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{{See also|Command-line interface|Console|label2=Console interfaces}}
Running the command
vlc --help
will create a .TXT file containing all the command-line options.
You can also use this to get more exhaustive list:
vlc -H
If you look for help, on a particular module, you can also use
vlc -p module --advanced --help-verbose
<code>--help-verbose</code> explains things. Omit this option if too much output is generated
To view this without leaving the command-line in Windows, use the following command (assuming you installed it in the default folder):
more "{{VLC folder|windows}}\vlc-help.txt"
This trick uses the command-line command <code>more</code> to show the file screen-by-screen. Pressing spacebar will advance the output a screen at a time, and pressing enter will advance the output one line at a time.
Undocumented option:
-vv    "Verbose verbose". Verbose output (debug infos can be displayed by selecting "Debug logging" interface under View->Add Interface menu)
Here's the output of ''vlc -H'' of vlc-4.0.0-dev under Windows. If the text is too small, pressing <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> and <kbd>+</kbd> together in most browsers will increase the font size (reset with <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> and <kbd>0</kbd> together).
Usage: vlc [options] [stream] ...
You can specify multiple streams on the commandline.
They will be enqueued in the playlist.
The first item specified will be played first.
  --option  A global option that is set for the duration of the program.
  -option  A single letter version of a global --option.
  :option  An option that only applies to the stream directly before it
            and that overrides previous settings.
Stream MRL syntax:
  [:option=value ...]
  Many of the global --options can also be used as MRL specific :options.
  Multiple :option=value pairs can be specified.
URL syntax:
  file:///path/file              Plain media file
  http://host[:port]/file        HTTP URL
  ftp://host[:port]/file        FTP URL
  mms://host[:port]/file        MMS URL
  screen://                      Screen capture
  dvd://[device]                DVD device
  vcd://[device]                VCD device
  cdda://[device]                Audio CD device
  udp://[[<source address>]@[<bind address>][:<bind port>]]
                                UDP stream sent by a streaming server
  vlc://pause:<seconds>          Pause the playlist for a certain time
  vlc://quit                    Special item to quit VLC
Visualizer filter (visual)
      --effect-list=<string>    Effects list
          A list of visual effect, separated by commas. Current effects
          include: dummy, scope, spectrum, spectrometer and vuMeter.
      --effect-width=<integer>  Video width
          The width of the effects video window, in pixels.
      --effect-height=<integer>  Video height
          The height of the effects video window, in pixels.
                                FFT window
          The type of FFT window to use for spectrum-based visualizations.
      --effect-kaiser-param=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]>
                                Kaiser window parameter
          The parameter alpha for the Kaiser window. Increasing alpha increases
          the main-lobe width and decreases the side-lobe amplitude.
  Spectrum analyser:
      --visual-80-bands, --no-visual-80-bands
                                Show 80 bands instead of 20
                                (default enabled)
          Show 80 bands instead of 20
      --visual-peaks, --no-visual-peaks
                                Draw peaks in the analyzer
                                (default enabled)
          Draw peaks in the analyzer
      --spect-show-original, --no-spect-show-original
                                Enable original graphic spectrum
                                (default disabled)
          Enable the "flat" spectrum analyzer in the spectrometer.
      --spect-show-base, --no-spect-show-base
                                Draw the base of the bands
                                (default enabled)
          Draw the base of the bands
      --spect-radius=<integer>  Base pixel radius
          Defines radius size in pixels, of base of bands(beginning).
      --spect-sections=<integer [1 .. 2147483647]>
                                Spectral sections
          Determines how many sections of spectrum will exist.
      --spect-color=<integer>    V-plane color
          YUV-Color cube shifting across the V-plane ( 0 - 127 ).
      --spect-show-bands, --no-spect-show-bands
                                Draw bands in the spectrometer
                                (default enabled)
          Draw bands in the spectrometer
      --spect-80-bands, --no-spect-80-bands
                                Show 80 bands instead of 20
                                (default enabled)
          Show 80 bands instead of 20
      --spect-separ=<integer>    Number of blank pixels between bands.
          Number of blank pixels between bands.
      --spect-amp=<integer>      Amplification
          This is a coefficient that modifies the height of the bands.
      --spect-show-peaks, --no-spect-show-peaks
                                Draw peaks in the analyzer
                                (default enabled)
          Draw peaks in the analyzer
                                Peak extra width
          Additions or subtractions of pixels on the peak width.
                                Peak height
          Total pixel height of the peak items.
libprojectM effect (projectm)
                                projectM preset path
          Path to the projectM preset directory
                                Title font
          Font used for the titles
                                Font menu
          Font used for the menus
      --projectm-width=<integer> Video width
          The width of the video window, in pixels.
                                Video height
          The height of the video window, in pixels.
      --projectm-meshx=<integer> Mesh width
          The width of the mesh, in pixels.
      --projectm-meshy=<integer> Mesh height
          The height of the mesh, in pixels.
                                Texture size
          The size of the texture, in pixels.
Goom effect (goom)
      --goom-width=<integer>    Goom display width
          This allows you to set the resolution of the Goom display (bigger
          resolution will be prettier but more CPU intensive).
      --goom-height=<integer>    Goom display height
          This allows you to set the resolution of the Goom display (bigger
          resolution will be prettier but more CPU intensive).
      --goom-speed=<integer [1 .. 10]>
                                Goom animation speed
          This allows you to set the animation speed (between 1 and 10,
          defaults to 6).
3D OpenGL spectrum visualization (glspectrum)
                                Video width
          The width of the visualization window, in pixels.
                                Video height
          The height of the visualization window, in pixels.
Wall video filter (wall)
      --wall-cols=<integer [1 .. 15]>
                                Number of columns
          Number of horizontal windows in which to split the video.
      --wall-rows=<integer [1 .. 15]>
                                Number of rows
          Number of vertical windows in which to split the video.
      --wall-active=<string>    Active windows
          Comma-separated list of active windows, defaults to all
                                Element aspect ratio
          Aspect ratio of the individual displays building the wall.
Panoramix: wall with overlap video filter (panoramix)
Split the video in multiple windows to display on a wall of screens
      --panoramix-cols=<integer [-1 .. 15]>
                                Number of columns
          Select the number of horizontal video windows in which to split the
      --panoramix-rows=<integer [-1 .. 15]>
                                Number of rows
          Select the number of vertical video windows in which to split the
      --panoramix-bz-length=<integer [0 .. 100]>
                                length of the overlapping area (in %)
          Select in percent the length of the blended zone
      --panoramix-bz-height=<integer [0 .. 100]>
                                height of the overlapping area (in %)
          Select in percent the height of the blended zone (case of 2x2 wall)
      --panoramix-attenuate, --no-panoramix-attenuate
                                (default enabled)
          Check this option if you want attenuate blended zone by this plug-in
          (if option is unchecked, attenuate is made by opengl)
      --panoramix-bz-begin=<integer [0 .. 100]>
                                Attenuation, begin (in %)
          Select in percent the Lagrange coefficient of the beginning blended
      --panoramix-bz-middle=<integer [0 .. 100]>
                                Attenuation, middle (in %)
          Select in percent the Lagrange coefficient of the middle of blended
      --panoramix-bz-end=<integer [0 .. 100]>
                                Attenuation, end (in %)
          Select in percent the Lagrange coefficient of the end of blended zone
      --panoramix-bz-middle-pos=<integer [1 .. 99]>
                                middle position (in %)
          Select in percent (50 is center) the position of the middle point
          (Lagrange) of blended zone
      --panoramix-bz-gamma-red=<float [0.000000 .. 5.000000]>
                                Gamma (Red) correction
          Select the gamma for the correction of blended zone (Red or Y
      --panoramix-bz-gamma-green=<float [0.000000 .. 5.000000]>
                                Gamma (Green) correction
          Select the gamma for the correction of blended zone (Green or U
      --panoramix-bz-gamma-blue=<float [0.000000 .. 5.000000]>
                                Gamma (Blue) correction
          Select the gamma for the correction of blended zone (Blue or V
      --panoramix-bz-blackcrush-red=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                Black Crush for Red
          Select the Black Crush of blended zone (Red or Y component)
      --panoramix-bz-blackcrush-green=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                Black Crush for Green
          Select the Black Crush of blended zone (Green or U component)
      --panoramix-bz-blackcrush-blue=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                Black Crush for Blue
          Select the Black Crush of blended zone (Blue or V component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitecrush-red=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                White Crush for Red
          Select the White Crush of blended zone (Red or Y component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitecrush-green=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                White Crush for Green
          Select the White Crush of blended zone (Green or U component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitecrush-blue=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                White Crush for Blue
          Select the White Crush of blended zone (Blue or V component)
      --panoramix-bz-blacklevel-red=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                Black Level for Red
          Select the Black Level of blended zone (Red or Y component)
      --panoramix-bz-blacklevel-green=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                Black Level for Green
          Select the Black Level of blended zone (Green or U component)
      --panoramix-bz-blacklevel-blue=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                Black Level for Blue
          Select the Black Level of blended zone (Blue or V component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitelevel-red=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                White Level for Red
          Select the White Level of blended zone (Red or Y component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitelevel-green=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                White Level for Green
          Select the White Level of blended zone (Green or U component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitelevel-blue=<integer [0 .. 255]>
                                White Level for Blue
          Select the White Level of blended zone (Blue or V component)
                                Active windows
          Comma-separated list of active windows, defaults to all
Clone video filter (clone)
Duplicate your video to multiple windows and/or video output modules
      --clone-count=<integer>    Number of clones
          Number of video windows in which to clone the video.
      --clone-vout-list=<string> Video output modules
          You can use specific video output modules for the clones. Use a
          comma-separated list of modules.
YUV video output (yuv)
      --yuv-file=<string>        device, fifo or filename
          device, fifo or filename to write yuv frames too.
      --yuv-chroma=<string>      Chroma used
          Force use of a specific chroma for output.
      --yuv-yuv4mpeg2, --no-yuv-yuv4mpeg2
                                Add a YUV4MPEG2 header
                                (default disabled)
          The YUV4MPEG2 header is compatible with mplayer yuv video output and
          requires YV12/I420 fourcc.
WGL extension for OpenGL (wgl)
      --gpu-affinity=<integer>  GPU affinity
          GPU affinity
Video memory output (vmem)
      --vmem-width=<integer>    Width
          Video memory buffer width.
      --vmem-height=<integer>    Height
          Video memory buffer height.
      --vmem-pitch=<integer>    Pitch
          Video memory buffer pitch in bytes.
      --vmem-chroma=<string>    Chroma
          Output chroma for the memory image as a 4-character string, eg.
Dummy video output (vdummy)
      --dummy-chroma=<string>    Dummy image chroma format
          Force the dummy video output to create images using a specific chroma
          format instead of trying to improve performances by using the most
          efficient one.
OpenGL video output (gl)
      --gl={any,wgl,none}        OpenGL extension
          Extension through which to use the Open Graphics Library (OpenGL).
                                Open GL/GLES hardware converter
          Force a "glconv" module.
  Colorspace conversion:
      --rendering-intent={0 (Perceptual), 1 (Relative colorimetric), 2 (Absolute colorimetric), 3 (Saturation)}
                                Rendering intent for color conversion
          The algorithm used to convert between color spaces
      --target-prim={0 (Unknown primaries), 1 (ITU-R Rec. BT.601 (525-line = NTSC, SMPTE-C)), 2 (ITU-R Rec. BT.601 (625-line = PAL, SECAM)), 3 (ITU-R Rec. BT.709 (HD), also sRGB), 4 (ITU-R Rec. BT.470 M), 5 (ITU-R Rec. BT.2020 (UltraHD)), 6 (Apple RGB), 7 (Adobe RGB (1998)), 8 (ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)), 9 (CIE 1931 RGB primaries), 10 (DCI-P3 (Digital Cinema)), 11 (Panasonic V-Gamut (VARICAM)), 12 (Sony S-Gamut)}
                                Display primaries
          The primaries associated with the output display
      --target-trc={0 (Unknown gamma), 1 (ITU-R Rec. BT.1886 (CRT emulation + OOTF)), 2 (IEC 61966-2-4 sRGB (CRT emulation)), 3 (Linear light content), 4 (Pure power gamma 1.8), 5 (Pure power gamma 2.2), 6 (Pure power gamma 2.8), 7 (ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)), 8 (ITU-R BT.2100 PQ (perceptual quantizer), aka SMPTE ST2048), 9 (ITU-R BT.2100 HLG (hybrid log-gamma), aka ARIB STD-B67), 10 (Panasonic V-Log (VARICAM)), 11 (Sony S-Log1), 12 (Sony S-Log2)}
                                Display gamma / transfer function
          The gamma/transfer function associated with the output display
  Tone mapping:
      --tone-mapping={3 (Hable (filmic mapping, recommended)), 1 (Mobius (linear + knee)), 2 (Reinhard (simple non-linear)), 4 (Gamma-Power law), 5 (Linear stretch (peak to peak)), 0 (Hard clip out-of-gamut)}
                                Tone-mapping algorithm
          Algorithm to use when converting from wide gamut to standard gamut,
          or from HDR to SDR
      --tone-mapping-param=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]>
                                Tone-mapping parameter
          This parameter can be used to tune the tone-mapping curve. Specifics
          depend on the curve used.
      --tone-mapping-desat=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]>
                                Tone-mapping desaturation coefficient
          How strongly to desaturate overbright colors towards white. 0.0
          disables this behavior.
      --tone-mapping-warn, --no-tone-mapping-warn
                                Highlight clipped pixels
                                (default disabled)
          Debugging tool to indicate which pixels were clipped as part of the
          tone mapping process.
      --dither-algo={-1 (Disabled), 0 (Blue noise), 3 (White noise), 1 (Bayer matrix (ordered dither))}
                                Dithering algorithm
          The algorithm to use when dithering to a lower bit depth (degrades
          performance on some platforms).
      --dither-depth=<integer [0 .. 16]>
                                Dither depth override (0 = framebuffer depth)
          Overrides the detected framebuffer depth. Useful to dither to lower
          bit depths than otherwise required.
OpenGL video output for Windows (glwin32)
                                Open GL/GLES hardware converter
          Force a "glconv" module.
  Colorspace conversion:
      --rendering-intent={0 (Perceptual), 1 (Relative colorimetric), 2 (Absolute colorimetric), 3 (Saturation)}
                                Rendering intent for color conversion
          The algorithm used to convert between color spaces
      --target-prim={0 (Unknown primaries), 1 (ITU-R Rec. BT.601 (525-line = NTSC, SMPTE-C)), 2 (ITU-R Rec. BT.601 (625-line = PAL, SECAM)), 3 (ITU-R Rec. BT.709 (HD), also sRGB), 4 (ITU-R Rec. BT.470 M), 5 (ITU-R Rec. BT.2020 (UltraHD)), 6 (Apple RGB), 7 (Adobe RGB (1998)), 8 (ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)), 9 (CIE 1931 RGB primaries), 10 (DCI-P3 (Digital Cinema)), 11 (Panasonic V-Gamut (VARICAM)), 12 (Sony S-Gamut)}
                                Display primaries
          The primaries associated with the output display
      --target-trc={0 (Unknown gamma), 1 (ITU-R Rec. BT.1886 (CRT emulation + OOTF)), 2 (IEC 61966-2-4 sRGB (CRT emulation)), 3 (Linear light content), 4 (Pure power gamma 1.8), 5 (Pure power gamma 2.2), 6 (Pure power gamma 2.8), 7 (ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)), 8 (ITU-R BT.2100 PQ (perceptual quantizer), aka SMPTE ST2048), 9 (ITU-R BT.2100 HLG (hybrid log-gamma), aka ARIB STD-B67), 10 (Panasonic V-Log (VARICAM)), 11 (Sony S-Log1), 12 (Sony S-Log2)}
                                Display gamma / transfer function
          The gamma/transfer function associated with the output display
  Tone mapping:
      --tone-mapping={3 (Hable (filmic mapping, recommended)), 1 (Mobius (linear + knee)), 2 (Reinhard (simple non-linear)), 4 (Gamma-Power law), 5 (Linear stretch (peak to peak)), 0 (Hard clip out-of-gamut)}
                                Tone-mapping algorithm
          Algorithm to use when converting from wide gamut to standard gamut,
          or from HDR to SDR
      --tone-mapping-param=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]>
                                Tone-mapping parameter
          This parameter can be used to tune the tone-mapping curve. Specifics
          depend on the curve used.
      --tone-mapping-desat=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]>
                                Tone-mapping desaturation coefficient
          How strongly to desaturate overbright colors towards white. 0.0
          disables this behavior.
      --tone-mapping-warn, --no-tone-mapping-warn
                                Highlight clipped pixels
                                (default disabled)
          Debugging tool to indicate which pixels were clipped as part of the
          tone mapping process.
      --dither-algo={-1 (Disabled), 0 (Blue noise), 3 (White noise), 1 (Bayer matrix (ordered dither))}
                                Dithering algorithm
          The algorithm to use when dithering to a lower bit depth (degrades
          performance on some platforms).
      --dither-depth=<integer [0 .. 16]>
                                Dither depth override (0 = framebuffer depth)
          Overrides the detected framebuffer depth. Useful to dither to lower
          bit depths than otherwise required.
Flaschen-Taschen video output (flaschen)
                                Flaschen-Taschen display address
          IP address or hostname of the Flaschen-Taschen display. Something
          like ft.noise or ftkleine.noise
      --flaschen-width=<integer> Width
          Video width
          Video height
Embedded window video (drawable)
      --drawable-hwnd=<integer>  Window handle (HWND)
          Video will be embedded in this pre-existing window. If zero, a new
          window will be created.
DirectX (DirectDraw) video output (directdraw)
Recommended video output for Windows XP. Incompatible with Vista's Aero interface
      --directx-hw-yuv, --no-directx-hw-yuv
                                Use hardware YUV->RGB conversions
                                (default enabled)
          Try to use hardware acceleration for YUV->RGB conversions. This
          option doesn't have any effect when using overlays.
      --directx-overlay, --no-directx-overlay
                                Overlay video output
                                (default enabled)
          Overlay is the hardware acceleration capability of your video card
          (ability to render video directly). VLC will try to use it by
      --directx-use-sysmem, --no-directx-use-sysmem
                                Use video buffers in system memory
                                (default disabled)
          Create video buffers in system memory instead of video memory. This
          isn't recommended as usually using video memory allows benefiting
          from more hardware acceleration (like rescaling or YUV->RGB
          conversions). This option doesn't have any effect when using
      --directx-3buffering, --no-directx-3buffering
                                Use triple buffering for overlays
                                (default enabled)
          Try to use triple buffering when using YUV overlays. That results in
          much better video quality (no flickering).
                                Name of desired display device
          In a multiple monitor configuration, you can specify the Windows
          device name of the display that you want the video window to open on.
          For example, "\\.\DISPLAY1" or "\\.\DISPLAY2".
Direct3D9 video output (direct3d9)
Recommended video output for Windows Vista and later versions
      --direct3d9-hw-blending, --no-direct3d9-hw-blending
                                Use hardware blending support
                                (default enabled)
          Try to use hardware acceleration for subtitle/OSD blending.
      --direct3d9-shader={Disabled,Invert,Grayscale,Convert601to709,GammaCorrection18,GammaCorrection22,GammaCorrectionBT709,WidenColorSpace,HLSL File}
                                Pixel Shader
          Choose a pixel shader to apply.
                                Path to HLSL file
          Path to an HLSL file containing a single pixel shader.
Direct3D11 video output (direct3d11)
Recommended video output for Windows 8 and later versions
      --direct3d11-hw-blending, --no-direct3d11-hw-blending
                                Use hardware blending support
                                (default enabled)
          Try to use hardware acceleration for subtitle/OSD blending.
Video transformation

Latest revision as of 04:03, 19 April 2019

VLC command-line help for Windows users about VLC media player
VLC-0-8-6 command-line help, VLC-0-9-x command-line help, VLC-1-0-x command-line help, VLC-1-1-x command-line help, VLC-2-1-x command-line help

Running the command

vlc --help

will create a .TXT file containing all the command-line options.

You can also use this to get more exhaustive list:

vlc -H

If you look for help, on a particular module, you can also use

vlc -p module --advanced --help-verbose

--help-verbose explains things. Omit this option if too much output is generated

To view this without leaving the command-line in Windows, use the following command (assuming you installed it in the default folder):

more "%PROGRAMFILES%\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc-help.txt"

This trick uses the command-line command more to show the file screen-by-screen. Pressing spacebar will advance the output a screen at a time, and pressing enter will advance the output one line at a time.

Undocumented option:

-vv     "Verbose verbose". Verbose output (debug infos can be displayed by selecting "Debug logging" interface under View->Add Interface menu)

Here's the output of vlc -H of vlc-4.0.0-dev under Windows. If the text is too small, pressing Ctrl and + together in most browsers will increase the font size (reset with Ctrl and 0 together).

