SoC 2010/Youtube Integration VLMC

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This project is part of Google Summer of Code 2010.
Student: Rohit Yadav
Mentor: Ludovic Fauvet

Youtube Integration in VLMC




Goal Duration Status
Get Youtube Developer Key, study authentication protocol and start working on UI elements. April 24 - April 30
Implement and test authentication API in VLMC. UI->"sharing video option" should be implemented. Work on export movie project to flv(or other supported formats) and start studying and implementation of direct upload API. May 31 - June 20
Direct upload must be implemented by now(+/-1 week). Option in VLMC preference for Network Proxy settings and Youtube credentials. Start working on video searching and retrieval from Youtube. June 20 - June 27
Work on making custom widget that hold video thumbnails, searching window (with results from Youtube displayed across pages). By now project should reach completion of major objective given under milestone section. June 28 - July 25
Implement other Youtube APIs like updating video information, deleting video, create/update/delete playlist etc. Use these APIs in VLMC July 26 - August 8
Prepare final report for the mentor and patch covering all the work done during the SoC with all the documentation. August 9 - August 15
Submit patches to Google, SoC Over! >16 August



Building VLMC

For information on building VLMC from source visit: Building VLMC from Source