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Revision as of 02:44, 14 December 2006 by J-b (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to Videolan's Wiki,
The reference documentation and tips on VideoLAN's projects.
763 articles in English

What is VideoLAN ?

VideoLAN is an Open Source team and a community that develop and support video projects.

VideoLAN produces free software projects under the GNU GPL Licence.

VideoLAN infos

See how you can contact the team.

Intellectual Properties


VideoLAN's projects

Here is a short list of the projects linked more or less closely to the VideoLAN project:

  • VLC media player, the core and main program, is a complete video solution that can play many types of media files and streamed media. It can also create media streams, save and transcode media files in different formats and quality than the original file.
  • VLS is a streaming server, used for professional streaming solutions. It shares some features with VLC. It is deprecated and unmaintained.
  • VLCS It is deprecated and unmaintained.
  • VLMS It is deprecated and unmaintained.
  • libdvdcss, a C library to access DVDs without having to bother about the decryption.
  • libdvbpsi, a C library to decode and generate MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables.
  • x264, a H264 / AVC encoder, that is still under heavy development.
  • libdca, a DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder.
  • libdvdplay, a DVD navigation library.

VLC media player

Get VLC! Download VLC!

What is VLC media player ??

Advice for VLC on your platform...

Tips and Tricks

Official Documentation

Knowledge Base

Our Knowledge Base has information on

Developers Corner

VideoLAN is also a development community that you can join.

You can help videolan by developing, doing artwork, promoting us, ...

The Developers Corner contains various information relative to development: Howtos, work in progress, ...

Edit the Wiki!

Please note that to modify the content of the Wiki, or to submit articles or FAQ questions, you need to be identified. Please create an account, this is very fast. Feel free to add to this site, however, keep content appropriate and useful. This is not the place to report bugs or to request help. See our info on bug reporting.

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