Usage: vlc [options] [stream] ...
You can specify multiple streams on the commandline.
They will be enqueued in the playlist.
The first item specified will be played first.

  --option  A global option that is set for the duration of the program.
   -option  A single letter version of a global --option.
   :option  An option that only applies to the stream directly before it
            and that overrides previous settings.

Stream MRL syntax:
  [:option=value ...]

  Many of the global --options can also be used as MRL specific :options.
  Multiple :option=value pairs can be specified.

URL syntax:
  file:///path/file              Plain media file
  http://host[:port]/file        HTTP URL
  ftp://host[:port]/file         FTP URL
  mms://host[:port]/file         MMS URL
  screen://                      Screen capture
  dvd://[device]                 DVD device
  vcd://[device]                 VCD device
  cdda://[device]                Audio CD device
  udp://[[<source address>]@[<bind address>][:<bind port>]]
                                 UDP stream sent by a streaming server
  vlc://pause:<seconds>          Pause the playlist for a certain time
  vlc://quit                     Special item to quit VLC

 Visualizer filter (visual)
      --effect-list=<string>     Effects list
          A list of visual effect, separated by commas. Current effects
          include: dummy, scope, spectrum, spectrometer and vuMeter.
      --effect-width=<integer>   Video width
          The width of the effects video window, in pixels.
      --effect-height=<integer>  Video height
          The height of the effects video window, in pixels.
                                 FFT window
          The type of FFT window to use for spectrum-based visualizations.
      --effect-kaiser-param=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Kaiser window parameter
          The parameter alpha for the Kaiser window. Increasing alpha increases
          the main-lobe width and decreases the side-lobe amplitude.
   Spectrum analyser:
      --visual-80-bands, --no-visual-80-bands 
                                 Show 80 bands instead of 20
                                 (default enabled)
          Show 80 bands instead of 20
      --visual-peaks, --no-visual-peaks 
                                 Draw peaks in the analyzer
                                 (default enabled)
          Draw peaks in the analyzer
      --spect-show-original, --no-spect-show-original 
                                 Enable original graphic spectrum
                                 (default disabled)
          Enable the "flat" spectrum analyzer in the spectrometer.
      --spect-show-base, --no-spect-show-base 
                                 Draw the base of the bands
                                 (default enabled)
          Draw the base of the bands
      --spect-radius=<integer>   Base pixel radius
          Defines radius size in pixels, of base of bands(beginning).
      --spect-sections=<integer [1 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Spectral sections
          Determines how many sections of spectrum will exist.
      --spect-color=<integer>    V-plane color
          YUV-Color cube shifting across the V-plane ( 0 - 127 ).
      --spect-show-bands, --no-spect-show-bands 
                                 Draw bands in the spectrometer
                                 (default enabled)
          Draw bands in the spectrometer
      --spect-80-bands, --no-spect-80-bands 
                                 Show 80 bands instead of 20
                                 (default enabled)
          Show 80 bands instead of 20
      --spect-separ=<integer>    Number of blank pixels between bands.
          Number of blank pixels between bands.
      --spect-amp=<integer>      Amplification
          This is a coefficient that modifies the height of the bands.
      --spect-show-peaks, --no-spect-show-peaks 
                                 Draw peaks in the analyzer
                                 (default enabled)
          Draw peaks in the analyzer
                                 Peak extra width
          Additions or subtractions of pixels on the peak width.
                                 Peak height
          Total pixel height of the peak items.

 libprojectM effect (projectm)
                                 projectM preset path
          Path to the projectM preset directory
                                 Title font
          Font used for the titles
                                 Font menu
          Font used for the menus
      --projectm-width=<integer> Video width
          The width of the video window, in pixels.
                                 Video height
          The height of the video window, in pixels.
      --projectm-meshx=<integer> Mesh width
          The width of the mesh, in pixels.
      --projectm-meshy=<integer> Mesh height
          The height of the mesh, in pixels.
                                 Texture size
          The size of the texture, in pixels.

 Goom effect (goom)
      --goom-width=<integer>     Goom display width
          This allows you to set the resolution of the Goom display (bigger
          resolution will be prettier but more CPU intensive).
      --goom-height=<integer>    Goom display height
          This allows you to set the resolution of the Goom display (bigger
          resolution will be prettier but more CPU intensive).
      --goom-speed=<integer [1 .. 10]> 
                                 Goom animation speed
          This allows you to set the animation speed (between 1 and 10,
          defaults to 6).

 3D OpenGL spectrum visualization (glspectrum)
                                 Video width
          The width of the visualization window, in pixels.
                                 Video height
          The height of the visualization window, in pixels.

 Wall video filter (wall)
      --wall-cols=<integer [1 .. 15]> 
                                 Number of columns
          Number of horizontal windows in which to split the video.
      --wall-rows=<integer [1 .. 15]> 
                                 Number of rows
          Number of vertical windows in which to split the video.
      --wall-active=<string>     Active windows
          Comma-separated list of active windows, defaults to all
                                 Element aspect ratio
          Aspect ratio of the individual displays building the wall.

 Panoramix: wall with overlap video filter (panoramix)
 Split the video in multiple windows to display on a wall of screens
      --panoramix-cols=<integer [-1 .. 15]> 
                                 Number of columns
          Select the number of horizontal video windows in which to split the
      --panoramix-rows=<integer [-1 .. 15]> 
                                 Number of rows
          Select the number of vertical video windows in which to split the
      --panoramix-bz-length=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 length of the overlapping area (in %)
          Select in percent the length of the blended zone
      --panoramix-bz-height=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 height of the overlapping area (in %)
          Select in percent the height of the blended zone (case of 2x2 wall)
      --panoramix-attenuate, --no-panoramix-attenuate 
                                 (default enabled)
          Check this option if you want attenuate blended zone by this plug-in
          (if option is unchecked, attenuate is made by opengl)
      --panoramix-bz-begin=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Attenuation, begin (in %)
          Select in percent the Lagrange coefficient of the beginning blended
      --panoramix-bz-middle=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Attenuation, middle (in %)
          Select in percent the Lagrange coefficient of the middle of blended
      --panoramix-bz-end=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Attenuation, end (in %)
          Select in percent the Lagrange coefficient of the end of blended zone
      --panoramix-bz-middle-pos=<integer [1 .. 99]> 
                                 middle position (in %)
          Select in percent (50 is center) the position of the middle point
          (Lagrange) of blended zone
      --panoramix-bz-gamma-red=<float [0.000000 .. 5.000000]> 
                                 Gamma (Red) correction
          Select the gamma for the correction of blended zone (Red or Y
      --panoramix-bz-gamma-green=<float [0.000000 .. 5.000000]> 
                                 Gamma (Green) correction
          Select the gamma for the correction of blended zone (Green or U
      --panoramix-bz-gamma-blue=<float [0.000000 .. 5.000000]> 
                                 Gamma (Blue) correction
          Select the gamma for the correction of blended zone (Blue or V
      --panoramix-bz-blackcrush-red=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Black Crush for Red
          Select the Black Crush of blended zone (Red or Y component)
      --panoramix-bz-blackcrush-green=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Black Crush for Green
          Select the Black Crush of blended zone (Green or U component)
      --panoramix-bz-blackcrush-blue=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Black Crush for Blue
          Select the Black Crush of blended zone (Blue or V component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitecrush-red=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 White Crush for Red
          Select the White Crush of blended zone (Red or Y component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitecrush-green=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 White Crush for Green
          Select the White Crush of blended zone (Green or U component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitecrush-blue=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 White Crush for Blue
          Select the White Crush of blended zone (Blue or V component)
      --panoramix-bz-blacklevel-red=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Black Level for Red
          Select the Black Level of blended zone (Red or Y component)
      --panoramix-bz-blacklevel-green=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Black Level for Green
          Select the Black Level of blended zone (Green or U component)
      --panoramix-bz-blacklevel-blue=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Black Level for Blue
          Select the Black Level of blended zone (Blue or V component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitelevel-red=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 White Level for Red
          Select the White Level of blended zone (Red or Y component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitelevel-green=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 White Level for Green
          Select the White Level of blended zone (Green or U component)
      --panoramix-bz-whitelevel-blue=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 White Level for Blue
          Select the White Level of blended zone (Blue or V component)
                                 Active windows
          Comma-separated list of active windows, defaults to all

 Clone video filter (clone)
 Duplicate your video to multiple windows and/or video output modules
      --clone-count=<integer>    Number of clones
          Number of video windows in which to clone the video.
      --clone-vout-list=<string> Video output modules
          You can use specific video output modules for the clones. Use a
          comma-separated list of modules.

 YUV video output (yuv)
      --yuv-file=<string>        device, fifo or filename
          device, fifo or filename to write yuv frames too.
      --yuv-chroma=<string>      Chroma used
          Force use of a specific chroma for output.
      --yuv-yuv4mpeg2, --no-yuv-yuv4mpeg2 
                                 Add a YUV4MPEG2 header
                                 (default disabled)
          The YUV4MPEG2 header is compatible with mplayer yuv video output and
          requires YV12/I420 fourcc.

 WGL extension for OpenGL (wgl)
      --gpu-affinity=<integer>   GPU affinity
          GPU affinity

 Video memory output (vmem)
      --vmem-width=<integer>     Width
          Video memory buffer width.
      --vmem-height=<integer>    Height
          Video memory buffer height.
      --vmem-pitch=<integer>     Pitch
          Video memory buffer pitch in bytes.
      --vmem-chroma=<string>     Chroma
          Output chroma for the memory image as a 4-character string, eg.

 Dummy video output (vdummy)
      --dummy-chroma=<string>    Dummy image chroma format
          Force the dummy video output to create images using a specific chroma
          format instead of trying to improve performances by using the most
          efficient one.

 OpenGL video output (gl)
      --gl={any,wgl,none}        OpenGL extension
          Extension through which to use the Open Graphics Library (OpenGL).
                                 Open GL/GLES hardware converter
          Force a "glconv" module.
   Colorspace conversion:
      --rendering-intent={0 (Perceptual), 1 (Relative colorimetric), 2 (Absolute colorimetric), 3 (Saturation)} 
                                 Rendering intent for color conversion
          The algorithm used to convert between color spaces
      --target-prim={0 (Unknown primaries), 1 (ITU-R Rec. BT.601 (525-line = NTSC, SMPTE-C)), 2 (ITU-R Rec. BT.601 (625-line = PAL, SECAM)), 3 (ITU-R Rec. BT.709 (HD), also sRGB), 4 (ITU-R Rec. BT.470 M), 5 (ITU-R Rec. BT.2020 (UltraHD)), 6 (Apple RGB), 7 (Adobe RGB (1998)), 8 (ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)), 9 (CIE 1931 RGB primaries), 10 (DCI-P3 (Digital Cinema)), 11 (Panasonic V-Gamut (VARICAM)), 12 (Sony S-Gamut)} 
                                 Display primaries
          The primaries associated with the output display
      --target-trc={0 (Unknown gamma), 1 (ITU-R Rec. BT.1886 (CRT emulation + OOTF)), 2 (IEC 61966-2-4 sRGB (CRT emulation)), 3 (Linear light content), 4 (Pure power gamma 1.8), 5 (Pure power gamma 2.2), 6 (Pure power gamma 2.8), 7 (ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)), 8 (ITU-R BT.2100 PQ (perceptual quantizer), aka SMPTE ST2048), 9 (ITU-R BT.2100 HLG (hybrid log-gamma), aka ARIB STD-B67), 10 (Panasonic V-Log (VARICAM)), 11 (Sony S-Log1), 12 (Sony S-Log2)} 
                                 Display gamma / transfer function
          The gamma/transfer function associated with the output display
   Tone mapping:
      --tone-mapping={3 (Hable (filmic mapping, recommended)), 1 (Mobius (linear + knee)), 2 (Reinhard (simple non-linear)), 4 (Gamma-Power law), 5 (Linear stretch (peak to peak)), 0 (Hard clip out-of-gamut)} 
                                 Tone-mapping algorithm
          Algorithm to use when converting from wide gamut to standard gamut,
          or from HDR to SDR
      --tone-mapping-param=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Tone-mapping parameter
          This parameter can be used to tune the tone-mapping curve. Specifics
          depend on the curve used.
      --tone-mapping-desat=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Tone-mapping desaturation coefficient
          How strongly to desaturate overbright colors towards white. 0.0
          disables this behavior.
      --tone-mapping-warn, --no-tone-mapping-warn 
                                 Highlight clipped pixels
                                 (default disabled)
          Debugging tool to indicate which pixels were clipped as part of the
          tone mapping process.
      --dither-algo={-1 (Disabled), 0 (Blue noise), 3 (White noise), 1 (Bayer matrix (ordered dither))} 
                                 Dithering algorithm
          The algorithm to use when dithering to a lower bit depth (degrades
          performance on some platforms).
      --dither-depth=<integer [0 .. 16]> 
                                 Dither depth override (0 = framebuffer depth)
          Overrides the detected framebuffer depth. Useful to dither to lower
          bit depths than otherwise required.

 OpenGL video output for Windows (glwin32)
                                 Open GL/GLES hardware converter
          Force a "glconv" module.
   Colorspace conversion:
      --rendering-intent={0 (Perceptual), 1 (Relative colorimetric), 2 (Absolute colorimetric), 3 (Saturation)} 
                                 Rendering intent for color conversion
          The algorithm used to convert between color spaces
      --target-prim={0 (Unknown primaries), 1 (ITU-R Rec. BT.601 (525-line = NTSC, SMPTE-C)), 2 (ITU-R Rec. BT.601 (625-line = PAL, SECAM)), 3 (ITU-R Rec. BT.709 (HD), also sRGB), 4 (ITU-R Rec. BT.470 M), 5 (ITU-R Rec. BT.2020 (UltraHD)), 6 (Apple RGB), 7 (Adobe RGB (1998)), 8 (ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)), 9 (CIE 1931 RGB primaries), 10 (DCI-P3 (Digital Cinema)), 11 (Panasonic V-Gamut (VARICAM)), 12 (Sony S-Gamut)} 
                                 Display primaries
          The primaries associated with the output display
      --target-trc={0 (Unknown gamma), 1 (ITU-R Rec. BT.1886 (CRT emulation + OOTF)), 2 (IEC 61966-2-4 sRGB (CRT emulation)), 3 (Linear light content), 4 (Pure power gamma 1.8), 5 (Pure power gamma 2.2), 6 (Pure power gamma 2.8), 7 (ProPhoto RGB (ROMM)), 8 (ITU-R BT.2100 PQ (perceptual quantizer), aka SMPTE ST2048), 9 (ITU-R BT.2100 HLG (hybrid log-gamma), aka ARIB STD-B67), 10 (Panasonic V-Log (VARICAM)), 11 (Sony S-Log1), 12 (Sony S-Log2)} 
                                 Display gamma / transfer function
          The gamma/transfer function associated with the output display
   Tone mapping:
      --tone-mapping={3 (Hable (filmic mapping, recommended)), 1 (Mobius (linear + knee)), 2 (Reinhard (simple non-linear)), 4 (Gamma-Power law), 5 (Linear stretch (peak to peak)), 0 (Hard clip out-of-gamut)} 
                                 Tone-mapping algorithm
          Algorithm to use when converting from wide gamut to standard gamut,
          or from HDR to SDR
      --tone-mapping-param=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Tone-mapping parameter
          This parameter can be used to tune the tone-mapping curve. Specifics
          depend on the curve used.
      --tone-mapping-desat=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Tone-mapping desaturation coefficient
          How strongly to desaturate overbright colors towards white. 0.0
          disables this behavior.
      --tone-mapping-warn, --no-tone-mapping-warn 
                                 Highlight clipped pixels
                                 (default disabled)
          Debugging tool to indicate which pixels were clipped as part of the
          tone mapping process.
      --dither-algo={-1 (Disabled), 0 (Blue noise), 3 (White noise), 1 (Bayer matrix (ordered dither))} 
                                 Dithering algorithm
          The algorithm to use when dithering to a lower bit depth (degrades
          performance on some platforms).
      --dither-depth=<integer [0 .. 16]> 
                                 Dither depth override (0 = framebuffer depth)
          Overrides the detected framebuffer depth. Useful to dither to lower
          bit depths than otherwise required.

 Flaschen-Taschen video output (flaschen)
                                 Flaschen-Taschen display address
          IP address or hostname of the Flaschen-Taschen display. Something
          like ft.noise or ftkleine.noise
      --flaschen-width=<integer> Width
          Video width
          Video height

 Embedded window video (drawable)
      --drawable-hwnd=<integer>  Window handle (HWND)
          Video will be embedded in this pre-existing window. If zero, a new
          window will be created.

 DirectX (DirectDraw) video output (directdraw)
 Recommended video output for Windows XP. Incompatible with Vista's Aero interface
      --directx-hw-yuv, --no-directx-hw-yuv 
                                 Use hardware YUV->RGB conversions
                                 (default enabled)
          Try to use hardware acceleration for YUV->RGB conversions. This
          option doesn't have any effect when using overlays.
      --directx-overlay, --no-directx-overlay 
                                 Overlay video output
                                 (default enabled)
          Overlay is the hardware acceleration capability of your video card
          (ability to render video directly). VLC will try to use it by
      --directx-use-sysmem, --no-directx-use-sysmem 
                                 Use video buffers in system memory
                                 (default disabled)
          Create video buffers in system memory instead of video memory. This
          isn't recommended as usually using video memory allows benefiting
          from more hardware acceleration (like rescaling or YUV->RGB
          conversions). This option doesn't have any effect when using
      --directx-3buffering, --no-directx-3buffering 
                                 Use triple buffering for overlays
                                 (default enabled)
          Try to use triple buffering when using YUV overlays. That results in
          much better video quality (no flickering).
                                 Name of desired display device
          In a multiple monitor configuration, you can specify the Windows
          device name of the display that you want the video window to open on.
          For example, "\\.\DISPLAY1" or "\\.\DISPLAY2".

 Direct3D9 video output (direct3d9)
 Recommended video output for Windows Vista and later versions
      --direct3d9-hw-blending, --no-direct3d9-hw-blending 
                                 Use hardware blending support
                                 (default enabled)
          Try to use hardware acceleration for subtitle/OSD blending.
      --direct3d9-shader={Disabled,Invert,Grayscale,Convert601to709,GammaCorrection18,GammaCorrection22,GammaCorrectionBT709,WidenColorSpace,HLSL File} 
                                 Pixel Shader
          Choose a pixel shader to apply.
                                 Path to HLSL file
          Path to an HLSL file containing a single pixel shader.

 Direct3D11 video output (direct3d11)
 Recommended video output for Windows 8 and later versions
      --direct3d11-hw-blending, --no-direct3d11-hw-blending 
                                 Use hardware blending support
                                 (default enabled)
          Try to use hardware acceleration for subtitle/OSD blending.

 Video transformation filter (transform)
 Rotate or flip the video
                                 Transform type
          Transform type

 Sharpen video filter (sharpen)
 Augment contrast between contours.
      --sharpen-sigma=<float [0.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 Sharpen strength (0-2)
          Set the Sharpen strength, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 0.05.

 Sepia video filter (sepia)
 Gives video a warmer tone by applying sepia effect
      --sepia-intensity=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Sepia intensity
          Intensity of sepia effect

 Scene video filter (scene)
 Send your video to picture files
      --scene-format=<string>    Image format
          Format of the output images (png, jpeg, ...).
      --scene-width=<integer>    Image width
          You can enforce the image width. By default (-1) VLC will adapt to
          the video characteristics.
      --scene-height=<integer>   Image height
          You can enforce the image height. By default (-1) VLC will adapt to
          the video characteristics.
      --scene-prefix=<string>    Filename prefix
          Prefix of the output images filenames. Output filenames will have the
          "prefixNUMBER.format" form if replace is not true.
      --scene-path=<string>      Directory path prefix
          Directory path where images files should be saved. If not set, then
          images will be automatically saved in users homedir.
      --scene-replace, --no-scene-replace 
                                 Always write to the same file
                                 (default disabled)
          Always write to the same file instead of creating one file per image.
          In this case, the number is not appended to the filename.
      --scene-ratio=<integer [1 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Recording ratio
          Ratio of images to record. 3 means that one image out of three is

 Rotate video filter (rotate)
      --rotate-angle=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Angle in degrees
          Angle in degrees (0 to 359)
      --rotate-use-motion, --no-rotate-use-motion 
                                 Use motion sensors
                                 (default disabled)
          Use HDAPS, AMS, APPLESMC or UNIMOTION motion sensors to rotate the

 Puzzle interactive game video filter (puzzle)
      --puzzle-rows=<integer [2 .. 42]> 
                                 Number of puzzle rows
          Number of puzzle rows
      --puzzle-cols=<integer [2 .. 42]> 
                                 Number of puzzle columns
          Number of puzzle columns
      --puzzle-border=<integer [0 .. 40]> 
          Unshuffled Border width.
      --puzzle-preview, --no-puzzle-preview 
                                 Small preview
                                 (default disabled)
          Show small preview.
      --puzzle-preview-size=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Small preview size
          Show small preview size (percent of source).
      --puzzle-shape-size=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Piece edge shape size
          Size of the curve along the piece's edge
      --puzzle-auto-shuffle=<integer [0 .. 30000]> 
                                 Auto shuffle
          Auto shuffle delay during game
      --puzzle-auto-solve=<integer [0 .. 30000]> 
                                 Auto solve
          Auto solve delay during game
      --puzzle-rotation={0 (0), 1 (0/180), 2 (0/90/180/270), 3 (0/90/180/270/mirror)} 
          Rotation parameter: none;180;90-270;mirror
      --puzzle-mode={0 (jigsaw puzzle), 1 (sliding puzzle), 2 (swap puzzle), 3 (exchange puzzle)} 
                                 Game mode
          Select game mode variation from jigsaw puzzle to sliding puzzle.

