LibVLC Media List Management
Global Description of the available objects
The atomic item that represent a media that you can play is a media_descriptor in LibVLC.
A media_list is an object that contains several media_descriptor. You can add items to that media_list.
A media_list_view is an object that provide a way to see/browse a media_list (Read-only). There are currently two kind of media_list_view:
- a flat media list view
- a hierarchical media list view
You can play a media_list using a media_list_player.
A media descriptor can contain a media list
A playlist downloaded from Google video has a corresponding media_descriptor. This media_descriptor has several subitems. You can access them through libvlc_media_descriptor_subitems() which returns a media_list.
This explains how a media_list can be hierarchical. To browse it you'll use libvlc_media_list_hierarchy_view(). To view the all the item without hierarchy use libvlc_media_list_flat_view().