User talk:Tek

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Revision as of 12:10, 18 May 2009 by Tek (talk | contribs) (→‎Wiki)
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Websites' Status

Let me be clear: WE NEED HELP.

I mean, jokes aside, the website are not very maintained, but I did my best to regroup them a bit.


This wiki is out of date (I can update, just tell me what to update to)

It lacks extensions (tell me which ones to install)

It lacks correct group management (ideas are welcome)

It is still full of crap and need someone with good Wikimedia knowledge to bump it up.


The forum should be quite up-to-date (I don't trust phpBB security) and works quite correctly.


Trac is in a mess I can't describe... But well, we need a forge to do the same, and I haven't find one yet.

Main WWW

It needs some cleanup, some nice JS, some CSS improvements and some contents correction (VLC description sucks)

You can get the code on our svn, you know?


We need some simple to manage identification that would work on phpBB, trac and wiki. Any good idea?

Some suggestions and follow-up

Well, to start, thanks for the response and I'll suggest the little I can...


Rather than my own description, a more detailed explanation can be found here:

Manual:Upgrading (sorry for the external link, Interwiki links seem not to work here)

Upgrading makes sense, mainly for bug-fixes and security but also for the wealth of new features often introduced...

Upgrade done today to latest mediawiki jb 11:20, 18 May 2009 (UTC)

When it comes to extensions, I will have to think about which ones are relevant to this wiki and I will see if I can come back to you on that. In the meanwhile, perhaps some of the sysops around here could help?

We are a bit alone... I added the OpenID extension jb

Ah this is good to see. As you posted this message, I was in the process of writing a response to your above message about upgrading MediaWiki. I just successfully installed OpenID on my own private wiki as well to test its stability and was about to post the result when you mentioned that this is done. I will try and log in with my OpenID as soon as I finish this message and hopefully all is well! I just wanted to point out that the sidebar has a faulty link (sitesupport, under Immportant pages) and probably needs to be changed. Unfortunately, I can't quite place my finger on what was there but links to the Donations page on Wikimedia's wikis so perhaps that's where it should link to? Also, the icons from next to links seem to have disappeared. User:The_Thing? Tek 11:53, 18 May 2009 (UTC)
Oh dear... It seems that every time I finish a message here, another is posted beneath and I start again. I am just going to post this before it gets overwritten again :D Tek 11:53, 18 May 2009 (UTC)
Icons and CSS are back. OpenID still broken. DB tables weren't created jb 11:58, 18 May 2009 (UTC)
Hi, having had a look at the problem you mention, it is clear that the database hasn't been updated. The solution would be to run 'sudo php maintenance/update.php' in the mediawiki installation directory to update the database. This may take a few minutes...
Hurray! OpenID works!!!

In terms of group management, it makes sense for most of the pages on this wiki to be editable by anyone, as they are documentation and as such should be fine for anyone to edit. However, it may make sense to use FlaggedRevs as does Wikinews and mark certain pages for approval or to simply do as with Wikipedia and just ask for volunteers to watch the documentation as it changes (Special:Recentchanges) and correct any notable errors. This would probably not be inconceivable due to the low rate at which articles are currently updated here (a few a day).

As for good Wikimedia knowledge, while I certainly couldn't consider myself even vaguely qualified to help, I pick up on most things pretty quickly and have been managing my own private wiki for a few years and so may be able to help a little with the technical side of sorting out the wiki (e.g. templating, tidying up) if not necessarily the community side (though I have worked on/helped out with several small community run sites) as I know how Mediawiki works in a fair amount of detail. Once again however, perhaps some of the sysops I have seen around may know a fair bit about this?

So maybe add a power-user group? jb
Well, the in-house power-user group is usually sysops but it is quite possible, using wgGroupPermissions to add a power-user group with some, but not all sysop abilities. I could definitely help set that up if needed as I use wgGroupPermissions a lot myself... Perhaps a list could be made of which permissions they should have? This page should list all rights...


The forum appears to work beautifully and happily appears to be on the latest version of phpBB. Hurray!


While Trac does appear to be in a mess, it is certainly a brilliant and trusted bug tracking system, used by many projects and hence surely can't be impossible to get working again.

Unfortunately, of the mentioned systems, Trac is the one in which I have the least experience and hence without looking at it further myself, I couldn't really suggest much to be done.

When it comes to alternatives, Bugzilla is one, used by organisations such as the Linux kernel project, NASA and Facebook. However, if you wish to stick with Python, there is the excellent Roundup too.

However, it probably does make sense, rather than switching, to try and repair Trac and I will see if I can either have a look at it myself or find a friend with more experience with this bug tracker. Once again, I am sure there are some clear reasons for the errors involved.

Well I guess I'll have to hack on it manually. jb 11:51, 18 May 2009 (UTC)

Main WWW

Hmm... I will definitely have a look but the sites already have a personality to them, which spreads beautifully across the multiple sites (www, wiki, forum, though NOT Trac (note that Roundup and Bugzilla can be made to look very good)).

However, if I can see any improvements that can be made to the various sites I will try and suggest them.

WWW could get some JS and CSS improvements and could be simplified.


As noted in your [Admin TODO] page, the idea of OpenID being implemented is a good one and easily possible across all three systems:

and finally...

trac and mediawiki extensions installed: none work....
Hi, having had a look at the problem you mention, it is clear that the database hasn't been updated. The solution would be to run 'sudo php maintenance/update.php' in the mediawiki installation directory to update the database. This may take a few minutes... Tek 12:03, 18 May 2009 (UTC)


For one reason or another, your link to your 'IRCWeb' client appears not to work.

From: The link is to:

From: The link is to:

However neither of these actually works. (with the /webirc/ folder missing from the /videolan/ folder of your Subversion respository)

Perhaps this just needs to be copied into place?

For the meanwhile, the following link should work (using Mibbit):

Altogether, I hope this helps and that these issues can be resolved as soon as possible. Finally, do tell me if I can be of any help and you can of course e-mail me using: Special:Emailuser/Tek

Done for WebIRC jb 11:55, 18 May 2009 (UTC)

Hope this helps, Tek 14:49, 17 May 2009 (CEST)