 Video post processing filter (postproc)
      --postproc-q=<integer [0 .. 6]> 
                                 Post processing quality
          Quality of post processing. Valid range is 0 (disabled) to 6
          (highest) Higher levels require more CPU power, but produce higher
          quality pictures. With default filter chain, the values map to the
          following filters: 1: hb, 2-4: hb+vb, 5-6: hb+vb+dr
      --postproc-name=<string>   FFmpeg post processing filter chains
          FFmpeg post processing filter chains

 Posterize video filter (posterize)
 Posterize video by lowering the number of colors
      --posterize-level=<integer [2 .. 256]> 
                                 Posterize level
          Posterize level (number of colors is cube of this value)

 Motion blur filter (motionblur)
      --blur-factor=<integer [1 .. 127]> 
                                 Blur factor (1-127)
          The degree of blurring from 1 to 127.

 Mirror video filter (mirror)
 Splits video in two same parts, like in a mirror
      --mirror-split={0 (Vertical), 1 (Horizontal)} 
                                 Mirror orientation
          Defines orientation of the mirror splitting. Can be vertical or
      --mirror-direction={0 (Left to right/Top to bottom), 1 (Right to left/Bottom to top)} 
          Direction of the mirroring.

 High Quality 3D Denoiser filter (hqdn3d)
      --hqdn3d-luma-spat=<float [0.000000 .. 254.000000]> 
                                 Spatial luma strength (0-254)
          Spatial luma strength (0-254)
      --hqdn3d-chroma-spat=<float [0.000000 .. 254.000000]> 
                                 Spatial chroma strength (0-254)
          Spatial chroma strength (0-254)
      --hqdn3d-luma-temp=<float [0.000000 .. 254.000000]> 
                                 Temporal luma strength (0-254)
          Temporal luma strength (0-254)
      --hqdn3d-chroma-temp=<float [0.000000 .. 254.000000]> 
                                 Temporal chroma strength (0-254)
          Temporal chroma strength (0-254)

 Grain video filter (grain)
 Adds filtered gaussian noise
      --grain-variance=<float [0.000000 .. 10.000000]> 
          Variance of the gaussian noise
      --grain-period-min=<integer [1 .. 64]> 
                                 Minimal period
          Minimal period of the noise grain in pixel
      --grain-period-max=<integer [1 .. 64]> 
                                 Maximal period
          Maximal period of the noise grain in pixel

 Gradient video filter (gradient)
 Apply color gradient or edge detection effects
                                 Distort mode
          Distort mode, one of "gradient", "edge" and "hough".
      --gradient-type=<integer [0 .. 1]> 
                                 Gradient image type
          Gradient image type (0 or 1). 0 will turn the image to white while 1
          will keep colors.
      --gradient-cartoon, --no-gradient-cartoon 
                                 Apply cartoon effect
                                 (default enabled)
          Apply cartoon effect. It is only used by "gradient" and "edge".

 Gradfun video filter (gradfun)
 Debanding algorithm
      --gradfun-radius=<integer [4 .. 32]> 
          Radius in pixels
      --gradfun-strength=<float [0.510000 .. 255.000000]> 
          Strength used to modify the value of a pixel

 Gaussian blur video filter (gaussianblur)
 Add a blurring effect
      --gaussianblur-sigma=<float [0.010000 .. 4096.000000]> 
                                 Gaussian's std deviation
          Gaussian's standard deviation. The blurring will take into account
          pixels up to 3*sigma away in any direction.

 FPS conversion video filter (fps)
      --fps-fps=<string>         Frame rate
          Frame rate

 Extract RGB component video filter (extract)
      --extract-component={16711680 (Red), 65280 (Green), 255 (Blue)} 
                                 RGB component to extract
          RGB component to extract. 0 for Red, 1 for Green and 2 for Blue.

 Erase video filter (erase)
 Remove zones of the video using a picture as mask
      --erase-mask=<string>      Image mask
          Image mask. Pixels with an alpha value greater than 50% will be
      --erase-x=<integer>        X coordinate
          X coordinate of the mask.
      --erase-y=<integer>        Y coordinate
          Y coordinate of the mask.

 Deinterlacing video filter (deinterlace)
                                 Streaming deinterlace mode
          Deinterlace method to use for streaming.
      --sout-deinterlace-phosphor-chroma={1 (Latest), 2 (AltLine), 3 (Blend), 4 (Upconvert)} 
                                 Phosphor chroma mode for 4:2:0 input
          Choose handling for colours in those output frames that fall across
          input frame boundaries.   Latest: take chroma from new (bright) field
          only. Good for interlaced input, such as videos from a camcorder.  
          AltLine: take chroma line 1 from top field, line 2 from bottom field,
          etc.  Default, good for NTSC telecined input (anime DVDs, etc.).  
          Blend: average input field chromas. May distort the colours of the
          new (bright) field, too.   Upconvert: output in 4:2:2 format
          (independent chroma for each field). Best simulation, but requires
          more CPU and memory bandwidth.
      --sout-deinterlace-phosphor-dimmer={1 (Off), 2 (Low), 3 (Medium), 4 (High)} 
                                 Phosphor old field dimmer strength
          This controls the strength of the darkening filter that simulates CRT
          TV phosphor light decay for the old field in the Phosphor framerate
          doubler. Default: Low.

 Video cropping filter (croppadd)
      --croppadd-croptop=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Pixels to crop from top
          Number of pixels to crop from the top of the image.
      --croppadd-cropbottom=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Pixels to crop from bottom
          Number of pixels to crop from the bottom of the image.
      --croppadd-cropleft=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Pixels to crop from left
          Number of pixels to crop from the left of the image.
      --croppadd-cropright=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Pixels to crop from right
          Number of pixels to crop from the right of the image.
      --croppadd-paddtop=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Pixels to padd to top
          Number of pixels to padd to the top of the image after cropping.
      --croppadd-paddbottom=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Pixels to padd to bottom
          Number of pixels to padd to the bottom of the image after cropping.
      --croppadd-paddleft=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Pixels to padd to left
          Number of pixels to padd to the left of the image after cropping.
      --croppadd-paddright=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Pixels to padd to right
          Number of pixels to padd to the right of the image after cropping.

 Color threshold filter (colorthres)
 Select one color in the video
      --colorthres-color={16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 65280 (Lime), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)} 
          Colors similar to this will be kept, others will be grayscaled. This
          must be an hexadecimal (like HTML colors). The first two chars are
          for red, then green, then blue. #000000 = black, #FF0000 = red,
          #00FF00 = green, #FFFF00 = yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF = white
                                 Saturation threshold
                                 Similarity threshold

 Canvas video filter (canvas)
 Automatically resize and pad a video
      --canvas-width=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Output width
          Output (canvas) image width
      --canvas-height=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Output height
          Output (canvas) image height
      --canvas-aspect=<string>   Output picture aspect ratio
          Set the canvas' picture aspect ratio. If omitted, the canvas is
          assumed to have the same SAR as the input.
      --canvas-padd, --no-canvas-padd 
                                 Pad video
                                 (default enabled)
          If enabled, video will be padded to fit in canvas after scaling.
          Otherwise, video will be cropped to fix in canvas after scaling.

 Bluescreen video filter (bluescreen)
 This effect, also known as "greenscreen" or "chroma key" blends the "blue parts" of the foreground image of the mosaic on the background (like weather forecasts). You can choose the "key" color for blending (blue by default).
      --bluescreen-u=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Bluescreen U value
          "U" value for the bluescreen key color (in YUV values). From 0 to
          255. Defaults to 120 for blue.
      --bluescreen-v=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Bluescreen V value
          "V" value for the bluescreen key color (in YUV values). From 0 to
          255. Defaults to 90 for blue.
      --bluescreen-ut=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Bluescreen U tolerance
          Tolerance of the bluescreen blender on color variations for the U
          plane. A value between 10 and 20 seems sensible.
      --bluescreen-vt=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Bluescreen V tolerance
          Tolerance of the bluescreen blender on color variations for the V
          plane. A value between 10 and 20 seems sensible.

 Blending benchmark filter (blendbench)
                                 Number of time to blend
          The number of time the blend will be performed
      --blendbench-alpha=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Alpha of the blended image
          Alpha with which the blend image is blended
   Base image:
                                 Image to be blended onto
          The image which will be used to blend onto
                                 Chroma for the base image
          Chroma which the base image will be loaded in
   Blend image:
                                 Image which will be blended
          The image blended onto the base image
                                 Chroma for the blend image
          Chroma which the blend image will be loaded in

 Ball video filter (ball)
 Augmented reality ball game
                                 Ball color
          Ball color
      --ball-speed=<integer [1 .. 15]> 
                                 Ball speed
          Set ball speed, the displacement value                               
           in number of pixels by frame.
      --ball-size=<integer [5 .. 30]> 
                                 Ball size
          Set ball size giving its radius in number                            
              of pixels
      --ball-gradient-threshold=<integer [1 .. 200]> 
                                 Gradient threshold
          Set gradient threshold for edge computation.
      --ball-edge-visible, --no-ball-edge-visible 
                                 Edge visible
                                 (default enabled)
          Set edge visibility.

 Antiflicker video filter (antiflicker)
      --antiflicker-window-size=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Window size
          Number of frames (0 to 100)
      --antiflicker-softening-size=<integer [0 .. 31]> 
                                 Softening value
          Number of frames consider for smoothening (0 to 30)

 Convert 3D picture to anaglyph image video filter (anaglyph)
                                 Color scheme
          Define the glasses' color scheme

 Alpha mask video filter (alphamask)
 Use an image's alpha channel as a transparency mask.
      --alphamask-mask=<string>  Transparency mask
          Alpha blending transparency mask. Uses a png alpha channel.

 Image properties filter (adjust)
      --contrast=<float [0.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 Image contrast (0-2)
          Set the image contrast, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 1.
      --brightness=<float [0.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 Image brightness (0-2)
          Set the image brightness, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 1.
      --hue=<float [-180.000000 .. 180.000000]> 
                                 Image hue (-180..180)
          Set the image hue, between -180 and 180. Defaults to 0.
      --saturation=<float [0.000000 .. 3.000000]> 
                                 Image saturation (0-3)
          Set the image saturation, between 0 and 3. Defaults to 1.
      --gamma=<float [0.010000 .. 10.000000]> 
                                 Image gamma (0-10)
          Set the image gamma, between 0.01 and 10. Defaults to 1.
      --brightness-threshold, --no-brightness-threshold 
                                 Brightness threshold
                                 (default disabled)
          When this mode is enabled, pixels will be shown as black or white.
          The threshold value will be the brightness defined below.

 Video scaling filter (swscale)
      --swscale-mode={0 (Fast bilinear), 1 (Bilinear), 2 (Bicubic (good quality)), 3 (Experimental), 4 (Nearest neighbour (bad quality)), 5 (Area), 6 (Luma bicubic / chroma bilinear), 7 (Gauss), 8 (SincR), 9 (Lanczos), 10 (Bicubic spline)} 
                                 Scaling mode
          Scaling mode to use.

 Speech synthesis for Windows (sapi)
      --sapi-voice=<integer>     Voice Index
          Voice index

 Freetype2 font renderer (freetype)
      --freetype-font=<string>   Font
          Font family for the font you want to use
                                 Monospace Font
          Font family for the font you want to use
      --freetype-opacity=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Text opacity
          The opacity (inverse of transparency) of the text that will be
          rendered on the video. 0 = transparent, 255 = totally opaque.
      --freetype-color={0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)} 
                                 Text default color
          The color of the text that will be rendered on the video. This must
          be an hexadecimal (like HTML colors). The first two chars are for
          red, then green, then blue. #000000 = black, #FF0000 = red, #00FF00 =
          green, #FFFF00 = yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF = white
      --freetype-bold, --no-freetype-bold 
                                 Force bold
                                 (default disabled)
      --freetype-background-opacity=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Background opacity
      --freetype-background-color={0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)} 
                                 Background color
      --freetype-outline-opacity=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Outline opacity
      --freetype-outline-color={0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)} 
                                 Outline color
      --freetype-outline-thickness={0 (None), 2 (Thin), 4 (Normal), 6 (Thick)} 
                                 Outline thickness
      --freetype-shadow-opacity=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Shadow opacity
      --freetype-shadow-color={0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)} 
                                 Shadow color
      --freetype-shadow-angle=<float [-360.000000 .. 360.000000]> 
                                 Shadow angle
      --freetype-shadow-distance=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 
                                 Shadow distance
      --freetype-yuvp, --no-freetype-yuvp 
                                 Use YUVP renderer
                                 (default disabled)
          This renders the font using "paletized YUV". This option is only
          needed if you want to encode into DVB subtitles
      --freetype-text-direction={0 (Left to right), 1 (Right to left), 2 (Auto)} 
                                 Text direction
          Paragraph base direction for the Unicode bi-directional algorithm.

 Transcode stream output (stream_out_transcode)
                                 Video encoder
          This is the video encoder module that will be used (and its
          associated options).
                                 Destination video codec
          This is the video codec that will be used.
                                 Video bitrate
          Target bitrate of the transcoded video stream.
      --sout-transcode-scale=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Video scaling
          Scale factor to apply to the video while transcoding (eg: 0.25)
                                 Video frame-rate
          Target output frame rate for the video stream.
      --sout-transcode-deinterlace, --no-sout-transcode-deinterlace 
                                 Deinterlace video
                                 (default disabled)
          Deinterlace the video before encoding.
                                 Deinterlace module
          Specify the deinterlace module to use.
                                 Video width
          Output video width.
                                 Video height
          Output video height.
                                 Maximum video width
          Maximum output video width.
                                 Maximum video height
          Maximum output video height.
                                 Video filter
          Video filters will be applied to the video streams (after overlays
          are applied). You can enter a colon-separated list of filters.
                                 Audio encoder
          This is the audio encoder module that will be used (and its
          associated options).
                                 Destination audio codec
          This is the audio codec that will be used.
                                 Audio bitrate
          Target bitrate of the transcoded audio stream.
                                 Audio language
          This is the language of the audio stream.
      --sout-transcode-channels=<integer [0 .. 9]> 
                                 Audio channels
          Number of audio channels in the transcoded streams.
      --sout-transcode-samplerate=<integer [0 .. 48000]> 
                                 Audio sample rate
          Sample rate of the transcoded audio stream (11250, 22500, 44100 or
                                 Audio filter
          Audio filters will be applied to the audio streams (after conversion
          filters are applied). You can enter a colon-separated list of
                                 Subtitle encoder
          This is the subtitle encoder module that will be used (and its
          associated options).
                                 Destination subtitle codec
          This is the subtitle codec that will be used.
      --sout-transcode-soverlay, --no-sout-transcode-soverlay 
                                 Destination subtitle codec
                                 (default disabled)
          This is the subtitle codec that will be used.
          This allows you to add overlays (also known as "subpictures") on the
          transcoded video stream. The subpictures produced by the filters will
          be overlayed directly onto the video. You can specify a
          colon-separated list of subpicture modules.
                                 Number of threads
          Number of threads used for the transcoding.
      --sout-transcode-pool-size=<integer [1 .. 1000]> 
                                 Picture pool size
          Defines how many pictures we allow to be in pool between
          decoder/encoder threads when threads > 0
      --sout-transcode-high-priority, --no-sout-transcode-high-priority 
                                 High priority
                                 (default disabled)
          Runs the optional encoder thread at the OUTPUT priority instead of

 Writes statistic info about stream (stats)
                                 Output file
          Writes stats to file instead of stdout
                                 Prefix to show on output line
          Prefix to show on output line

 Standard stream output (stream_out_standard)
                                 Output access method
          Output method to use for the stream.
                                 Output muxer
          Muxer to use for the stream.
                                 Output destination
          Destination (URL) to use for the stream. Overrides path and bind
                                 Address to bind to (helper setting for dst)
          address:port to bind vlc to listening incoming streams. Helper
          setting for dst, dst=bind+'/'+path. dst-parameter overrides this.
                                 Filename for stream (helper setting for dst)
          Filename for stream. Helper setting for dst, dst=bind+'/'+path.
          dst-parameter overrides this.
      --sout-standard-sap, --no-sout-standard-sap 
                                 SAP announcing
                                 (default disabled)
          Announce this session with SAP.
                                 Session name
          This is the name of the session that will be announced in the SDP
          (Session Descriptor).
                                 Session description
          This allows you to give a short description with details about the
          stream, that will be announced in the SDP (Session Descriptor).
                                 Session URL
          This allows you to give a URL with more details about the stream
          (often the website of the streaming organization), that will be
          announced in the SDP (Session Descriptor).
                                 Session email
          This allows you to give a contact mail address for the stream, that
          will be announced in the SDP (Session Descriptor).

 Stream output to memory buffer (smem)
                                 Video prerender callback
          Address of the video prerender callback function. This function will
          set the buffer where render will be done.
                                 Audio prerender callback
          Address of the audio prerender callback function. This function will
          set the buffer where render will be done.
                                 Video postrender callback
          Address of the video postrender callback function. This function will
          be called when the render is into the buffer.
                                 Audio postrender callback
          Address of the audio postrender callback function. This function will
          be called when the render is into the buffer.
                                 Video Callback data
          Data for the video callback function.
                                 Audio callback data
          Data for the video callback function.
      --sout-smem-time-sync, --no-sout-smem-time-sync 
                                 Time Synchronized output
                                 (default enabled)
          Time Synchronisation option for output. If true, stream will render
          as usual, else it will be rendered as fast as possible.

 Change the id of an elementary stream (setid)
   Set ES id:
      --sout-setid-id=<integer>  Elementary Stream ID
          Specify an identifier integer for this elementary stream
                                 New ES ID
          Specify an new identifier integer for this elementary stream
   Set ES Lang:
                                 Elementary Stream ID
          Specify an identifier integer for this elementary stream
          Specify an ISO-639 code (three characters) for this elementary stream

 RTP stream output (stream_out_rtp)
      --sout-rtp-dst=<string>    Destination
          This is the output URL that will be used.
      --sout-rtp-sdp=<string>    SDP
          This allows you to specify how the SDP (Session Descriptor) for this
          RTP session will be made available. You must use a url:
          http://location to access the SDP via HTTP, rtsp://location for RTSP
          access, and sap:// for the SDP to be announced via SAP.
      --sout-rtp-mux=<string>    Muxer
          This allows you to specify the muxer used for the streaming output.
          Default is to use no muxer (standard RTP stream).
      --sout-rtp-sap, --no-sout-rtp-sap 
                                 SAP announcing
                                 (default disabled)
          Announce this session with SAP.
      --sout-rtp-name=<string>   Session name
          This is the name of the session that will be announced in the SDP
          (Session Descriptor).
      --sout-rtp-cat=<string>    Session category
          This allows you to specify a category for the session, that will be
          announced if you choose to use SAP.
                                 Session description
          This allows you to give a short description with details about the
          stream, that will be announced in the SDP (Session Descriptor).
      --sout-rtp-url=<string>    Session URL
          This allows you to give a URL with more details about the stream
          (often the website of the streaming organization), that will be
          announced in the SDP (Session Descriptor).
      --sout-rtp-email=<string>  Session email
          This allows you to give a contact mail address for the stream, that
          will be announced in the SDP (Session Descriptor).
                                 Transport protocol
          This selects which transport protocol to use for RTP.
      --sout-rtp-port=<integer>  Port
          This allows you to specify the base port for the RTP streaming.
                                 Audio port
          This allows you to specify the default audio port for the RTP
                                 Video port
          This allows you to specify the default video port for the RTP
      --sout-rtp-ttl=<integer>   Hop limit (TTL)
          This is the hop limit (also known as "Time-To-Live" or TTL) of the
          multicast packets sent by the stream output (-1 = use operating
          system built-in default).
      --sout-rtp-rtcp-mux, --no-sout-rtp-rtcp-mux 
                                 RTP/RTCP multiplexing
                                 (default disabled)
          This sends and receives RTCP packet multiplexed over the same port as
          RTP packets.
                                 Caching value (ms)
          Default caching value for outbound RTP streams. This value should be
          set in milliseconds.
      --sout-rtp-key=<string>    SRTP key (hexadecimal)
          RTP packets will be integrity-protected and ciphered with this Secure
          RTP master shared secret key. This must be a 32-character-long
          hexadecimal string.
      --sout-rtp-salt=<string>   SRTP salt (hexadecimal)
          Secure RTP requires a (non-secret) master salt value. This must be a
          28-character-long hexadecimal string.
      --sout-rtp-mp4a-latm, --no-sout-rtp-mp4a-latm 
                                 MP4A LATM
                                 (default disabled)
          This allows you to stream MPEG4 LATM audio streams (see RFC3016).
      --rtsp-timeout=<integer>   RTSP session timeout (s)
          RTSP sessions will be closed after not receiving any RTSP request for
          this long. Setting it to a negative value or zero disables timeouts.
          The default is 60 (one minute).
      --sout-rtsp-user=<string>  Username
          Username that will be requested to access the stream.
      --sout-rtsp-pwd=<string>   Password
          Password that will be requested to access the stream.

