Documentation:Installing VLC
There are VLC binaries available for the many OSes, but not for all supported ones. If there are no
binaries for your OS or if you want to change the default settings, you can compile VLC from sources.
VLC media player is compatible and works under Windows Operating Systems 2000/XP/Vista/7. It can also be used under Windows 95/98/Me using KernelEx.
- Download the self-extracting package (or the 7-zip/zip package, which requires an extraction first) from the VLC Windows download page.
- Launch the .exe to install VLC.
- Follow the steps in the installer.
- You read the terms of service and click "Next >" .
-You choose the components you wish to install and click "Next >" .
-You choose the installation folder with "Browse..." and when you are ready you click "Install".
Unattended/silent installation: Use "filename" /L="languagecode" /S. Example for english installation:
vlc-1.1.0-win32.exe /L=1033 /S
Mac OS X 100x100px
- Download the Mac OS X package from the VLC MacOS X download page.
- Double-click on the icon of the package: an icon will appear on your Desktop, right beside your drives.
- Open it and drag the VLC application from the resulting window to the place where you want to install it (it should be /Applications).
- Download the Zip file from the VLC BeOS download page.
- Unzip the file in a directory to install VLC.
Debian stable (lenny)
Add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb stable main deb-src stable main
Then, for a normal install, write the following commands in Terminal:
# apt-get update # apt-get install vlc libdvdcss2
Debian testing (squeeze)
You should not be using Debian testing unless you perfectly know what you are doing. It is almost impossible to support Debian testing and there are no plans to do it.
For more information on Debian testing, please look at the Testing Page.
Debian unstable (sid)
Add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb sid main deb-src sid main
Then, for a normal install, write the following commands in Terminal:
# apt-get update # apt-get install vlc libdvdcss2
Linux Mandrake
There are VLC packages for Mandrake 9.1 and Cooker.
To install them, add the following sources for either Mandrake 9.1 or Cooker (you can use Easy urpmi for that): contrib from the core distribution and plf(Penguin Liberation Front) from the external add-ons. Then install the required packages with urpmi: # urpmi libdvdcss2 libdvdplay0 wxvlc vlc-plugin-a52 vlc-plugin-ogg vlc-plugin-mad
Linux CentOS (EL5)150x100px
1. Download and install the latest rpmforge-release rpm (eg rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm)
2. Either;
# yum install vlc
or (if you have epel-release installed);
# yum --disablerepo='epel' install vlc
Linux Redhat
Download the RPM package vlc and the packages listed in the required libraries and codecs section (the other packages are optional) from the VLC Red Hat download page and put them all into the same directory. Then install the RPM packages you have downloaded:
# rpm -U *.rpm
If you have not installed all the RPM packages included with your distribution, you may be asked to install a few of them first.
Linux Ubuntu 
1. Installing VLC from Ubuntu Software Center
Search vlc media player in the Ubuntu Software Center and install it like shown in the image.
2.Installing VLC from the Terminal
Launch a Terminal from Applications/Accessories or simply press the shortcut key CTRl + ALT + T and type the following command in the terminal to Download and Install VLC Media Player.
# sudo apt-get install vlc
To launch VLC Go to Applications -> Sound & Video then look for VLC Player.
Compile the sources by yourself (for every other OS)
For more detailed information on compiling VLC by yourself, please have a look at the documentation on
our developers website.
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