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{{Historical|The MediaControl IDL API was removed in 2010. Use the modern [[Python bindings|LibVLC Python API]] instead.}}
{{Historical|The MediaControl IDL API was removed in 2010. Use the modern [[Python bindings|LibVLC Python API]] instead.}}
{{example code|for=Python bindings}}
:''This page formerly contained example code for Python bindings.''
module VLC {
module VLC {

Revision as of 06:43, 14 August 2013

This page is obsolete and kept only for historical interest. It may document features that are obsolete, superseded, or irrelevant. Do not rely on the information here being up-to-date.
Additional information: The MediaControl IDL API was removed in 2010. Use the modern LibVLC Python API instead.
This page formerly contained example code for Python bindings.
module VLC {

  const float VERSION = 1.0;

  enum PositionOrigin {
    // Like relative, but wraps at the end of a file for instance:

  enum PositionKey {
    // For raw access
    // Frame number
    // In milliseconds

  struct Position {
    PositionOrigin origin;
    PositionKey key;
    long long value;

  exception PositionKeyNotSupported    { string message; };
  exception PositionOriginNotSupported { string message; };
  exception InvalidPosition            { string message; };
  exception PlaylistException          { string message; };
  exception InternalException          { string message; };

  typedef sequence<string> PlaylistSeq;
  typedef sequence<octet> ByteSeq;

  struct RGBPicture {
    short width;
    short height;
    long type;
    ByteSeq data;
    // Timestamp (absolute position in the movie) in ms
    long long date;

  struct StreamInformation {
    short width;
    short height;
    float aspect_ratio;
    long bitrate;
    string codec;
    string author;

  typedef sequence<RGBPicture> RGBPictureSeq;

  enum PlayerStatus { PlayingStatus, PauseStatus, ForwardStatus, BackwardStatus, InitStatus, EndStatus, UndefinedStatus };

  struct StatusInformation {
    PlayerStatus streamstatus;
    string url;             /* The URL of the current media stream   */
    long long position;     /* actual location in the stream (in ms) */
    long long length;       /* total length of the stream (in ms)    */

  interface Playlist 
    // Return a playlist item id
    int add(in string a_file)
      raises (PlaylistException);

    void next(in string a_file)
      raises (PlaylistException);

    void prev(in string a_file)
      raises (PlaylistException);

    // Set the new current item
    void set(int item_id)
      raises (PlaylistException);

    void remove(int item_id)
      raises (PlaylistException);

    // Clear the whole playlist
    void clear ()
      raises (PlaylistException);

    // Return the list of files in playlist
    PlaylistSeq get_list ()
      raises (PlaylistException);

  // MediaControl interface is similar to
  // ControlledStream interface in MSS.
  // It can be inherited by flow endpoints or
  // FlowConnection interfaces.
  interface MediaControl
    // *** Initialization
    // Exit the player
    oneway void exit ();

    // Return the IDL API version
    string get_api_version();

    // Return the player version (player name   version)
    string get_player_version();

    // *** Playback control
    // The a_position parameters are facultative.
    void start(in Position a_position)
      raises (InternalException, InvalidPosition, PlaylistException);

    void pause(in Position a_position)
      raises (InternalException, InvalidPosition);

    void resume(in Position a_position)
      raises (InternalException, InvalidPosition);

    void stop(in Position a_position)
      raises (InternalException, InvalidPosition);

    Position get_media_position(in PositionOrigin an_origin,
				in PositionKey a_key)
      raises (InternalException, PositionKeyNotSupported);

    void set_media_position(in Position a_position)
      raises (InternalException, PositionKeyNotSupported, InvalidPosition);

    // Rate control. The rate is a signed value, corresponding to
    // the percentage of the speed ( 100 = normal, -100 = reverse...)

    int get_rate()
      raises (InternalException);

    void set_rate(int rate)
      raises (InternalException);

    // *** Media information

    StatusInformation get_status_information ()
      raises (InternalException);

    // Return information about the current stream
    StreamInformation get_stream_information ()
      raises (InternalException);

    // *** Playlist handling
    Playlist playlist()
      raises (InternalException);

    // *** Video

    // Return a snapshot of the currently displayed picture
    RGBPicture snapshot (in Position a_position)
      raises (InternalException);

    // Return the whole snapshot cache contents
    RGBPictureSeq all_snapshots ()
      raises (InternalException);

    // Display the message string as caption, 
    // between "begin" and "end" positions
    void render_text (in string message, in Position begin, in Position end)
      raises (InternalException);

    // Set the visual ID (XID in X-Window, HWIN on Win32, ??? on MacOS
    // X) for the player window
    void set_visual(long xid)
      raises (InternalException);

    boolean get_fullscreen()
      raises (InternalException);

    void set_fullscreen(boolean full)
      raises (InternalException);

    // *** Audio

    // Volume is normalized in [0..100]
    unsigned short sound_get_volume()
      raises (InternalException);

    void sound_set_volume(in unsigned short volume)
      raises (InternalException);

    void sound_mute()
      raises (InternalException);