 Record stream output (record)
                                 Destination prefix
          Prefix of the destination file automatically generated

 Mosaic bridge stream output (mosaic_bridge)
          Specify an identifier string for this subpicture
                                 Video width
          Output video width.
                                 Video height
          Output video height.
                                 Sample aspect ratio
          Sample aspect ratio of the destination (1:1, 3:4, 2:3).
                                 Image chroma
          Force the use of a specific chroma. Use YUVA if you're planning to
          use the Alphamask or Bluescreen video filter.
                                 Video filter
          Video filters will be applied to the video stream.
      --sout-mosaic-bridge-alpha=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
          Transparency of the mosaic picture.
                                 X offset
          X coordinate of the upper left corner in the mosaic if non negative.
                                 Y offset
          Y coordinate of the upper left corner in the mosaic if non negative.

 Elementary stream output (es)
      --sout-es-access=<string>  Output access method
          This is the default output access method that will be used.
      --sout-es-mux=<string>     Output muxer
          This is the default muxer method that will be used.
      --sout-es-dst=<string>     Output URL
          This is the default output URI.
                                 Audio output access method
          This is the output access method that will be used for audio.
                                 Audio output muxer
          This is the muxer that will be used for audio.
                                 Audio output URL
          This is the output URI that will be used for audio.
                                 Video output access method
          This is the output access method that will be used for video.
                                 Video output muxer
          This is the muxer that will be used for video.
                                 Video output URL
          This is the output URI that will be used for video.

 Display stream output (display)
      --sout-display-audio, --no-sout-display-audio 
                                 Enable audio
                                 (default enabled)
          Enable/disable audio rendering.
      --sout-display-video, --no-sout-display-video 
                                 Enable video
                                 (default enabled)
          Enable/disable video rendering.
                                 Delay (ms)
          Introduces a delay in the display of the stream.

 Delay a stream (delay)
      --sout-delay-id=<integer>  Elementary Stream ID
          Specify an identifier integer for this elementary stream
                                 Delay of the ES (ms)
          Specify a delay (in ms) for this elementary stream. Positive means
          delay and negative means advance.

 Chromecast stream output (stream_out_chromecast)
      --sout-chromecast-video, --no-sout-chromecast-video 
                                 (default enabled)
                                 HTTP port
          This sets the HTTP port of the local server used to stream the media
          to the Chromecast.
                                 Performance warning
          Display a performance warning when transcoding
      --sout-chromecast-audio-passthrough, --no-sout-chromecast-audio-passthrough 
                                 Enable Audio passthrough
                                 (default disabled)
          Disable if your receiver does not support Dolby®.
      --sout-chromecast-conversion-quality={0 (High (high quality and high bandwidth)), 1 (Medium (medium quality and medium bandwidth)), 2 (Low (low quality and low bandwidth)), 3 (Low CPU (low quality but high bandwidth))} 
                                 Conversion quality
          Change this option to increase conversion speed or quality.

 Chromaprint stream output (stream_out_chromaprint)
      --duration=<integer>       Duration of the fingerprinting
          Default: 90sec

 Bridge stream output (bridge)
   Bridge out:
          Integer identifier for this elementary stream. This will be used to
          "find" this stream later.
                                 Destination bridge-in name
          Name of the destination bridge-in. If you do not need more than one
          bridge-in at a time, you can discard this option.
   Bridge in:
          Pictures coming from the picture video outputs will be delayed
          according to this value (in milliseconds, should be >= 100 ms). For
          high values, you will need to raise caching values.
                                 ID Offset
          Offset to add to the stream IDs specified in bridge_out to obtain the
          stream IDs bridge_in will register.
                                 Name of current instance
          Name of this bridge-in instance. If you do not need more than one
          bridge-in at a time, you can discard this option.
      --sout-bridge-in-placeholder, --no-sout-bridge-in-placeholder 
                                 Fallback to placeholder stream when out of
                                 (default disabled)
          If set to true, the bridge will discard all input elementary streams
          except if it doesn't receive data from another bridge-in. This can be
          used to configure a place holder stream when the real source breaks.
          Source and placeholder streams should have the same format.
                                 Placeholder delay
          Delay (in ms) before the placeholder kicks in.
      --sout-bridge-in-placeholder-switch-on-iframe, --no-sout-bridge-in-placeholder-switch-on-iframe 
                                 Wait for I frame before toggling placeholder
                                 (default enabled)
          If enabled, switching between the placeholder and the normal stream
          will only occur on I frames. This will remove artifacts on stream
          switching at the expense of a slightly longer delay, depending on the
          frequence of I frames in the streams.

 Stream prefetch filter (prefetch)
      --prefetch-buffer-size=<integer [4 .. 1048576]> 
                                 Buffer size
          Prefetch buffer size (KiB)
      --prefetch-read-size=<integer [1 .. 536870912]> 
                                 Read size
          Prefetch background read size (bytes)
      --prefetch-seek-threshold=<integer [0 .. 1152921504606846976]> 
                                 Seek threshold
          Prefetch forward seek threshold (bytes)

 Subtitle delay (subsdelay)
 Change subtitle delay
      --subsdelay-mode={0 (Absolute delay), 1 (Relative to source delay), 2 (Relative to source content)} 
                                 Delay calculation mode
          Absolute delay - add absolute delay to each subtitle. Relative to
          source delay - multiply subtitle delay. Relative to source content -
          determine subtitle delay from its content (text).
      --subsdelay-factor=<float [0.000000 .. 20.000000]> 
                                 Calculation factor
          Calculation factor. In Absolute delay mode the factor represents
      --subsdelay-overlap=<integer [1 .. 4]> 
                                 Maximum overlapping subtitles
          Maximum number of subtitles allowed at the same time.
      --subsdelay-min-alpha=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Minimum alpha value
          Alpha value of the earliest subtitle, where 0 is fully transparent
          and 255 is fully opaque.
   Overlap fix:
                                 Interval between two disappearances
          Minimum time (in milliseconds) that subtitle should stay after its
          predecessor has disappeared (subtitle delay will be extended to meet
          this requirement).
                                 Interval between appearance and disappearance
          Minimum time (in milliseconds) that subtitle should stay after newer
          subtitle has appeared (earlier subtitle delay will be shortened to
          avoid the overlap).
                                 Interval between disappearance and appearance
          Minimum time (in milliseconds) between subtitle disappearance and
          newer subtitle appearance (earlier subtitle delay will be extended to
          fill the gap).

 RSS and Atom feed display (rss)
 Display a RSS or ATOM Feed on your video
      --rss-urls=<string>        Feed URLs
          RSS/Atom feed '|' (pipe) separated URLs.
      --rss-x=<integer>          X offset
          X offset, from the left screen edge.
      --rss-y=<integer>          Y offset
          Y offset, down from the top.
      --rss-position={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)} 
                                 Text position
          You can enforce the text position on the video (0=center, 1=left,
          2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom; you can also use combinations of these
          values, eg 6 = top-right).
      --rss-opacity=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
          Opacity (inverse of transparency) of overlay text. 0 = transparent,
          255 = totally opaque.
      --rss-color={-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)} 
          Color of the text that will be rendered on the video. This must be an
          hexadecimal (like HTML colors). The first two chars are for red, then
          green, then blue. #000000 = black, #FF0000 = red, #00FF00 = green,
          #FFFF00 = yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF = white
      --rss-size=<integer [0 .. 4096]> 
                                 Font size, pixels
          Font size, in pixels. Default is 0 (use default font size).
      --rss-speed=<integer>      Speed of feeds
          Speed of the RSS/Atom feeds in microseconds (bigger is slower).
      --rss-length=<integer>     Max length
          Maximum number of characters displayed on the screen.
      --rss-ttl=<integer>        Refresh time
          Number of seconds between each forced refresh of the feeds. 0 means
          that the feeds are never updated.
      --rss-images, --no-rss-images 
                                 Feed images
                                 (default enabled)
          Display feed images if available.
      --rss-title={-1 (Default), 0 (Don't show), 1 (Always visible), 2 (Scroll with feed)} 
                                 Title display mode
          Title display mode. Default is 0 (hidden) if the feed has an image
          and feed images are enabled, 1 otherwise.

 Remote-OSD over VNC (remoteosd)
      --rmtosd-host=<string>     VNC Host
          VNC hostname or IP address.
      --rmtosd-port=<integer [1 .. 65535]> 
                                 VNC Port
          VNC port number.
      --rmtosd-password=<string> VNC Password
          VNC password.
      --rmtosd-update=<integer [200 .. 300]> 
                                 VNC poll interval
          In this interval an update from VNC is requested, default every 300
      --rmtosd-vnc-polling, --no-rmtosd-vnc-polling 
                                 VNC polling
                                 (default disabled)
          Activate VNC polling. Do NOT activate for use as VDR ffnetdev client.
      --rmtosd-mouse-events, --no-rmtosd-mouse-events 
                                 Mouse events
                                 (default disabled)
          Send mouse events to VNC host. Not needed for use as VDR ffnetdev
      --rmtosd-key-events, --no-rmtosd-key-events 
                                 Key events
                                 (default disabled)
          Send key events to VNC host.
      --rmtosd-alpha=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Alpha transparency value (default 255)
          The transparency of the OSD VNC can be changed by giving a value
          between 0 and 255. A lower value specifies more transparency a higher
          means less transparency. The default is being not transparent (value
          255) the minimum is fully transparent (value 0).

 Mosaic video sub source (mosaic)
      --mosaic-alpha=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
          Transparency of the mosaic foreground pictures. 0 means transparent,
          255 opaque (default).
      --mosaic-height=<integer>  Height
          Total height of the mosaic, in pixels.
      --mosaic-width=<integer>   Width
          Total width of the mosaic, in pixels.
      --mosaic-align={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)} 
                                 Mosaic alignment
          You can enforce the mosaic alignment on the video (0=center, 1=left,
          2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these
          values, eg 6 = top-right).
      --mosaic-xoffset=<integer> Top left corner X coordinate
          X Coordinate of the top-left corner of the mosaic.
      --mosaic-yoffset=<integer> Top left corner Y coordinate
          Y Coordinate of the top-left corner of the mosaic.
      --mosaic-borderw=<integer> Border width
          Width in pixels of the border between miniatures.
      --mosaic-borderh=<integer> Border height
          Height in pixels of the border between miniatures.
      --mosaic-position={0 (auto), 1 (fixed), 2 (offsets)} 
                                 Positioning method
          Positioning method for the mosaic. auto: automatically choose the
          best number of rows and columns. fixed: use the user-defined number
          of rows and columns. offsets: use the user-defined offsets for each
      --mosaic-rows=<integer>    Number of rows
          Number of image rows in the mosaic (only used if positioning method
          is set to "fixed").
      --mosaic-cols=<integer>    Number of columns
          Number of image columns in the mosaic (only used if positioning
          method is set to "fixed").
      --mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio, --no-mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio 
                                 Keep aspect ratio
                                 (default disabled)
          Keep the original aspect ratio when resizing mosaic elements.
      --mosaic-keep-picture, --no-mosaic-keep-picture 
                                 Keep original size
                                 (default disabled)
          Keep the original size of mosaic elements.
      --mosaic-order=<string>    Elements order
          You can enforce the order of the elements on the mosaic. You must
          give a comma-separated list of picture ID(s). These IDs are assigned
          in the "mosaic-bridge" module.
      --mosaic-offsets=<string>  Offsets in order
          You can enforce the (x,y) offsets of the elements on the mosaic (only
          used if positioning method is set to "offsets"). You must give a
          comma-separated list of coordinates (eg: 10,10,150,10).
      --mosaic-delay=<integer>   Delay
          Pictures coming from the mosaic elements will be delayed according to
          this value (in milliseconds). For high values you will need to raise
          caching at input.

 Marquee display (marq)
 Display text above the video
      --marq-marquee=<string>    Text
          Marquee text to display. (Available format strings: %Y = year, %m =
          month, %d = day, %H = hour, %M = minute, %S = second, ...)
      --marq-file=<string>       Text file
          File to read the marquee text from.
      --marq-x=<integer>         X offset
          X offset, from the left screen edge.
      --marq-y=<integer>         Y offset
          Y offset, down from the top.
      --marq-position={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)} 
                                 Marquee position
          You can enforce the marquee position on the video (0=center, 1=left,
          2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these
          values, eg 6 = top-right).
      --marq-opacity=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
          Opacity (inverse of transparency) of overlayed text. 0 = transparent,
          255 = totally opaque.
      --marq-color={-268435456 (Default), 0 (Black), 8421504 (Gray), 12632256 (Silver), 16777215 (White), 8388608 (Maroon), 16711680 (Red), 16711935 (Fuchsia), 16776960 (Yellow), 8421376 (Olive), 32768 (Green), 32896 (Teal), 65280 (Lime), 8388736 (Purple), 128 (Navy), 255 (Blue), 65535 (Aqua)} 
          Color of the text that will be rendered on the video. This must be an
          hexadecimal (like HTML colors). The first two chars are for red, then
          green, then blue. #000000 = black, #FF0000 = red, #00FF00 = green,
          #FFFF00 = yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF = white
      --marq-size=<integer [0 .. 4096]> 
                                 Font size, pixels
          Font size, in pixels. Default is 0 (use default font size).
      --marq-timeout=<integer>   Timeout
          Number of milliseconds the marquee must remain displayed. Default
          value is 0 (remains forever).
      --marq-refresh=<integer>   Refresh period in ms
          Number of milliseconds between string updates. This is mainly useful
          when using meta data or time format string sequences.

 Logo sub source (logo)
 Use a local picture as logo on the video
      --logo-file=<string>       Logo filenames
          Full path of the image files to use. Format is <image>[,<delay in
          ms>[,<alpha>]][;<image>[,<delay>[,<alpha>]]][;...]. If you only have
          one file, simply enter its filename.
      --logo-x=<integer>         X coordinate
          X coordinate of the logo. You can move the logo by left-clicking it.
      --logo-y=<integer>         Y coordinate
          Y coordinate of the logo. You can move the logo by left-clicking it.
      --logo-delay=<integer>     Logo individual image time in ms
          Individual image display time of 0 - 60000 ms.
      --logo-repeat=<integer>    Logo animation # of loops
          Number of loops for the logo animation. -1 = continuous, 0 = disabled
      --logo-opacity=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Opacity of the logo
          Logo opacity value (from 0 for full transparency to 255 for full
      --logo-position={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)} 
                                 Logo position
          Enforce the logo position on the video (0=center, 1=left, 2=right,
          4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these values, eg 6
          = top-right).

 Audio Bar Graph Video sub source (audiobargraph_v)
                                 X coordinate
          X coordinate of the bargraph.
                                 Y coordinate
          Y coordinate of the bargraph.
      --audiobargraph_v-transparency=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Transparency of the bargraph
          Bargraph transparency value (from 0 for full transparency to 255 for
          full opacity).
      --audiobargraph_v-position={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)} 
                                 Bargraph position
          Enforce the bargraph position on the video (0=center, 1=left,
          2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these
          values, eg 6 = top-right).
                                 Bar width in pixel
          Width in pixel of each bar in the BarGraph to be displayed.
                                 Bar Height in pixel
          Height in pixel of BarGraph to be displayed.

 Universal Plug'n'Play (upnp)
                                 SAT>IP channel list
          SAT>IP channel list
                                 Custom SAT>IP channel list URL
          Custom SAT>IP channel list URL

 Network streams (SAP) (sap)
      --sap-addr=<string>        SAP multicast address
          The SAP module normally chooses itself the right addresses to listen
          to. However, you can specify a specific address.
      --sap-timeout=<integer>    SAP timeout (seconds)
          Delay after which SAP items get deleted if no new announcement is
      --sap-parse, --no-sap-parse 
                                 Try to parse the announce
                                 (default enabled)
          This enables actual parsing of the announces by the SAP module.
          Otherwise, all announcements are parsed by the "live555" (RTP/RTSP)
      --sap-strict, --no-sap-strict 
                                 SAP Strict mode
                                 (default disabled)
          When this is set, the SAP parser will discard some non-compliant

 Podcasts (podcast)
      --podcast-urls=<string>    Podcast URLs list
          Enter the list of podcasts to retrieve, separated by '|' (pipe).

 MPEG-I/II video packetizer (mpegvideo)
      --packetizer-mpegvideo-sync-iframe, --no-packetizer-mpegvideo-sync-iframe 
                                 Sync on Intra Frame
                                 (default disabled)
          Normally the packetizer would sync on the next full frame. This flags
          instructs the packetizer to sync on the first Intra Frame found.

 TS muxer (libdvbpsi) (mux_ts)
                                 Digital TV Standard
      --sout-ts-pid-video=<integer [32 .. 8190]> 
                                 Video PID
          Assign a fixed PID to the video stream. The PCR PID will
          automatically be the video.
      --sout-ts-pid-audio=<integer [32 .. 8190]> 
                                 Audio PID
          Assign a fixed PID to the audio stream.
      --sout-ts-pid-spu=<integer [32 .. 8190]> 
                                 SPU PID
          Assign a fixed PID to the SPU.
      --sout-ts-pid-pmt=<integer [32 .. 8190]> 
                                 PMT PID
          Assign a fixed PID to the PMT
      --sout-ts-tsid=<integer>   TS ID
          Assign a fixed Transport Stream ID.
      --sout-ts-netid=<integer>  NET ID
          Assign a fixed Network ID (for SDT table)
                                 PMT Program numbers
          Assign a program number to each PMT. This requires "Set PID to ID of
          ES" to be enabled.
      --sout-ts-es-id-pid, --no-sout-ts-es-id-pid 
                                 Set PID to ID of ES
                                 (default disabled)
          Sets PID to the ID if the incoming ES. This is for use with
          --ts-es-id-pid, and allows having the same PIDs in the input and
          output streams.
      --sout-ts-muxpmt=<string>  Mux PMT (requires --sout-ts-es-id-pid)
          Define the pids to add to each pmt. This requires "Set PID to ID of
          ES" to be enabled.
      --sout-ts-sdtdesc=<string> SDT Descriptors (requires --sout-ts-es-id-pid)
          Defines the descriptors of each SDT. This requires "Set PID to ID of
          ES" to be enabled.
      --sout-ts-alignment, --no-sout-ts-alignment 
                                 Data alignment
                                 (default enabled)
          Enforces alignment of all access units on PES boundaries. Disabling
          this might save some bandwidth but introduce incompatibilities.
                                 Shaping delay (ms)
          Cut the stream in slices of the given duration, and ensure a constant
          bitrate between the two boundaries. This avoids having huge bitrate
          peaks, especially for reference frames.
      --sout-ts-use-key-frames, --no-sout-ts-use-key-frames 
                                 Use keyframes
                                 (default disabled)
          If enabled, and shaping is specified, the TS muxer will place the
          boundaries at the end of I pictures. In that case, the shaping
          duration given by the user is a worse case used when no reference
          frame is available. This enhances the efficiency of the shaping
          algorithm, since I frames are usually the biggest frames in the
      --sout-ts-pcr=<integer>    PCR interval (ms)
          Set at which interval PCRs (Program Clock Reference) will be sent (in
          milliseconds). This value should be below 100ms. (default is 70ms).
      --sout-ts-bmin=<integer>   Minimum B (deprecated)
          This setting is deprecated and not used anymore
      --sout-ts-bmax=<integer>   Maximum B (deprecated)
          This setting is deprecated and not used anymore
                                 DTS delay (ms)
          Delay the DTS (decoding time stamps) and PTS (presentation
          timestamps) of the data in the stream, compared to the PCRs. This
          allows for some buffering inside the client decoder.
      --sout-ts-crypt-audio, --no-sout-ts-crypt-audio 
                                 Crypt audio
                                 (default enabled)
          Crypt audio using CSA
      --sout-ts-crypt-video, --no-sout-ts-crypt-video 
                                 Crypt video
                                 (default enabled)
          Crypt video using CSA
      --sout-ts-csa-ck=<string>  CSA Key
          CSA encryption key. This must be a 16 char string (8 hexadecimal
      --sout-ts-csa2-ck=<string> Second CSA Key
          The even CSA encryption key. This must be a 16 char string (8
          hexadecimal bytes).
      --sout-ts-csa-use=<string> CSA Key in use
          CSA encryption key used. It can be the odd/first/1 (default) or the
          even/second/2 one.
                                 Packet size in bytes to encrypt
          Size of the TS packet to encrypt. The encryption routines subtract
          the TS-header from the value before encrypting.

