v4l-mjpeg, --no-v4l-mjpeg
                                MJPEG (default disabled)
     --v4l-decimation <integer> Decimation
     --v4l-quality <integer>    Quality


VLC uses this protocol (or access module) to read data from a device or network.

module options

     --v4l2-dev <string>         Video device name (default /dev/video0)
     --v4l2-adev <string>        Audio device name (default /dev/dsp)
     --v4l2-standard <string>    Default, SECAM, PAL, NTSC
     --v4l2-chroma <string>      Video input chroma format. The default is to auto detect.
     --v4l2-input <integer>      Input of the card to use (0 is the default).
                                             * 0=tuner
                                             * 1=composite
                                             * 2=svideo
     --v4l2-io <string>          Read method for the video.
                                             * READ = Basic read()
                                             * MMAP = Memory mapped buffer (the default)
                                             * USERPTR = User buffer pointer
     --v4l2-fps <float>          Frame rate per second (0 = Unrestricted - the default)
     --v4l2-width <integer>      Try picture width (-1 = auto detect)
     --v4l2-height <integer>     Try picture height (-1 = auto detect)
     --v4l2-brightness <integer> Brightness
     --v4l2-contrast <integer>   Contrast
     --v4l2-saturation <integer> Saturation
     --v4l2-hue <integer>        Hue
     --v4l2-gamma <integer>      Gamma
     --v4l2-stereo <bool>        Stereo audio (default true)
     --v4l2-samplerate <integer> Audio sample rate (default 48000)
     --v4l2-caching <integer>    Caching value in ms
     --v4l2-videocontrol-reset   Reset control values to the device defaults

Source code