VLC HowTo/Play on Zune

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This page describes how to make your Video Files playable on a Zune. Other "how to" pages

To play on this device, the file you copy to it needs to be of the correct format. This format is summarized below:

Video Codec wmv2 (WMV), wmv3 (WMV)
Audio Codec wma (wma)
Container avi (AVI), asf (ASF)
Size 320x240, 320x180

To make the video the correct size, you can edit the preferences, or run vlc from a command prompt.

CLI Example

This is based on the cmd file from iPod. Don't forget to point %outdir% to your target directory. This will handle drag-and-drop batch conversion.

 @REM Remove the quotes from %1 variable for vlc paramters
 @SET infile=%1
 @SET infile=%infile:"=%
 @REM Strip directory paths from %1 ...
 @FOR /F "delims=" %%i in ("%infile%") do SET filename=%%~ni
 @SET outdir=e:\transcodes\
 @SET outfile=%outdir%%filename%.wmv
 "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -vvv "%infile%" :sout="#transcode{width=320, canvas-height=240, vcodec=WMV3, vb=768, acodec=WMA, ab=128, channels=2}:standard{access=file,mux=asf,url=%outfile%}" vlc:quit

You have to attach the two last lines, there are separated for presentation purpose