 PS muxer (ps)
                                 DTS delay (ms)
          Delay the DTS (decoding time stamps) and PTS (presentation
          timestamps) of the data in the stream, compared to the SCRs. This
          allows for some buffering inside the client decoder.
                                 PES maximum size
          Set the maximum allowed PES size when producing the MPEG PS streams.

 Ogg/OGM muxer (mux_ogg)
      --sout-ogg-indexintvl=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Index interval
          Minimal index interval, in microseconds. Set to 0 to disable index
      --sout-ogg-indexratio=<float [1.000000 .. 1000.000000]> 
                                 Index size ratio
          Set index size ratio. Alters default (60min content) or estimated

 MP4/MOV muxer (mp4)
      --sout-mp4-faststart, --no-sout-mp4-faststart 
                                 Create "Fast Start" files
                                 (default enabled)
          Create "Fast Start" files. "Fast Start" files are optimized for
          downloads and allow the user to start previewing the file while it is

 AVI muxer (avi)
      --sout-avi-artist=<string> Artist
      --sout-avi-date=<string>   Date
      --sout-avi-genre=<string>  Genre
      --sout-avi-name=<string>   Name

 ASF muxer (asf)
      --sout-asf-title=<string>  Title
          Title to put in ASF comments.
      --sout-asf-author=<string> Author
          Author to put in ASF comments.
          Copyright string to put in ASF comments.
          Comment to put in ASF comments.
      --sout-asf-rating=<string> Rating
          "Rating" to put in ASF comments.
                                 Packet Size
          ASF packet size -- default is 4096 bytes
                                 Bitrate override
          Do not try to guess ASF bitrate. Setting this, allows you to control
          how Windows Media Player will cache streamed content. Set to
          audio+video bitrate in bytes

 Legacy RTSP VoD server (rtsp)
      --rtsp-raw-mux=<string>    MUX for RAW RTSP transport
          MUX for RAW RTSP transport
                                 Maximum number of connections
          This limits the maximum number of clients that can connect to the
          RTSP VOD. 0 means no limit.
                                 Sets the timeout option in the RTSP session
          Defines what timeout option to add to the RTSP session ID string.
          Setting it to a negative number removes the timeout option entirely.
          This is needed by some IPTV STBs (such as those made by HansunTech)
          which get confused by it. The default is 5.

 GNU TLS transport layer security (gnutls)
      --gnutls-system-trust, --no-gnutls-system-trust 
                                 Use system trust database
                                 (default enabled)
          Trust the root certificates of Certificate Authorities stored in the
          operating system trust database to authenticate TLS sessions.
                                 Trust directory
          Trust directory
                                 TLS cipher priorities
          Ciphers, key exchange methods, hash functions and compression methods
          can be selected. Refer to GNU TLS documentation for detailed syntax.

 Submission of played songs to last.fm (audioscrobbler)
      --lastfm-username=<string> Username
          The username of your last.fm account
      --lastfm-password=<string> Password
          The password of your last.fm account
      --scrobbler-url=<string>   Scrobbler URL
          The URL set for an alternative scrobbler engine

 Folder meta data (folder)
                                 Album art filename
          Filename to look for album art in current directory

 Lua interpreter (lua)
      --lua-intf=<string>        Lua interface
          Lua interface module to load
      --lua-config=<string>      Lua interface configuration
          Lua interface configuration string. Format is: '["<interface module
          name>"] = { <option> = <value>, ...}, ...'.
   Lua HTTP:
      --http-password=<string>   Password
          A single password restricts access to this interface.
      --http-src=<string>        Source directory
          Source directory
      --http-index, --no-http-index 
                                 Directory index
                                 (default disabled)
          Allow to build directory index
   Lua CLI:
      --rc-host=<string>         TCP command input
          Accept commands over a socket rather than stdin. You can set the
          address and port the interface will bind to.
      --cli-host=<string>        CLI input
          Accept commands from this source. The CLI defaults to stdin
          ("*console"), but can also bind to a plain TCP socket
          ("localhost:4212") or use the telnet protocol
   Lua Telnet:
      --telnet-host=<string>     Host
          This is the host on which the interface will listen. It defaults to
          all network interfaces ( If you want this interface to be
          available only on the local machine, enter "".
      --telnet-port=<integer [1 .. 65535]> 
          This is the TCP port on which this interface will listen. It defaults
          to 4212.
      --telnet-password=<string> Password
          A single password restricts access to this interface.

 File logger (file)
      --file-logging, --no-file-logging 
                                 Log to file
                                 (default disabled)
          Log all VLC messages to a text file.
      --logfile=<string>         Log filename
          Specify the log filename.
      --logmode={text,html}      Log format
          Specify the logging format.
      --log-verbose={-1 (Default), 0 (Info), 1 (Error), 2 (Warning), 3 (Debug)} 
          Select the logging verbosity or default to use the same verbosity
          given by --verbose.

 Console logger (console)
  -q, --quiet, --no-quiet        Be quiet
                                 (default disabled)
          Turn off all messages on the console.

 Secrets are stored on a file without any encryption (file)

 Skinnable Interface (skins2)
      --skins2-last=<string>     Skin to use
          Path to the skin to use.
      --skins2-config=<string>   Config of last used skin
          Windows configuration of the last skin used. This option is updated
          automatically, do not touch it.
      --skins2-systray, --no-skins2-systray 
                                 Systray icon
                                 (default enabled)
          Show a systray icon for VLC
      --skins2-taskbar, --no-skins2-taskbar 
                                 Show VLC on the taskbar
                                 (default enabled)
          Show VLC on the taskbar
      --skins2-transparency, --no-skins2-transparency 
                                 Enable transparency effects
                                 (default disabled)
          You can disable all transparency effects if you want. This is mainly
          useful when moving windows does not behave correctly.
      --skinned-playlist, --no-skinned-playlist 
                                 Use a skinned playlist
                                 (default enabled)
          Use a skinned playlist
      --skinned-video, --no-skinned-video 
                                 Display video in a skinned window if any
                                 (default enabled)
          When set to 'no', this parameter is intended to give old skins a
          chance to play back video even though no video tag is implemented

 Qt interface (qt)
      --qt-minimal-view, --no-qt-minimal-view 
                                 Start in minimal view (without menus)
                                 (default disabled)
          Start in minimal view (without menus)
      --qt-system-tray, --no-qt-system-tray 
                                 Systray icon
                                 (default enabled)
          Show an icon in the systray allowing you to control VLC media player
          for basic actions.
      --qt-notification={0 (Never), 1 (When minimized), 2 (Always)} 
                                 Show notification popup on track change
          Show a notification popup with the artist and track name when the
          current playlist item changes, when VLC is minimized or hidden.
      --qt-start-minimized, --no-qt-start-minimized 
                                 Start VLC with only a systray icon
                                 (default disabled)
          VLC will start with just an icon in your taskbar.
      --qt-pause-minimized, --no-qt-pause-minimized 
                                 Pause the video playback when minimized
                                 (default disabled)
          With this option enabled, the playback will be automatically paused
          when minimizing the window.
      --qt-opacity=<float [0.100000 .. 1.000000]> 
                                 Windows opacity between 0.1 and 1
          Sets the windows opacity between 0.1 and 1 for main interface,
          playlist and extended panel. This option only works with Windows and
          X11 with composite extensions.
      --qt-fs-opacity=<float [0.100000 .. 1.000000]> 
                                 Fullscreen controller opacity between 0.1 and
          Sets the fullscreen controller opacity between 0.1 and 1 for main
          interface, playlist and extended panel. This option only works with
          Windows and X11 with composite extensions.
      --qt-video-autoresize, --no-qt-video-autoresize 
                                 Resize interface to the native video size
                                 (default enabled)
          You have two choices:  - The interface will resize to the native
          video size  - The video will fit to the interface size  By default,
          interface resize to the native video size.
      --qt-name-in-title, --no-qt-name-in-title 
                                 Show playing item name in window title
                                 (default enabled)
          Show the name of the song or video in the controller window title.
      --qt-fs-controller, --no-qt-fs-controller 
                                 Show a controller in fullscreen mode
                                 (default enabled)
          Show a controller in fullscreen mode
      --qt-recentplay, --no-qt-recentplay 
                                 Save the recently played items in the menu
                                 (default enabled)
          Save the recently played items in the menu
                                 List of words separated by | to filter
          Regular expression used to filter the recent items played in the
      --qt-continue={0 (Never), 1 (Ask), 2 (Always)} 
                                 Continue playback?
          Continue playback?
      --qt-updates-notif, --no-qt-updates-notif 
                                 Activate the updates availability notification
                                 (default enabled)
          Activate the automatic notification of new versions of the software.
          It runs once every two weeks.
      --qt-updates-days=<integer [0 .. 180]> 
                                 Number of days between two update checks
          Number of days between two update checks
      --qt-disable-volume-keys, --no-qt-disable-volume-keys 
                                 Ignore keyboard volume buttons.
                                 (default enabled)
          With this option checked, the volume up, volume down and mute buttons
          on your keyboard will always change your system volume. With this
          option unchecked, the volume buttons will change VLC's volume when
          VLC is selected and change the system volume when VLC is not
      --qt-embedded-open, --no-qt-embedded-open 
                                 Embed the file browser in open dialog
                                 (default disabled)
          Embed the file browser in open dialog
      --qt-advanced-pref, --no-qt-advanced-pref 
                                 Show advanced preferences over simple ones
                                 (default disabled)
          Show advanced preferences and not simple preferences when opening the
          preferences dialog.
      --qt-error-dialogs, --no-qt-error-dialogs 
                                 Show unimportant error and warnings dialogs
                                 (default enabled)
          Show unimportant error and warnings dialogs
                                 Define the colors of the volume slider
          Define the colors of the volume slider By specifying the 12 numbers
          separated by a ';' Default is
          '255;255;255;20;226;20;255;176;15;235;30;20' An alternative can be
      --qt-privacy-ask, --no-qt-privacy-ask 
                                 Ask for network policy at start
                                 (default disabled)
          Ask for network policy at start
                                 Define which screen fullscreen goes
          Screennumber of fullscreen, instead of same screen where interface
      --qt-autoload-extensions, --no-qt-autoload-extensions 
                                 Load extensions on startup
                                 (default enabled)
          Automatically load the extensions module on startup.
      --qt-bgcone, --no-qt-bgcone 
                                 Display background cone or art
                                 (default enabled)
          Display background cone or current album art when not playing. Can be
          disabled to prevent burning screen.
      --qt-bgcone-expands, --no-qt-bgcone-expands 
                                 Expanding background cone or art
                                 (default disabled)
          Background art fits window's size.
      --qt-icon-change, --no-qt-icon-change 
                                 Allow automatic icon changes
                                 (default enabled)
          This option allows the interface to change its icon on various
      --qt-max-volume=<integer [60 .. 300]> 
                                 Maximum Volume displayed
          Maximum Volume displayed
      --qt-fs-sensitivity=<integer [0 .. 4000]> 
                                 Fullscreen controller mouse sensitivity
          Fullscreen controller mouse sensitivity
      --qt-auto-raise={0 (Never), 1 (Video), 2 (Audio), 3 (Audio/Video)} 
                                 When to raise the interface
          This option allows the interface to be raised automatically when a
          video/audio playback starts, or never.

 VC1 video demuxer (vc1)
      --vc1-fps=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Frames per Second
          Desired frame rate for the VC-1 stream.

 MPEG Transport Stream demuxer (ts)
                                 Digital TV Standard
          Selects mode for digital TV standard. This feature affects EPG
          information and subtitles.
      --ts-extra-pmt=<string>    Extra PMT
          Allows a user to specify an extra pmt
      --ts-trust-pcr, --no-ts-trust-pcr 
                                 Trust in-stream PCR
                                 (default enabled)
          Use the stream PCR as a reference.
      --ts-es-id-pid, --no-ts-es-id-pid 
                                 Set id of ES to PID
                                 (default enabled)
          Set the internal ID of each elementary stream handled by VLC to the
          same value as the PID in the TS stream, instead of 1, 2, 3, etc.
          Useful to do '#duplicate{..., select="es=<pid>"}'.
      --ts-csa-ck=<string>       CSA Key
          CSA encryption key. This must be a 16 char string (8 hexadecimal
      --ts-csa2-ck=<string>      Second CSA Key
          The even CSA encryption key. This must be a 16 char string (8
          hexadecimal bytes).
      --ts-csa-pkt=<integer>     Packet size in bytes to decrypt
          Specify the size of the TS packet to decrypt. The decryption routines
          subtract the TS-header from the value before decrypting.
      --ts-split-es, --no-ts-split-es 
                                 Separate sub-streams
                                 (default enabled)
          Separate teletex/dvbs pages into independent ES. It can be useful to
          turn off this option when using stream output.
      --ts-seek-percent, --no-ts-seek-percent 
                                 Seek based on percent not time
                                 (default disabled)
          Seek and position based on a percent byte position, not a PCR
          generated time position. If seeking doesn't work property, turn on
          this option.
      --ts-cc-check, --no-ts-cc-check 
                                 Check packets continuity counter
                                 (default enabled)
          Detect discontinuities and drop packet duplicates. (bluRay sources
          are known broken and have false positives). 

 Text subtitle parser (subtitle)
      --sub-fps=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Frames per Second
          Override the normal frames per second settings. This will only work
          with MicroDVD and SubRIP (SRT) subtitles.
      --sub-delay=<integer>      Subtitle delay
          Apply a delay to all subtitles (in 1/10s, eg 100 means 10s).
                                 Subtitle format
          Force the subtiles format. Selecting "auto" means autodetection and
          should always work.
      --sub-description=<string> Subtitle description
          Override the default track description.

 Raw video demuxer (rawvid)
      --rawvid-fps=<string>      Frames per Second
          This is the desired frame rate when playing raw video streams. In the
          form 30000/1001 or 29.97
      --rawvid-width=<integer>   Width
          This specifies the width in pixels of the raw video stream.
      --rawvid-height=<integer>  Height
          This specifies the height in pixels of the raw video stream.
      --rawvid-chroma=<string>   Force chroma (Use carefully)
          Force chroma. This is a four character string.
                                 Aspect ratio
          Aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9). Default assumes square pixels.

 DV (Digital Video) demuxer (rawdv)
      --rawdv-hurry-up, --no-rawdv-hurry-up 
                                 Hurry up
                                 (default disabled)
          The demuxer will advance timestamps if the input can't keep up with
          the rate.

 Raw audio demuxer (rawaud)
                                 Audio channels
          Audio channels in input stream. Numeric value >0. Default is 2.
                                 Audio samplerate (Hz)
          Audio sample rate in Hertz. Default is 48000 Hz.
      --rawaud-fourcc=<string>   FOURCC code of raw input format
          FOURCC code of the raw input format. This is a four character string.
      --rawaud-lang=<string>     Forces the audio language
          Forces the audio language for the output mux. Three letter ISO639
          code. Default is 'eng'.

 MPEG-PS demuxer (ps)
      --ps-trust-timestamps, --no-ps-trust-timestamps 
                                 Trust MPEG timestamps
                                 (default enabled)
          Normally we use the timestamps of the MPEG files to calculate
          position and duration. However sometimes this might not be usable.
          Disable this option to calculate from the bitrate instead.

 Playlist (playlist)
      --playlist-skip-ads, --no-playlist-skip-ads 
                                 Skip ads
                                 (default enabled)
          Use playlist options usually used to prevent ads skipping to detect
          ads and prevent adding them to the playlist.
      --shoutcast-show-adult, --no-shoutcast-show-adult 
                                 Show shoutcast adult content
                                 (default disabled)
          Show NC17 rated video streams when using shoutcast video playlists.

 MP4 stream demuxer (mp4)

      --mp4-m4a-audioonly, --no-mp4-m4a-audioonly 
                                 M4A audio only
                                 (default disabled)
          Ignore non audio tracks from iTunes audio files

 MOD demuxer (libmodplug) (mod)
      --mod-noisereduction, --no-mod-noisereduction 
                                 Noise reduction
                                 (default enabled)
          Enable noise reduction algorithm.
      --mod-reverb, --no-mod-reverb 
                                 (default disabled)
          Enable reverberation
      --mod-reverb-level=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Reverberation level
          Reverberation level (from 0 to 100, default value is 0).
      --mod-reverb-delay=<integer [0 .. 1000]> 
                                 Reverberation delay
          Reverberation delay, in ms. Usual values are from 40 to 200ms.
      --mod-megabass, --no-mod-megabass 
                                 Mega bass
                                 (default disabled)
          Enable megabass mode
      --mod-megabass-level=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Mega bass level
          Megabass mode level (from 0 to 100, default value is 0).
      --mod-megabass-range=<integer [10 .. 100]> 
                                 Mega bass cutoff
          Megabass mode cutoff frequency, in Hz. This is the maximum frequency
          for which the megabass effect applies. Valid values are from 10 to
          100 Hz.
      --mod-surround, --no-mod-surround 
                                 (default disabled)
      --mod-surround-level=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Surround level
          Surround effect level (from 0 to 100, default value is 0).
      --mod-surround-delay=<integer [0 .. 1000]> 
                                 Surround delay (ms)
          Surround delay, in ms. Usual values are from 5 to 40 ms.

 Matroska stream demuxer (mkv)
      --mkv-use-ordered-chapters, --no-mkv-use-ordered-chapters 
                                 Respect ordered chapters
                                 (default enabled)
          Play chapters in the order specified in the segment.
      --mkv-use-chapter-codec, --no-mkv-use-chapter-codec 
                                 Chapter codecs
                                 (default enabled)
          Use chapter codecs found in the segment.
      --mkv-preload-local-dir, --no-mkv-preload-local-dir 
                                 Preload MKV files in the same directory
                                 (default enabled)
          Preload matroska files in the same directory to find linked segments
          (not good for broken files).
      --mkv-seek-percent, --no-mkv-seek-percent 
                                 Seek based on percent not time
                                 (default disabled)
          Seek based on percent not time.
      --mkv-use-dummy, --no-mkv-use-dummy 
                                 Dummy Elements
                                 (default disabled)
          Read and discard unknown EBML elements (not good for broken files).
      --mkv-preload-clusters, --no-mkv-preload-clusters 
                                 Preload clusters
                                 (default disabled)
          Find all cluster positions by jumping cluster-to-cluster before

 M-JPEG camera demuxer (mjpeg)
      --mjpeg-fps=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Frames per Second
          This is the desired frame rate when playing MJPEG from a file. Use 0
          (this is the default value) for a live stream (from a camera).

 Image demuxer (image)
      --image-id=<integer>       ES ID
          Set the ID of the elementary stream
      --image-group=<integer>    Group
          Set the group of the elementary stream
      --image-decode, --no-image-decode 
                                 (default enabled)
          Decode at the demuxer stage
      --image-chroma=<string>    Forced chroma
          If non empty and image-decode is true, the image will be converted to
          the specified chroma.
      --image-duration=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Duration in seconds
          Duration in seconds before simulating an end of file. A negative
          value means an unlimited play time.
      --image-fps=<string>       Frame rate
          Frame rate of the elementary stream produced.
      --image-realtime, --no-image-realtime 
                                 (default disabled)
          Use real-time mode suitable for being used as a master input and
          real-time input slaves.

 H264 video demuxer (h26x)
      --h264-fps=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Frames per Second
          Desired frame rate for the stream.
      --hevc-fps=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Frames per Second
          Desired frame rate for the stream.

 MPEG-I/II/4 / A52 / DTS / MLP audio (es)
      --es-fps=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Frames per Second
          This is the frame rate used as a fallback when playing MPEG video
          elementary streams.

