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==Linking VLMC to libVLC==
==Linking VLMC to libVLC==
Have you built VLC in some directory like: ~/vlc/build i.e you have compiled VLC using ./configure --prefix=SOME_PATH
Have you built VLC in some directory like: ~/vlc/build  
i.e you have compiled VLC using ./configure --prefix=SOME_PATH, For example:
  ./configure --prefix=/home/user/vlc/build
1. Then, you need to link libVLC and add the include path to VLMC.
1. Then, you need to link libVLC and add the include path to VLMC.

Revision as of 23:08, 21 June 2009

Building VLMC from source

This wiki page has information on building VideoLAN Movie Creator, VLMC from source. VLMC (VideoLAN Movie Creator) is a free video editing software, offering features to realize semi-professional quality movies, but with the aim to stays simple and user-friendly.


VLMC requires Qt(4.5+), C++ compiler and libVLC.

To install Qt, refer: http://www.qtsoftware.com/downloads

To install libVLC, you are required to compile VLC

To get the current source of VLC player, refer: http://wiki.videolan.org/GetTheSource

For information on using Git, refer: http://wiki.videolan.org/Git

For Information on generic compilation of VLC, refer: http://wiki.videolan.org/Compile_VLC

In case you are interested in mailing list, goto:


We have two VLMC mailing lists:

 * vlmc-announce: Official announcements (release, events, ...)
 * vlmc-devel: Developers discussions

Getting the source

You can fetch the current working tree using Git:

 git clone git://github.com/VLMC/vlmc.git

Compiling VLMC

Following is the cleanest way of compiling VLMC (commands for *nix OS)

1. Download source code of VLC and VLMC as described in http://wiki.videolan.org/GetTheSource

 git clone git://git.videolan.org/vlc.git
 git clone git://github.com/VLMC/vlmc.git

2. Compile and install libVLC, libVLC is required by VLMC, for example:

 cd path_to_vlc_src
 sudo make install

3. Compile VLMC:

 qmake && make

Now, to run VLMC:


Now, start hacking ;-)

Linking VLMC to libVLC

Have you built VLC in some directory like: ~/vlc/build

i.e you have compiled VLC using ./configure --prefix=SOME_PATH, For example:

 ./configure --prefix=/home/user/vlc/build

1. Then, you need to link libVLC and add the include path to VLMC.

To do that, first open vlmc.pro file and add/edit LIB PATH as:

 LIBS = -L/path_to_vlc_build/lib \ 

For example:

 LIBS = -L/home/user/vlc/build/lib

2. Then, you need to edit INCLUDEPATH in vlmc.pro:


For example:

  INCLUDEPATH += src/LibVLCpp \
   src/gui \
   src/tools \
   src \

3. Now you need to add the path of libVLC to ld.so.conf so that linker knows the path of libVLC

 sudo vim /etc/ld.so.conf

Now, add path to libVLC in it:


Now, update linker cache:

 sudo ldconfig

If every thing's goes fine compile VLMC as describe in the "Compile" section of this page. This method is not advised as it may cause unnecessary problems.

The page was last updated on June 22, 2009