Code of Conduct

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Shared Values

This Code of Conduct presents a vision of the shared values and thinking in the VideoLAN community.

In short:

  • Be considerate and respectful
  • Be collaborative
  • Be pragmatic and concise
  • Ask if you don't know, share if you know
  • Be inclusive
  • Be patient

Be considerate and respectful

VideoLAN has millions of users and hundreds of contributors. What you do and contribute will impact the life of others. Think about your actions.

There is absolutely no excuse for personal attacks, racism, sexism or any other form of discrimination based on religion, politics, Linux distribution, Operating System or else.
Respect everyone, no matter what is their level of implication in VideoLAN.

In a disagreement, in the first instance assume that people mean well. A community where people feel comfortable is a productive one.

Be collaborative

Be pragmatic and concise

Ask if you don't know, share if you know

Be inclusive

Be patient

Communications rules

Valid for all means of communications:

  • Do not use foul language, and absolutely NO insults will be tolerated.
  • Do not to flame or troll; it is not funny anymore. And, you won't ever reach sam troll level.
  • Use common sense all the time.

Mailing lists

When using the VideoLAN mailing lists, please follow these rules:

  • The mailing lists exist to foster the development and use of VideoLAN. Non-constructive or off-topic messages, along with other abuses, are not welcome.
  • Do not send spam.
  • Send all of your e-mails in English. Only use other languages on mailing lists where that is explicitly allowed.
  • Make sure that you are using the proper list. In particular, don't send user-related questions to developer-related mailing lists.
  • Wrap your lines at 80 characters or less for ordinary discussion. Lines longer than 80 characters are acceptable for computer-generated output (e.g., ls -l).
  • Do not top-post, unless it makes sense.
  • Never send your messages in HTML-only; use plain text instead.
  • Avoid sending large attachments. Attachments over 65k are usually moderated.
  • Do not send automated "out-of-office" or "vacation" messages.
  • Do not send "test" messages to determine whether your mail client is working. We have a test mailing list for that.
  • Do not send subscription or unsubscription requests to the list address itself; use the respective -request address instead.
  • Do not quote messages that were sent to you by other people in private mail, unless agreed beforehand.
  • When replying to messages on the mailing list, do not send a carbon copy (CC) to the original poster unless they explicitly request to be copied.
  • If you send messages to lists to which you are not subscribed, always note that fact in the body of your message.
  • If you want to explain to someone how to use a mailing list, please do it privately.


When using the VideoLAN IRC channels, please follow these rules:

  • Speak in English.
  • Never send your messages in colors; use plain text instead.
  • Do not send spam links.
  • Do not send "test" messages to determine whether your IRC client is working. We have a #test channel for that.
  • If you want to explain to someone how to use IRC, do it privately.
  • Do not quote messages that were sent to you by other people in private query, unless agreed beforehand.


  • Do not send spam.
  • Do not bump a topic several times per day.
  • Do not cross-post your question across sub-forums.
  • Do not edit too often your past posts.
  • Do not abuse administrative powers


  • Speak in English.
  • Do not send spam links.
  • Do not abuse administrative powers


  • Do not send spam.
  • Write all pages in English. Only use other languages on the translated pages, clearly marked as translated.
  • Do not revert other people contribution without discussing it with them.

Code repositories: Git / SVN / HG

Disciplinary actions

Violations of the code of conducts will be punished.


  1. The first violation will always get you just a simple warning, except if it is a grave or deliberate violation.
  2. The following violations will get the offender some of the disciplinary actions listed in the paragraphs below.
  3. For repetitive violations, the case may be escalated to VideoLAN board and general assembly for further disciplinary actions

In case of any disciplinary action, one of the member of the VideoLAN team will send an email to the offender and copy the association mailing list.

Disciplinary Actions

The following disciplinary actions may or may not be enforced when a direct CoC violation is reported.

NB: Before applying any of those following disciplinary policies, the VideoLAN team will try to discuss the problem with the offender in order to solve it in a more peaceful way. However, it is possible for the team to apply the penalty without discussions in severe CoC violations.


  • 24 hours ban from the IRC channel.
  • Every third violation, the developer will have a 7 days ban.


  • 24 hours ban from trac.
  • Removal of developer or admin rights.
  • Every third violation, the developer will lose the commit access for one day.

Mailing lists

  • 24 hours ban from the mailing list.
  • Every third violation, the developer will get a 7 days ban.
  • As one cannot develop without the mailing-lists, ban from *-devel mailing list will get a ban from commit access for one day on the related project.
  • For spam violations, the first ban can be longer or infinite.