 File dumper (demuxdump)
                                 Dump module
          Dump module
      --demuxdump-file=<string>  Dump filename
          Name of the file to which the raw stream will be dumped.
      --demuxdump-append, --no-demuxdump-append 
                                 Append to existing file
                                 (default disabled)
          If the file already exists, it will not be overwritten.

 AVI demuxer (avi)
      --avi-interleaved, --no-avi-interleaved 
                                 Force interleaved method
                                 (default disabled)
          Force interleaved method
      --avi-index={0 (Ask for action), 1 (Always fix), 2 (Never fix), 3 (Fix when necessary)} 
                                 Force index creation
          Recreate a index for the AVI file. Use this if your AVI file is
          damaged or incomplete (not seekable).

 Unified adaptive streaming for DASH/HLS (adaptive)
                                 Adaptive Logic
                                 Maximum device width
          Maximum device width
                                 Maximum device height
          Maximum device height
      --adaptive-bw=<integer>    Fixed Bandwidth in KiB/s
          Preferred bandwidth for non adaptive streams
      --adaptive-use-access, --no-adaptive-use-access 
                                 Use regular HTTP modules
                                 (default disabled)
          Connect using HTTP access instead of custom HTTP code

 Direct3D9 adjust filter (d3d9_filters)
      --contrast=<float [0.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 Image contrast (0-2)
          Set the image contrast, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 1.
      --brightness=<float [0.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 Image brightness (0-2)
          Set the image brightness, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 1.
      --hue=<float [-180.000000 .. 180.000000]> 
                                 Image hue (0-360)
          Set the image hue, between 0 and 360. Defaults to 0.
      --saturation=<float [0.000000 .. 3.000000]> 
                                 Image saturation (0-3)
          Set the image saturation, between 0 and 3. Defaults to 1.
      --gamma=<float [0.010000 .. 10.000000]> 
                                 Image gamma (0-10)
          Set the image gamma, between 0.01 and 10. Defaults to 1.
      --brightness-threshold, --no-brightness-threshold 
                                 Brightness threshold
                                 (default disabled)
          When this mode is enabled, pixels will be shown as black or white.
          The threshold value will be the brightness defined below.

 Direct3D11 adjust filter (d3d11_filters)
      --contrast=<float [0.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 Image contrast (0-2)
          Set the image contrast, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 1.
      --brightness=<float [0.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 Image brightness (0-2)
          Set the image brightness, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 1.
      --hue=<float [-180.000000 .. 180.000000]> 
                                 Image hue (0-360)
          Set the image hue, between 0 and 360. Defaults to 0.
      --saturation=<float [0.000000 .. 3.000000]> 
                                 Image saturation (0-3)
          Set the image saturation, between 0 and 3. Defaults to 1.
      --gamma=<float [0.010000 .. 10.000000]> 
                                 Image gamma (0-10)
          Set the image gamma, between 0.01 and 10. Defaults to 1.
      --brightness-threshold, --no-brightness-threshold 
                                 Brightness threshold
                                 (default disabled)
          When this mode is enabled, pixels will be shown as black or white.
          The threshold value will be the brightness defined below.

 Remote control interface (oldrc)
      --rc-show-pos, --no-rc-show-pos 
                                 Show stream position
                                 (default disabled)
          Show the current position in seconds within the stream from time to
      --rc-quiet, --no-rc-quiet  Do not open a DOS command box interface
                                 (default disabled)
          By default the rc interface plugin will start a DOS command box.
          Enabling the quiet mode will not bring this command box but can also
          be pretty annoying when you want to stop VLC and no video window is
      --rc-host=<string>         TCP command input
          Accept commands over a socket rather than stdin. You can set the
          address and port the interface will bind to.

 Windows Service interface (ntservice)
      --ntservice-install, --no-ntservice-install 
                                 Install Windows Service
                                 (default disabled)
          Install the Service and exit.
      --ntservice-uninstall, --no-ntservice-uninstall 
                                 Uninstall Windows Service
                                 (default disabled)
          Uninstall the Service and exit.
      --ntservice-name=<string>  Display name of the Service
          Change the display name of the Service.
                                 Configuration options
          Configuration options that will be used by the Service (eg. --foo=bar
          --no-foobar). It should be specified at install time so the Service
          is properly configured.
                                 Extra interface modules
          Additional interfaces spawned by the Service. It should be specified
          at install time so the Service is properly configured. Use a comma
          separated list of interface modules. (common values are: logger, sap,
          rc, http)

 Network synchronization (netsync)
      --netsync-master, --no-netsync-master 
                                 Network master clock
                                 (default disabled)
          When set, this VLC instance will act as the master clock for
          synchronization for clients listening
                                 Master server IP address
          The IP address of the network master clock to use for clock
                                 UDP timeout (in ms)
          Length of time (in ms) until aborting data reception.

 Mouse gestures control interface (gestures)
                                 Motion threshold (10-100)
          Amount of movement required for a mouse gesture to be recorded.
                                 Trigger button
          Trigger button for mouse gestures.

 Dummy interface (dummy)
      --dummy-quiet, --no-dummy-quiet 
                                 Do not open a DOS command box interface
                                 (default disabled)
          By default the dummy interface plugin will start a DOS command box.
          Enabling the quiet mode will not bring this command box but can also
          be pretty annoying when you want to stop VLC and no video window is

 VBI and Teletext decoder (zvbi)
      --vbi-page=<integer [0 .. 7995392]> 
                                 Teletext page
          Open the indicated Teletext page. Default page is index 100.
      --vbi-opaque, --no-vbi-opaque 
                                 (default disabled)
          Setting to true makes the text to be boxed and maybe easier to read.
      --vbi-position={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)} 
                                 Teletext alignment
          You can enforce the teletext position on the video (0=center, 1=left,
          2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these
          values, eg. 6 = top-right).
      --vbi-text, --no-vbi-text  Teletext text subtitles
                                 (default disabled)
          Output teletext subtitles as text instead of as RGBA.
      --vbi-level={0 (1), 1 (1.5), 2 (2.5), 3 (3.5)} 
                                 Presentation Level

 H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10/AVC encoder (x264) (x264)
                                 Maximum GOP size
          Sets maximum interval between IDR-frames. Larger values save bits,
          thus improving quality for a given bitrate at the cost of seeking
          precision. Use -1 for infinite.
                                 Minimum GOP size
          Sets minimum interval between IDR-frames. In H.264, I-frames do not
          necessarily bound a closed GOP because it is allowable for a P-frame
          to be predicted from more frames than just the one frame before it
          (also see reference frame option). Therefore, I-frames are not
          necessarily seekable. IDR-frames restrict subsequent P-frames from
          referring to any frame prior to the IDR-frame.  If scenecuts appear
          within this interval, they are still encoded as I-frames, but do not
          start a new GOP.
      --sout-x264-opengop, --no-sout-x264-opengop 
                                 Use recovery points to close GOPs
                                 (default disabled)
          use open GOP, for bluray compatibility use also bluray-compat option
      --sout-x264-bluray-compat, --no-sout-x264-bluray-compat 
                                 Enable compatibility hacks for Blu-ray support
                                 (default disabled)
          Enable hacks for Blu-ray support, this doesn't enforce every aspect
          of Blu-ray compatibility e.g. resolution, framerate, level
      --sout-x264-scenecut=<integer [-1 .. 100]> 
                                 Extra I-frames aggressivity
          Scene-cut detection. Controls how aggressively to insert extra
          I-frames. With small values of scenecut, the codec often has to force
          an I-frame when it would exceed keyint. Good values of scenecut may
          find a better location for the I-frame. Large values use more
          I-frames than necessary, thus wasting bits. -1 disables scene-cut
          detection, so I-frames are inserted only every other keyint frames,
          which probably leads to ugly encoding artifacts. Range 1 to 100.
      --sout-x264-bframes=<integer [0 .. 16]> 
                                 B-frames between I and P
          Number of consecutive B-frames between I and P-frames. Range 1 to 16.
      --sout-x264-b-adapt=<integer [0 .. 2]> 
                                 Adaptive B-frame decision
          Force the specified number of consecutive B-frames to be used, except
          possibly before an I-frame. Range 0 to 2.
      --sout-x264-b-bias=<integer [-100 .. 100]> 
                                 Influence (bias) B-frames usage
          Bias the choice to use B-frames. Positive values cause more B-frames,
          negative values cause less B-frames.
                                 Keep some B-frames as references
          Allows B-frames to be used as references for predicting other frames.
          Keeps the middle of 2+ consecutive B-frames as a reference, and
          reorders frame appropriately.  - none: Disabled  - strict: Strictly
          hierarchical pyramid  - normal: Non-strict (not Blu-ray compatible) 
      --sout-x264-cabac, --no-sout-x264-cabac 
                                 (default enabled)
          CABAC (Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding). Slightly slows
          down encoding and decoding, but should save 10 to 15% bitrate.
      --sout-x264-fullrange, --no-sout-x264-fullrange 
                                 Use fullrange instead of TV colorrange
                                 (default disabled)
          TV-range is usually used colorrange, defining this to true will
          enable libx264 to use full colorrange on encoding
      --sout-x264-ref=<integer [1 .. 16]> 
                                 Number of reference frames
          Number of previous frames used as predictors. This is effective in
          Anime, but seems to make little difference in live-action source
          material. Some decoders are unable to deal with large frameref
          values. Range 1 to 16.
      --sout-x264-nf, --no-sout-x264-nf 
                                 Skip loop filter
                                 (default disabled)
          Deactivate the deblocking loop filter (decreases quality).
                                 Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters
          Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters. Range -6 to 6 for both alpha
          and beta parameters. -6 means light filter, 6 means strong.
                                 Strength of psychovisual optimization, default
                                 is "1.0:0.0"
          First parameter controls if RD is on (subme>=6) or off. Second
          parameter controls if Trellis is used on psychovisual optimization,
          default off
      --sout-x264-psy, --no-sout-x264-psy 
                                 Use Psy-optimizations
                                 (default enabled)
          Use all visual optimizations that can worsen both PSNR and SSIM
      --sout-x264-level=<string> H.264 level
          Specify H.264 level (as defined by Annex A of the standard). Levels
          are not enforced; it's up to the user to select a level compatible
          with the rest of the encoding options. Range 1 to 5.1 (10 to 51 is
          also allowed). Set to 0 for letting x264 set level.
                                 H.264 profile
          Specify H.264 profile which limits are enforced over other settings
      --sout-x264-interlaced, --no-sout-x264-interlaced 
                                 Interlaced mode
                                 (default disabled)
          Pure-interlaced mode.
      --sout-x264-frame-packing={-1 (), 0 (checkerboard), 1 (column alternation), 2 (row alternation), 3 (side by side), 4 (top bottom), 5 (frame alternation), 6 (2D)} 
                                 Frame packing
          For stereoscopic videos define frame arrangement:  0: checkerboard -
          pixels are alternatively from L and R  1: column alternation - L and
          R are interlaced by column  2: row alternation - L and R are
          interlaced by row  3: side by side - L is on the left, R on the right
           4: top bottom - L is on top, R on bottom  5: frame alternation - one
          view per frame
                                 Force number of slices per frame
          Force rectangular slices and is overridden by other slicing options
                                 Limit the size of each slice in bytes
          Sets a maximum slice size in bytes, Includes NAL overhead in size
                                 Limit the size of each slice in macroblocks
          Sets a maximum number of macroblocks per slice
                                 HRD-timing information
          HRD-timing information
      --sout-x264-qp=<integer [-1 .. 51]> 
                                 Set QP
          This selects the quantizer to use. Lower values result in better
          fidelity, but higher bitrates. 26 is a good default value. Range 0
          (lossless) to 51.
      --sout-x264-crf=<integer [0 .. 51]> 
                                 Quality-based VBR
          1-pass Quality-based VBR. Range 0 to 51.
      --sout-x264-qpmin=<integer [0 .. 51]> 
                                 Min QP
          Minimum quantizer parameter. 15 to 35 seems to be a useful range.
      --sout-x264-qpmax=<integer [0 .. 51]> 
                                 Max QP
          Maximum quantizer parameter.
      --sout-x264-qpstep=<integer [0 .. 51]> 
                                 Max QP step
          Max QP step between frames.
      --sout-x264-ratetol=<float [0.000000 .. 100.000000]> 
                                 Average bitrate tolerance
          Allowed variance in average bitrate (in kbits/s).
                                 Max local bitrate
          Sets a maximum local bitrate (in kbits/s).
                                 VBV buffer
          Averaging period for the maximum local bitrate (in kbits).
      --sout-x264-vbv-init=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 
                                 Initial VBV buffer occupancy
          Sets the initial buffer occupancy as a fraction of the buffer size.
          Range 0.0 to 1.0.
      --sout-x264-ipratio=<float [1.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 QP factor between I and P
          QP factor between I and P. Range 1.0 to 2.0.
      --sout-x264-pbratio=<float [1.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 QP factor between P and B
          QP factor between P and B. Range 1.0 to 2.0.
                                 QP difference between chroma and luma
          QP difference between chroma and luma.
      --sout-x264-pass=<integer [0 .. 3]> 
                                 Multipass ratecontrol
          Multipass ratecontrol:  - 1: First pass, creates stats file  - 2:
          Last pass, does not overwrite stats file  - 3: Nth pass, overwrites
          stats file 
      --sout-x264-qcomp=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 
                                 QP curve compression
          QP curve compression. Range 0.0 (CBR) to 1.0 (QCP).
      --sout-x264-cplxblur=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Reduce fluctuations in QP
          This reduces the fluctuations in QP before curve compression.
          Temporally blurs complexity.
      --sout-x264-qblur=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Reduce fluctuations in QP
          This reduces the fluctuations in QP after curve compression.
          Temporally blurs quants.
      --sout-x264-aq-mode=<integer [0 .. 2]> 
                                 How AQ distributes bits
          Defines bitdistribution mode for AQ, default 1  - 0: Disabled  - 1:
          Current x264 default mode  - 2: uses log(var)^2 instead of log(var)
          and attempts to adapt strength per frame
      --sout-x264-aq-strength=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Strength of AQ
          Strength to reduce blocking and blurring in flat and textured areas,
          default 1.0 recommended to be between 0..2  - 0.5: weak AQ  - 1.5:
          strong AQ
                                 Partitions to consider
          Partitions to consider in analyse mode:  - none  :   - fast  : i4x4 
          - normal: i4x4,p8x8,(i8x8)  - slow  : i4x4,p8x8,(i8x8),b8x8  - all  
          : i4x4,p8x8,(i8x8),b8x8,p4x4 (p4x4 requires p8x8. i8x8 requires
                                 Direct MV prediction mode
          Direct MV prediction mode
      --sout-x264-direct-8x8=<integer [-1 .. 1]> 
                                 Direct prediction size
          Direct prediction size:  -  0: 4x4  -  1: 8x8  - -1: smallest
          possible according to level 
      --sout-x264-weightb, --no-sout-x264-weightb 
                                 Weighted prediction for B-frames
                                 (default enabled)
          Weighted prediction for B-frames.
      --sout-x264-weightp=<integer [0 .. 2]> 
                                 Weighted prediction for P-frames
          Weighted prediction for P-frames:  - 0: Disabled  - 1: Blind offset 
          - 2: Smart analysis 
                                 Integer pixel motion estimation method
          Selects the motion estimation algorithm:  - dia: diamond search,
          radius 1 (fast)  - hex: hexagonal search, radius 2  - umh: uneven
          multi-hexagon search (better but slower)  - esa: exhaustive search
          (extremely slow, primarily for testing)  - tesa: hadamard exhaustive
          search (extremely slow, primarily for testing) 
      --sout-x264-merange=<integer [1 .. 64]> 
                                 Maximum motion vector search range
          Maximum distance to search for motion estimation, measured from
          predicted position(s). Default of 16 is good for most footage, high
          motion sequences may benefit from settings between 24 and 32. Range 0
          to 64.
                                 Maximum motion vector length
          Maximum motion vector length in pixels. -1 is automatic, based on
                                 Minimum buffer space between threads
          Minimum buffer space between threads. -1 is automatic, based on
          number of threads.
                                 Subpixel motion estimation and partition
                                 decision quality
          This parameter controls quality versus speed tradeoffs involved in
          the motion estimation decision process (lower = quicker and higher =
          better quality). Range 1 to 9.
      --sout-x264-mixed-refs, --no-sout-x264-mixed-refs 
                                 Decide references on a per partition basis
                                 (default enabled)
          Allows each 8x8 or 16x8 partition to independently select a reference
          frame, as opposed to only one ref per macroblock.
      --sout-x264-chroma-me, --no-sout-x264-chroma-me 
                                 Chroma in motion estimation
                                 (default enabled)
          Chroma ME for subpel and mode decision in P-frames.
      --sout-x264-8x8dct, --no-sout-x264-8x8dct 
                                 Adaptive spatial transform size
                                 (default enabled)
          SATD-based decision for 8x8 transform in inter-MBs.
      --sout-x264-trellis=<integer [0 .. 2]> 
                                 Trellis RD quantization
          Trellis RD quantization:  - 0: disabled  - 1: enabled only on the
          final encode of a MB  - 2: enabled on all mode decisions This
          requires CABAC.
      --sout-x264-lookahead=<integer [0 .. 60]> 
                                 Framecount to use on frametype lookahead
          Framecount to use on frametype lookahead. Currently default can cause
          sync-issues on unmuxable output, like rtsp-output without ts-mux
      --sout-x264-intra-refresh, --no-sout-x264-intra-refresh 
                                 Use Periodic Intra Refresh
                                 (default disabled)
          Use Periodic Intra Refresh instead of IDR frames
      --sout-x264-mbtree, --no-sout-x264-mbtree 
                                 Use mb-tree ratecontrol
                                 (default enabled)
          You can disable use of Macroblock-tree on ratecontrol
      --sout-x264-fast-pskip, --no-sout-x264-fast-pskip 
                                 Early SKIP detection on P-frames
                                 (default enabled)
          Early SKIP detection on P-frames.
      --sout-x264-dct-decimate, --no-sout-x264-dct-decimate 
                                 Coefficient thresholding on P-frames
                                 (default enabled)
          Coefficient thresholding on P-frames. Eliminate dct blocks containing
          only a small single coefficient.
      --sout-x264-nr=<integer [0 .. 1000]> 
                                 Noise reduction
          Dct-domain noise reduction. Adaptive pseudo-deadzone. 10 to 1000
          seems to be a useful range.
      --sout-x264-deadzone-inter=<integer [0 .. 32]> 
                                 Inter luma quantization deadzone
          Set the size of the intra luma quantization deadzone. Range 0 to 32.
      --sout-x264-deadzone-intra=<integer [0 .. 32]> 
                                 Intra luma quantization deadzone
          Set the size of the intra luma quantization deadzone. Range 0 to 32.
      --sout-x264-non-deterministic, --no-sout-x264-non-deterministic 
                                 Non-deterministic optimizations when threaded
                                 (default disabled)
          Slightly improve quality of SMP, at the cost of repeatability.
      --sout-x264-asm, --no-sout-x264-asm 
                                 CPU optimizations
                                 (default enabled)
          Use assembler CPU optimizations.
      --sout-x264-psnr, --no-sout-x264-psnr 
                                 PSNR computation
                                 (default disabled)
          Compute and print PSNR stats. This has no effect on the actual
          encoding quality.
      --sout-x264-ssim, --no-sout-x264-ssim 
                                 SSIM computation
                                 (default disabled)
          Compute and print SSIM stats. This has no effect on the actual
          encoding quality.
      --sout-x264-quiet, --no-sout-x264-quiet 
                                 Quiet mode
                                 (default disabled)
          Quiet mode
                                 SPS and PPS id numbers
          Set SPS and PPS id numbers to allow concatenating streams with
          different settings.
      --sout-x264-aud, --no-sout-x264-aud 
                                 Access unit delimiters
                                 (default disabled)
          Generate access unit delimiter NAL units.
      --sout-x264-verbose, --no-sout-x264-verbose 
                                 (default disabled)
          Print stats for each frame.
      --sout-x264-stats=<string> Filename for 2 pass stats file
          Filename for 2 pass stats file for multi-pass encoding.
                                 Default preset setting used
          Default preset setting used
                                 Default tune setting used
          Default tune setting used
                                 x264 advanced options
          x264 advanced options, in the form {opt=val,op2=val2}.

 WebM video decoder (vpx)
      --sout-vpx-quality-mode=<integer [0 .. 2]> 
                                 Quality mode
          Quality setting which will determine max encoding time  - 0: Good
          quality  - 1: Realtime  - 2: Best quality

 Vorbis audio decoder (vorbis)
      --sout-vorbis-quality=<integer [0 .. 10]> 
                                 Encoding quality
          Enforce a quality between 1 (low) and 10 (high), instead of
          specifying a particular bitrate. This will produce a VBR stream.
                                 Maximum encoding bitrate
          Maximum bitrate in kbps. This is useful for streaming applications.
                                 Minimum encoding bitrate
          Minimum bitrate in kbps. This is useful for encoding for a fixed-size
      --sout-vorbis-cbr, --no-sout-vorbis-cbr 
                                 CBR encoding
                                 (default disabled)
          Force a constant bitrate encoding (CBR).

 Libtwolame audio encoder (twolame)
      --sout-twolame-quality=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Encoding quality
          Force a specific encoding quality between 0.0 (high) and 50.0 (low),
          instead of specifying a particular bitrate. This will produce a VBR
      --sout-twolame-mode={0 (Stereo), 1 (Dual mono), 2 (Joint stereo)} 
                                 Stereo mode
          Handling mode for stereo streams
      --sout-twolame-vbr, --no-sout-twolame-vbr 
                                 VBR mode
                                 (default disabled)
          Use Variable BitRate. Default is to use Constant BitRate (CBR).
                                 Psycho-acoustic model
          Integer from -1 (no model) to 4.

 TTML subtitles decoder (ttml)
      --ttml-align=<integer>     Subtitle justification
          Set the justification of subtitles

 Theora video decoder (theora)
                                 Post processing quality
                                 Encoding quality
          Enforce a quality between 1 (low) and 10 (high), instead of
          specifying a particular bitrate. This will produce a VBR stream.

 USF subtitles decoder (subsusf)
      --subsdec-formatted, --no-subsdec-formatted 
                                 Formatted Subtitles
                                 (default enabled)
          Some subtitle formats allow for text formatting. VLC partly
          implements this, but you can choose to disable all formatting.

 Text subtitle decoder (subsdec)
      --subsdec-align={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right)} 
                                 Subtitle justification
          Set the justification of subtitles
                                 Subtitle text encoding
          Set the encoding used in text subtitles
      --subsdec-autodetect-utf8, --no-subsdec-autodetect-utf8 
                                 UTF-8 subtitle autodetection
                                 (default enabled)
          This enables automatic detection of UTF-8 encoding within subtitle

 DVD subtitles decoder (spudec)
      --dvdsub-transparency, --no-dvdsub-transparency 
                                 Disable DVD subtitle transparency
                                 (default disabled)
          Removes all transparency effects used in DVD subtitles.

 Speex audio decoder (speex)
      --sout-speex-mode={0 (Narrow-band (8kHz)), 1 (Wide-band (16kHz)), 2 (Ultra-wideband (32kHz))} 
          Enforce the mode of the encoder.
      --sout-speex-complexity=<integer [1 .. 10]> 
                                 Encoding complexity
          Enforce the complexity of the encoder.
      --sout-speex-cbr, --no-sout-speex-cbr 
                                 CBR encoding
                                 (default disabled)
          Enforce a constant bitrate encoding (CBR) instead of default variable
          bitrate encoding (VBR).
      --sout-speex-quality=<float [0.000000 .. 10.000000]> 
                                 Encoding quality
          Enforce a quality between 0 (low) and 10 (high).
                                 Maximal bitrate
          Enforce the maximal VBR bitrate
      --sout-speex-vad, --no-sout-speex-vad 
                                 Voice activity detection
                                 (default enabled)
          Enable voice activity detection (VAD). It is automatically activated
          in VBR mode.
      --sout-speex-dtx, --no-sout-speex-dtx 
                                 Discontinuous Transmission
                                 (default disabled)
          Enable discontinuous transmission (DTX).

 Dirac video decoder using libschroedinger (schroedinger)
                                 Rate control method
          Method used to encode the video sequence
      --sout-schro-quality=<float [-1.000000 .. 10.000000]> 
                                 Constant quality factor
          Quality factor to use in constant quality mode
      --sout-schro-noise-threshold=<float [-1.000000 .. 100.000000]> 
                                 Noise Threshold
          Noise threshold to use in constant noise threshold mode
      --sout-schro-bitrate=<integer [-1 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 CBR bitrate (kbps)
          Target bitrate in kbps when encoding in constant bitrate mode
      --sout-schro-max-bitrate=<integer [-1 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Maximum bitrate (kbps)
          Maximum bitrate in kbps when encoding in constant bitrate mode
      --sout-schro-min-bitrate=<integer [-1 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Minimum bitrate (kbps)
          Minimum bitrate in kbps when encoding in constant bitrate mode
                                 GOP structure
          GOP structure used to encode the video sequence
      --sout-schro-gop-length=<integer [-1 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 GOP length
          Number of pictures between successive sequence headers i.e. length of
          the group of pictures
                                 Chroma format
          Picking chroma format will force a conversion of the video into that
                                 Picture coding mode
          Field coding is where interlaced fields are coded separately as
          opposed to a pseudo-progressive frame
                                 Motion Vector precision
          Motion Vector precision in pels
                                 Size of motion compensation blocks
          Size of motion compensation blocks
                                 Overlap of motion compensation blocks
          Overlap of motion compensation blocks
      --sout-schro-me-combined=<integer [-1 .. 1]> 
                                 Three component motion estimation
          Use chroma as part of the motion estimation process
      --sout-schro-enable-hierarchical-me=<integer [-1 .. 1]> 
                                 Enable hierarchical Motion Estimation
          Enable hierarchical Motion Estimation
      --sout-schro-downsample-levels=<integer [-1 .. 8]> 
                                 Number of levels of downsampling
          Number of levels of downsampling in hierarchical motion estimation
      --sout-schro-enable-global-me=<integer [-1 .. 1]> 
                                 Enable Global Motion Estimation
          Enable Global Motion Estimation
      --sout-schro-enable-phasecorr-me=<integer [-1 .. 1]> 
                                 Enable Phase Correlation Estimation
          Enable Phase Correlation Estimation
                                 Intra picture DWT filter
          Intra picture DWT filter
                                 Inter picture DWT filter
          Inter picture DWT filter
      --sout-schro-transform-depth=<integer [-1 .. 6]> 
                                 Number of DWT iterations
          Also known as DWT levels
      --sout-schro-enable-multiquant=<integer [-1 .. 1]> 
                                 Enable multiple quantizers
          Enable multiple quantizers per subband (one per codeblock)
                                 Size of code blocks in each subband
          Size of code blocks in each subband
          Enable adaptive prefiltering
      --sout-schro-filter-value=<float [-1.000000 .. 100.000000]> 
                                 Amount of prefiltering
          Higher value implies more prefiltering
      --sout-schro-enable-scd=<integer [-1 .. 1]> 
                                 Enable Scene Change Detection
          Enable Scene Change Detection
                                 perceptual weighting method
          perceptual weighting method
      --sout-schro-perceptual-distance=<float [-1.000000 .. 100.000000]> 
                                 perceptual distance
          perceptual distance to calculate perceptual weight
      --sout-schro-enable-noarith=<integer [-1 .. 1]> 
                                 Disable arithmetic coding
          Use variable length codes instead, useful for very high bitrates
      --sout-schro-horiz-slices=<integer [-1 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Horizontal slices per frame
          Number of horizontal slices per frame in low delay mode
      --sout-schro-vert-slices=<integer [-1 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Vertical slices per frame
          Number of vertical slices per frame in low delay mode
                                 Force Profile
          Force Profile

 Intel QuickSync Video encoder for MPEG4-Part10/MPEG2 (aka H.264/H.262) (qsv)
      --sout-qsv-software, --no-sout-qsv-software 
                                 Enable software mode
                                 (default disabled)
          Allow the use of the Intel Media SDK software implementation of the
          codecs if no QuickSync Video hardware acceleration is present on the
                                 Codec Profile
          Specify the codec profile explicitly. If you don't, the codec will
          determine the correct profile from other sources, such as resolution
          and bitrate. E.g. 'high'
                                 Codec Level
          Specify the codec level explicitly. If you don't, the codec will
          determine the correct profile from other sources, such as resolution
          and bitrate. E.g. '4.2' for mpeg4-part10 or 'low' for mpeg2
                                 Codec Profile
          Specify the codec profile explicitly. If you don't, the codec will
          determine the correct profile from other sources, such as resolution
          and bitrate. E.g. 'high'
                                 Codec Level
          Specify the codec level explicitly. If you don't, the codec will
          determine the correct profile from other sources, such as resolution
          and bitrate. E.g. '4.2' for mpeg4-part10 or 'low' for mpeg2
                                 Group of Picture size
          Number of pictures within the current GOP (Group of Pictures); if
          GopPicSize=0, then the GOP size is unspecified. If GopPicSize=1, only
          I-frames are used.
                                 Group of Picture Reference Distance
          Distance between I- or P- key frames; if it is zero, the GOP
          structure is unspecified. Note: If GopRefDist = 1, there are no
          B-frames used.
                                 IDR interval
          For H.264, IdrInterval specifies IDR-frame interval in terms of
          I-frames; if IdrInterval=0, then every I-frame is an IDR-frame. If
          IdrInterval=1, then every other I-frame is an IDR-frame, etc. For
          MPEG2, IdrInterval defines sequence header interval in terms of
          I-frames. If IdrInterval=N, SDK inserts the sequence header before
          every Nth I-frame. If IdrInterval=0 (default), SDK inserts the
          sequence header once at the beginning of the stream.
                                 Target Usage
          The target usage allow to choose between different trade-offs between
          quality and speed. Allowed values are: 'speed', 'balanced' and
                                 Rate Control Method
          The rate control method to use when encoding. Can be one of 'cbr',
          'vbr', 'qp', 'avbr'. 'qp' mode isn't supported for mpeg2.
      --sout-qsv-qp=<integer [0 .. 51]> 
                                 Quantization parameter
          Quantization parameter for all types of frames. This parameters sets
          qpi, qpp and qpb. It has less precedence than the forementionned
          parameters. Used only if rc_method is 'qp'.
      --sout-qsv-qpi=<integer [0 .. 51]> 
                                 Quantization parameter for I-frames
          Quantization parameter for I-frames. This parameter overrides any qp
          set globally. Used only if rc_method is 'qp'.
      --sout-qsv-qpp=<integer [0 .. 51]> 
                                 Quantization parameter for P-frames
          Quantization parameter for P-frames. This parameter overrides any qp
          set globally. Used only if rc_method is 'qp'.
      --sout-qsv-qpb=<integer [0 .. 51]> 
                                 Quantization parameter for B-frames
          Quantization parameter for B-frames. This parameter overrides any qp
          set globally. Used only if rc_method is 'qp'.
                                 Maximum Bitrate
          Defines the maximum bitrate in kbps (1000 bits/s) for VBR rate
          control method. If not set, this parameter is computed from other
          sources such as bitrate, profile, level, etc.
      --sout-qsv-accuracy=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Accuracy of RateControl
          Tolerance in percentage of the 'avbr'  (Average Variable BitRate)
          method. (e.g. 10 with a bitrate of 800  kbps means the encoder tries
          not to  go above 880 kbps and under  730 kbps. The targeted accuracy
          is only reached after a certained  convergence period. See the
          convergence parameter
                                 Convergence time of 'avbr' RateControl
          Number of 100 frames before the 'avbr' rate control method reaches
          the requested bitrate with the requested accuracy. See the accuracy
                                 Number of slices per frame
          Number of slices in each video frame; each slice contains one or more
          macro-block rows. If numslice is not set, the encoder may choose any
          slice partitioning allowed by the codec standard.
                                 Number of reference frames
          Number of reference frames
      --sout-qsv-async-depth=<integer [1 .. 32]> 
                                 Number of parallel operations
          Defines the number of parallel encoding operations before we
          synchronise the result. Higher numbers may result on better
          throughput depending on hardware. MPEG2 needs at least 1 here.

 Kate overlay decoder (kate)
 Kate is a codec for text and image based overlays.
The Tiger rendering library is needed to render complex Kate streams, but VLC can still render static text and image based subtitles if it is not available.
Note that changing settings below will not take effect until a new stream is played. This will hopefully be fixed soon.
      --kate-formatted, --no-kate-formatted 
                                 Formatted Subtitles
                                 (default enabled)
          Kate streams allow for text formatting. VLC partly implements this,
          but you can choose to disable all formatting. Note that this has no
          effect is rendering via Tiger is enabled.

 JPEG image decoder (jpeg)
      --sout-jpeg-quality=<integer [0 .. 100]> 
                                 Quality level
          Quality level for encoding (this can enlarge or reduce output image

 FluidSynth MIDI synthesizer (fluidsynth)
      --soundfont=<string>       SoundFont file
          SoundFont file to use for software synthesis.
      --synth-chorus, --no-synth-chorus 
                                 (default enabled)
      --synth-gain=<float [0.000000 .. 10.000000]> 
                                 Synthesis gain
          This gain is applied to synthesis output. High values may cause
          saturation when many notes are played at a time.
      --synth-polyphony=<integer [1 .. 65535]> 
          The polyphony defines how many voices can be played at a time. Larger
          values require more processing power.
      --synth-reverb, --no-synth-reverb 
                                 (default enabled)
      --synth-sample-rate=<integer [22050 .. 96000]> 
                                 Sample rate
          Sample rate

 DVB subtitles decoder (dvbsub)
      --dvbsub-position={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)} 
                                 Subpicture position
          You can enforce the subpicture position on the video (0=center,
          1=left, 2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of
          these values, e.g. 6=top-right).
      --dvbsub-x=<integer>       Decoding X coordinate
          X coordinate of the rendered subtitle
      --dvbsub-y=<integer>       Decoding Y coordinate
          Y coordinate of the rendered subtitle
      --sout-dvbsub-x=<integer>  Encoding X coordinate
          X coordinate of the encoded subtitle
      --sout-dvbsub-y=<integer>  Encoding Y coordinate
          Y coordinate of the encoded subtitle

 Dummy decoder (ddummy)
      --dummy-save-es, --no-dummy-save-es 
                                 Save raw codec data
                                 (default disabled)
          Save the raw codec data if you have selected/forced the dummy decoder
          in the main options.

 DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder (dca)
      --dts-dynrng, --no-dts-dynrng 
                                 DTS dynamic range compression
                                 (default enabled)
          Dynamic range compression makes the loud sounds softer, and the soft
          sounds louder, so you can more easily listen to the stream in a noisy
          environment without disturbing anyone. If you disable the dynamic
          range compression the playback will be more adapted to a movie
          theater or a listening room.

 Closed Captions decoder (cc)
      --cc-opaque, --no-cc-opaque 
                                 (default enabled)
          Setting to true makes the text to be boxed and maybe easier to read.

 FFmpeg audio/video decoder (avcodec)
 Various audio and video decoders/encoders delivered by the FFmpeg library. This includes (MS)MPEG4, DivX, SV1,H261, H263, H264, WMV, WMA, AAC, AMR, DV, MJPEG and other codecs
      --avcodec-dr, --no-avcodec-dr 
                                 Direct rendering
                                 (default enabled)
          Direct rendering
      --avcodec-corrupted, --no-avcodec-corrupted 
                                 Show corrupted frames
                                 (default enabled)
          Prefer visual artifacts instead of missing frames
                                 Error resilience
          libavcodec can do error resilience. However, with a buggy encoder
          (such as the ISO MPEG-4 encoder from M$) this can produce a lot of
          errors. Valid values range from 0 to 4 (0 disables all errors
                                 Workaround bugs
          Try to fix some bugs: 1  autodetect 2  old msmpeg4 4  xvid interlaced
          8  ump4  16 no padding 32 ac vlc 64 Qpel chroma. This must be the sum
          of the values. For example, to fix "ac vlc" and "ump4", enter 40.
      --avcodec-hurry-up, --no-avcodec-hurry-up 
                                 Hurry up
                                 (default enabled)
          The decoder can partially decode or skip frame(s) when there is not
          enough time. It's useful with low CPU power but it can produce
          distorted pictures.
      --avcodec-skip-frame={-1 (None), 0 (Default), 1 (Non-ref), 2 (Bidir), 3 (Non-key), 4 (All)} 
                                 Skip frame (default=0)
          Force skipping of frames to speed up decoding (-1=None, 0=Default,
          1=B-frames, 2=P-frames, 3=B+P frames, 4=all frames).
      --avcodec-skip-idct=<integer [-1 .. 4]> 
                                 Skip idct (default=0)
          Force skipping of idct to speed up decoding for frame types (-1=None,
          0=Default, 1=B-frames, 2=P-frames, 3=B+P frames, 4=all frames).
      --avcodec-fast, --no-avcodec-fast 
                                 Allow speed tricks
                                 (default disabled)
          Allow non specification compliant speedup tricks. Faster but
      --avcodec-skiploopfilter={0 (None), 1 (Non-ref), 2 (Bidir), 3 (Non-key), 4 (All)} 
                                 Skip the loop filter for H.264 decoding
          Skipping the loop filter (aka deblocking) usually has a detrimental
          effect on quality. However it provides a big speedup for high
          definition streams.
      --avcodec-debug=<integer>  Debug mask
          Set FFmpeg debug mask
      --avcodec-codec=<string>   Codec name
          Internal libavcodec codec name
                                 Hardware decoding
          This allows hardware decoding when available.
          Number of threads used for decoding, 0 meaning auto
      --avcodec-options=<string> Advanced options
          Advanced options, in the form {opt=val,opt2=val2}.
                                 Codec name
          Internal libavcodec codec name
                                 Quality level
          Quality level for the encoding of motions vectors (this can slow down
          the encoding very much).
                                 Ratio of key frames
          Number of frames that will be coded for one key frame.
                                 Ratio of B frames
          Number of B frames that will be coded between two reference frames.
      --sout-avcodec-hurry-up, --no-sout-avcodec-hurry-up 
                                 Hurry up
                                 (default disabled)
          The encoder can make on-the-fly quality tradeoffs if your CPU can't
          keep up with the encoding rate. It will disable trellis quantization,
          then the rate distortion of motion vectors (hq), and raise the noise
          reduction threshold to ease the encoder's task.
      --sout-avcodec-interlace, --no-sout-avcodec-interlace 
                                 Interlaced encoding
                                 (default disabled)
          Enable dedicated algorithms for interlaced frames.
      --sout-avcodec-interlace-me, --no-sout-avcodec-interlace-me 
                                 Interlaced motion estimation
                                 (default enabled)
          Enable interlaced motion estimation algorithms. This requires more
                                 Video bitrate tolerance
          Video bitrate tolerance in kbit/s.
      --sout-avcodec-pre-me, --no-sout-avcodec-pre-me 
                                 Pre-motion estimation
                                 (default disabled)
          Enable the pre-motion estimation algorithm.
                                 Rate control buffer size
          Rate control buffer size (in kbytes). A bigger buffer will allow for
          better rate control, but will cause a delay in the stream.
      --sout-avcodec-rc-buffer-aggressivity=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Rate control buffer aggressiveness
          Rate control buffer aggressiveness.
      --sout-avcodec-i-quant-factor=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 I quantization factor
          Quantization factor of I frames, compared with P frames (for instance
          1.0 => same qscale for I and P frames).
                                 Noise reduction
          Enable a simple noise reduction algorithm to lower the encoding
          length and bitrate, at the expense of lower quality frames.
      --sout-avcodec-mpeg4-matrix, --no-sout-avcodec-mpeg4-matrix 
                                 MPEG4 quantization matrix
                                 (default disabled)
          Use the MPEG4 quantization matrix for MPEG2 encoding. This generally
          yields a better looking picture, while still retaining the
          compatibility with standard MPEG2 decoders.
                                 Minimum video quantizer scale
          Minimum video quantizer scale.
                                 Maximum video quantizer scale
          Maximum video quantizer scale.
      --sout-avcodec-trellis, --no-sout-avcodec-trellis 
                                 Trellis quantization
                                 (default disabled)
          Enable trellis quantization (rate distortion for block coefficients).
      --sout-avcodec-qscale=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Fixed quantizer scale
          A fixed video quantizer scale for VBR encoding (accepted values: 0.01
          to 255.0).
      --sout-avcodec-strict=<integer [-2 .. 2]> 
                                 Strict standard compliance
          Force a strict standard compliance when encoding (accepted values: -2
          to 2).
      --sout-avcodec-lumi-masking=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Luminance masking
          Raise the quantizer for very bright macroblocks (default: 0.0).
      --sout-avcodec-dark-masking=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Darkness masking
          Raise the quantizer for very dark macroblocks (default: 0.0).
      --sout-avcodec-p-masking=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Motion masking
          Raise the quantizer for macroblocks with a high temporal complexity
          (default: 0.0).
      --sout-avcodec-border-masking=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Border masking
          Raise the quantizer for macroblocks at the border of the frame
          (default: 0.0).
                                 Luminance elimination
          Eliminates luminance blocks when the PSNR isn't much changed
          (default: 0.0). The H264 specification recommends -4.
                                 Chrominance elimination
          Eliminates chrominance blocks when the PSNR isn't much changed
          (default: 0.0). The H264 specification recommends 7.
                                 Specify AAC audio profile to use
          Specify the AAC audio profile to use for encoding the audio
          bitstream. It takes the following options: main, low, ssr (not
          supported),ltp, hev1, hev2 (default: low). hev1 and hev2 are
          currently supported only with libfdk-aac enabled libavcodec
                                 Advanced options
          Advanced options, in the form {opt=val,opt2=val2}.
      --avformat-format=<string> Format name
          Internal libavcodec format name
                                 Advanced options
          Advanced options, in the form {opt=val,opt2=val2}.
                                 Avformat mux
          Force use of a specific avformat muxer.
                                 Advanced options
          Advanced options, in the form {opt=val,opt2=val2}.
      --avio-options=<string>    Advanced options
          Advanced options, in the form {opt=val,opt2=val2}.
   Stream output:
                                 Advanced options
          Advanced options, in the form {opt=val,opt2=val2}.

 ARIB subtitles decoder (aribsub)
      --aribsub-ignore-ruby, --no-aribsub-ignore-ruby 
                                 Ignore ruby (furigana)
                                 (default disabled)
          Ignore ruby (furigana) in the subtitle.
      --aribsub-use-coretext, --no-aribsub-use-coretext 
                                 Use Core Text renderer
                                 (default disabled)
          Use Core Text renderer in the subtitle.

 ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder (a52)
      --a52-dynrng, --no-a52-dynrng 
                                 A/52 dynamic range compression
                                 (default enabled)
          Dynamic range compression makes the loud sounds softer, and the soft
          sounds louder, so you can more easily listen to the stream in a noisy
          environment without disturbing anyone. If you disable the dynamic
          range compression the playback will be more adapted to a movie
          theater or a listening room.

 WaveOut audio output (waveout)
      --waveout-audio-device={wavemapper,Speakers (ASUS Xonar DG Audio D ($1,$64),S/PDIF Pass-through Device (ASU ($1,$64),CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual C ($1,$64)} 
                                 Select Audio Device
          Select special Audio device, or let windows decide (default), change
          needs VLC restart to apply.
      --waveout-volume=<float [0.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 Audio volume
      --waveout-float32, --no-waveout-float32 
                                 Use float32 output
                                 (default enabled)
          The option allows you to enable or disable the high-quality float32
          audio output mode (which is not well supported by some soundcards).
      --waveout-audio-channels=<integer [1 .. 9]> 
                                 Audio output channels
          Channels available for audio output. If the input has more channels
          than the output, it will be down-mixed. This parameter is ignored
          when digital pass-through is active.

 Windows Multimedia Device output (mmdevice)
                                 Output back-end
          Audio output back-end interface.
      --mmdevice-passthrough={0 (Disabled), 1 (Enabled (without HD codecs)), 2 (Enabled)} 
                                 HDMI/SPDIF audio passthrough
          Change this value if you have issue with HD codecs when using a HDMI
                                 Output device
          Select your audio output device
      --mmdevice-volume=<float [0.000000 .. 1.250000]> 
                                 Audio volume
          Audio volume in hundredths of decibels (dB).

 DirectX audio output (directsound)
                                 Output device
          Select your audio output device
      --directx-audio-float32, --no-directx-audio-float32 
                                 Use float32 output
                                 (default enabled)
          The option allows you to enable or disable the high-quality float32
          audio output mode (which is not well supported by some soundcards).
      --directx-audio-speaker={Windows default,Mono,Stereo,Quad,5.1,7.1} 
                                 Speaker configuration
          Select speaker configuration you want to use. This option doesn't
          upmix! So NO e.g. Stereo -> 5.1 conversion.
      --directx-volume=<float [0.000000 .. 2.000000]> 
                                 Audio volume
          Audio volume in hundredths of decibels (dB).

 Audio memory output (amem)
      --amem-format=<string>     Sample format
          Sample format
      --amem-rate=<integer [1 .. 352800]> 
                                 Sample rate
          Sample rate
      --amem-channels=<integer [1 .. 9]> 
                                 Channels count
          Channels count

 File audio output (afile)
      --audiofile-file=<string>  Output file
          File to which the audio samples will be written to ("-" for stdout).
                                 Output format
          Output format
      --audiofile-channels=<integer [0 .. 6]> 
                                 Number of output channels
          By default (0), all the channels of the incoming will be saved but
          you can restrict the number of channels here.
      --audiofile-wav, --no-audiofile-wav 
                                 Add WAVE header
                                 (default enabled)
          Instead of writing a raw file, you can add a WAV header to the file.

 Simple stereo widening effect (stereo_widen)
 This filter enhances the stereo effect by suppressing mono (signal common to both channels) and by delaying the signal of left into right and vice versa, thereby widening the stereo effect.
      --stereowiden-delay=<float [1.000000 .. 100.000000]> 
                                 Delay time
          Time in ms of the delay of left signal into right and vice versa.
      --stereowiden-feedback=<float [0.000000 .. 0.900000]> 
                                 Feedback gain
          Amount of gain in delayed left signal into right and vice versa.
          Gives a delay effect of left signal in right output and vice versa
          which gives widening effect.
      --stereowiden-crossfeed=<float [0.000000 .. 0.800000]> 
          Cross feed of left into right with inverted phase. This helps in
          suppressing the mono. If the value is 1 it will cancel all the signal
          common to both channels.
      --stereowiden-dry-mix=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 
                                 Dry mix
          Level of input signal of original channel.

 Speex resampler (speex_resampler)
      --speex-resampler-quality=<integer [0 .. 10]> 
                                 Resampling quality
          Resampling quality, from worst to best

 Audio Spatializer (spatializer)
      --spatializer-roomsize=<float [0.000000 .. 1.100000]> 
                                 Room size
          Defines the virtual surface of the room emulated by the filter.
      --spatializer-width=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 
                                 Room width
          Width of the virtual room
      --spatializer-wet=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 
      --spatializer-dry=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 
      --spatializer-damp=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 

 Ambisonics renderer and binauralizer (spatialaudio)
      --spatialaudio-headphones, --no-spatialaudio-headphones 
                                 Headphones mode (binaural)
                                 (default disabled)
          If the output is stereo, render ambisonics with the binaural decoder.
      --hrtf-file=<string>       HRTF file for the binauralization
          Custom HRTF (Head-related transfer function) file in the SOFA format.

 Audio tempo scaler synched with rate (scaletempo)
      --scaletempo-stride=<integer [1 .. 2000]> 
                                 Stride Length
          Length in milliseconds to output each stride
      --scaletempo-overlap=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 
                                 Overlap Length
          Percentage of stride to overlap
      --scaletempo-search=<integer [0 .. 200]> 
                                 Search Length
          Length in milliseconds to search for best overlap position

 Pitch Shifter (scaletempo_pitch)
      --scaletempo-stride=<integer [1 .. 2000]> 
                                 Stride Length
          Length in milliseconds to output each stride
      --scaletempo-overlap=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 
                                 Overlap Length
          Percentage of stride to overlap
      --scaletempo-search=<integer [0 .. 200]> 
                                 Search Length
          Length in milliseconds to search for best overlap position
      --pitch-shift=<float [-12.000000 .. 12.000000]> 
                                 Pitch Shift
          Pitch shift in semitones.

 Secret Rabbit Code (libsamplerate) resampler (samplerate)
      --src-converter-type={0 (Sinc function (best quality)), 1 (Sinc function (medium quality)), 2 (Sinc function (fast)), 3 (Zero Order Hold (fastest)), 4 (Linear (fastest))} 
                                 Sample rate converter type
          Different resampling algorithms are supported. The best one is
          slower, while the fast one exhibits low quality.

 Audio channel remapper (remap)
      --aout-remap-channel-left={0 (Left), 1 (Center), 2 (Right), 3 (Rear left), 4 (Rear center), 5 (Rear right), 6 (Side left), 7 (Side right), 8 (Low-frequency effects)} 
      --aout-remap-channel-center={0 (Left), 1 (Center), 2 (Right), 3 (Rear left), 4 (Rear center), 5 (Rear right), 6 (Side left), 7 (Side right), 8 (Low-frequency effects)} 
      --aout-remap-channel-right={0 (Left), 1 (Center), 2 (Right), 3 (Rear left), 4 (Rear center), 5 (Rear right), 6 (Side left), 7 (Side right), 8 (Low-frequency effects)} 
      --aout-remap-channel-rearleft={0 (Left), 1 (Center), 2 (Right), 3 (Rear left), 4 (Rear center), 5 (Rear right), 6 (Side left), 7 (Side right), 8 (Low-frequency effects)} 
                                 Rear left
          Rear left
      --aout-remap-channel-rearcenter={0 (Left), 1 (Center), 2 (Right), 3 (Rear left), 4 (Rear center), 5 (Rear right), 6 (Side left), 7 (Side right), 8 (Low-frequency effects)} 
                                 Rear center
          Rear center
      --aout-remap-channel-rearright={0 (Left), 1 (Center), 2 (Right), 3 (Rear left), 4 (Rear center), 5 (Rear right), 6 (Side left), 7 (Side right), 8 (Low-frequency effects)} 
                                 Rear right
          Rear right
      --aout-remap-channel-middleleft={0 (Left), 1 (Center), 2 (Right), 3 (Rear left), 4 (Rear center), 5 (Rear right), 6 (Side left), 7 (Side right), 8 (Low-frequency effects)} 
                                 Side left
          Side left
      --aout-remap-channel-middleright={0 (Left), 1 (Center), 2 (Right), 3 (Rear left), 4 (Rear center), 5 (Rear right), 6 (Side left), 7 (Side right), 8 (Low-frequency effects)} 
                                 Side right
          Side right
      --aout-remap-channel-lfe={0 (Left), 1 (Center), 2 (Right), 3 (Rear left), 4 (Rear center), 5 (Rear right), 6 (Side left), 7 (Side right), 8 (Low-frequency effects)} 
                                 Low-frequency effects
          Low-frequency effects
      --aout-remap-normalize, --no-aout-remap-normalize 
                                 Normalize channels
                                 (default enabled)
          When mapping more than one channel to a single output channel,
          normalize the output accordingly.

 Parametric Equalizer (param_eq)
      --param-eq-lowf=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Low freq (Hz)
      --param-eq-lowgain=<float [-20.000000 .. 20.000000]> 
                                 Low freq gain (dB)
      --param-eq-highf=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 High freq (Hz)
      --param-eq-highgain=<float [-20.000000 .. 20.000000]> 
                                 High freq gain (dB)
      --param-eq-f1=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Freq 1 (Hz)
      --param-eq-gain1=<float [-20.000000 .. 20.000000]> 
                                 Freq 1 gain (dB)
      --param-eq-q1=<float [0.100000 .. 100.000000]> 
                                 Freq 1 Q
      --param-eq-f2=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Freq 2 (Hz)
      --param-eq-gain2=<float [-20.000000 .. 20.000000]> 
                                 Freq 2 gain (dB)
      --param-eq-q2=<float [0.100000 .. 100.000000]> 
                                 Freq 2 Q
      --param-eq-f3=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Freq 3 (Hz)
      --param-eq-gain3=<float [-20.000000 .. 20.000000]> 
                                 Freq 3 gain (dB)
      --param-eq-q3=<float [0.100000 .. 100.000000]> 
                                 Freq 3 Q

 Volume normalizer (normvol)
      --norm-buff-size=<integer> Number of audio buffers
          This is the number of audio buffers on which the power measurement is
          made. A higher number of buffers will increase the response time of
          the filter to a spike but will make it less sensitive to short
      --norm-max-level=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Maximal volume level
          If the average power over the last N buffers is higher than this
          value, the volume will be normalized. This value is a positive
          floating point number. A value between 0.5 and 10 seems sensible.

 Stereo to mono downmixer (mono)
      --sout-mono-downmix, --no-sout-mono-downmix 
                                 Use downmix algorithm
                                 (default enabled)
          This option selects a stereo to mono downmix algorithm that is used
          in the headphone channel mixer. It gives the effect of standing in a
          room full of speakers.
      --sout-mono-channel={0 (Left), 1 (Right), 4 (Rear left), 5 (Rear right), 7 (Center), 8 (Low-frequency effects), 2 (Side left), 3 (Side right), 6 (Rear center)} 
                                 Select channel to keep
          This option silences all other channels except the selected channel.

 Headphone virtual spatialization effect (headphone)
 This effect gives you the feeling that you are standing in a room with a complete 7.1 speaker set when using only a headphone, providing a more realistic sound experience. It should also be more comfortable and less tiring when listening to music for long periods of time.
It works with any source format from mono to 7.1.
      --headphone-dim=<integer>  Characteristic dimension
          Distance between front left speaker and listener in meters.
      --headphone-compensate, --no-headphone-compensate 
                                 Compensate delay
                                 (default disabled)
          The delay which is introduced by the physical algorithm may sometimes
          be disturbing for the synchronization between lips-movement and
          speech. In case, turn this on to compensate.
      --headphone-dolby, --no-headphone-dolby 
                                 No decoding of Dolby Surround
                                 (default disabled)
          Dolby Surround encoded streams won't be decoded before being
          processed by this filter. Enabling this setting is not recommended.

 Gain control filter (gain)
      --gain-value=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Gain multiplier
          Increase or decrease the gain (default 1.0)

 Equalizer with 10 bands (equalizer)
                                 Equalizer preset
          Preset to use for the equalizer.
      --equalizer-bands=<string> Bands gain
          Don't use presets, but manually specified bands. You need to provide
          10 values between -20dB and 20dB, separated by spaces, e.g. "0 2 4 2
          0 -2 -4 -2 0 2".
      --equalizer-2pass, --no-equalizer-2pass 
                                 Two pass
                                 (default disabled)
          Filter the audio twice. This provides a more intense effect.
      --equalizer-vlcfreqs, --no-equalizer-vlcfreqs 
                                 Use VLC frequency bands
                                 (default enabled)
          Use the VLC frequency bands. Otherwise, use the ISO Standard
          frequency bands.
      --equalizer-preamp=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Global gain
          Set the global gain in dB (-20 ... 20).

 Dynamic range compressor (compressor)
      --compressor-rms-peak=<float [0.000000 .. 1.000000]> 
          Set the RMS/peak.
      --compressor-attack=<float [1.500000 .. 400.000000]> 
                                 Attack time
          Set the attack time in milliseconds.
      --compressor-release=<float [2.000000 .. 800.000000]> 
                                 Release time
          Set the release time in milliseconds.
      --compressor-threshold=<float [-30.000000 .. 0.000000]> 
                                 Threshold level
          Set the threshold level in dB.
      --compressor-ratio=<float [1.000000 .. 20.000000]> 
          Set the ratio (n:1).
      --compressor-knee=<float [1.000000 .. 10.000000]> 
                                 Knee radius
          Set the knee radius in dB.
      --compressor-makeup-gain=<float [0.000000 .. 24.000000]> 
                                 Makeup gain
          Set the makeup gain in dB (0 ... 24).

 Sound Delay (chorus_flanger)
 Add a delay effect to the sound
      --delay-time=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Delay time
          Time in milliseconds of the average delay. Note average
      --sweep-depth=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Sweep Depth
          Time in milliseconds of the maximum sweep depth. Thus, the sweep
          range will be delay-time +/- sweep-depth.
      --sweep-rate=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Sweep Rate
          Rate of change of sweep depth in milliseconds shift per second of
      --feedback-gain=<float [-0.900000 .. 0.900000]> 
                                 Feedback gain
          Gain on Feedback loop
      --wet-mix=<float [-0.999000 .. 0.999000]> 
                                 Wet mix
          Level of delayed signal
      --dry-mix=<float [-0.999000 .. 0.999000]> 
                                 Dry Mix
          Level of input signal

 Audio part of the BarGraph function (audiobargraph_a)
                                 Defines if BarGraph information should be sent
          Defines if BarGraph information should be sent. 1 if the information
          should be sent, 0 otherwise (default 1).
                                 Sends the barGraph information every n audio
          Defines how often the barGraph information should be sent. Sends the
          barGraph information every n audio packets (default 4).
                                 Defines if silence alarm information should be
          Defines if silence alarm information should be sent. 1 if the
          information should be sent, 0 otherwise (default 1).
                                 Time window to use in ms
          Time Window during when the audio level is measured in ms for silence
          detection. If the audio level is under the threshold during this
          time, an alarm is sent (default 5000).
      --audiobargraph_a-alarm_threshold=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Minimum Audio level to raise the alarm
          Threshold to be attained to raise an alarm. If the audio level is
          under the threshold during this time, an alarm is sent (default 0.1).
                                 Time between two alarm messages in ms
          Time between two alarm messages in ms. This value is used to avoid
          alarm saturation (default 2000).

 UDP stream output (udp)
                                 Caching value (ms)
          Default caching value for outbound UDP streams. This value should be
          set in milliseconds.
      --sout-udp-group=<integer> Group packets
          Packets can be sent one by one at the right time or by groups. You
          can choose the number of packets that will be sent at a time. It
          helps reducing the scheduling load on heavily-loaded systems.

 IceCAST output (access_output_shout)
      --sout-shout-name=<string> Stream name
          Name to give to this stream/channel on the shoutcast/icecast server.
                                 Stream description
          Description of the stream content or information about your channel.
      --sout-shout-mp3, --no-sout-shout-mp3 
                                 Stream MP3
                                 (default disabled)
          You normally have to feed the shoutcast module with Ogg streams. It
          is also possible to stream MP3 instead, so you can forward MP3
          streams to the shoutcast/icecast server.
                                 Genre description
          Genre of the content.
      --sout-shout-url=<string>  URL description
          URL with information about the stream or your channel.
          Bitrate information of the transcoded stream.
          Samplerate information of the transcoded stream.
                                 Number of channels
          Number of channels information of the transcoded stream.
                                 Ogg Vorbis Quality
          Ogg Vorbis Quality information of the transcoded stream.
      --sout-shout-public, --no-sout-shout-public 
                                 Stream public
                                 (default disabled)
          Make the server publicly available on the 'Yellow Pages' (directory
          listing of streams) on the icecast/shoutcast website. Requires the
          bitrate information specified for shoutcast. Requires Ogg streaming
          for icecast.

 HTTP Live streaming output (access_output_livehttp)
                                 Segment length
          Length of TS stream segments
                                 Number of segments
          Number of segments to include in index
                                 Number of first segment
          The number of the first segment generated
      --sout-livehttp-splitanywhere, --no-sout-livehttp-splitanywhere 
                                 Split segments anywhere
                                 (default disabled)
          Don't require a keyframe before splitting a segment. Needed for audio
      --sout-livehttp-delsegs, --no-sout-livehttp-delsegs 
                                 Delete segments
                                 (default enabled)
          Delete segments when they are no longer needed
      --sout-livehttp-ratecontrol, --no-sout-livehttp-ratecontrol 
                                 Use muxers rate control mechanism
                                 (default disabled)
          Use muxers rate control mechanism
      --sout-livehttp-caching, --no-sout-livehttp-caching 
                                 Allow cache
                                 (default disabled)
          Add EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:NO directive in playlist-file if this is
      --sout-livehttp-generate-iv, --no-sout-livehttp-generate-iv 
                                 Use randomized IV for encryption
                                 (default disabled)
          Generate IV instead using segment-number as IV
                                 Index file
          Path to the index file to create
                                 Full URL to put in index file
          Full URL to put in index file. Use #'s to represent segment number
                                 AES key URI to place in playlist
          AES key URI to place in playlist
                                 AES key file
          File containing the 16 bytes encryption key
                                 File where vlc reads key-uri and
          File is read when segment starts and is assumed to be in format:
          key-uri\nkey-file. File is read on the segment opening and values are
          used on that segment.

 HTTP stream output (http)
      --sout-http-user=<string>  Username
          Username that will be requested to access the stream.
      --sout-http-pwd=<string>   Password
          Password that will be requested to access the stream.
      --sout-http-mime=<string>  Mime
          MIME returned by the server (autodetected if not specified).
      --sout-http-metacube, --no-sout-http-metacube 
                                 (default disabled)
          Use the Metacube protocol. Needed for streaming to the Cubemap

 File stream output (file)
      --sout-file-overwrite, --no-sout-file-overwrite 
                                 Overwrite existing file
                                 (default enabled)
          If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
      --sout-file-append, --no-sout-file-append 
                                 Append to file
                                 (default disabled)
          Append to file if it exists instead of replacing it.
      --sout-file-format, --no-sout-file-format 
                                 Format time and date
                                 (default disabled)
          Perform ISO C time and date formatting on the file path

 VNC client access (vnc)
      --rfb-user=<string>        Username
      --rfb-password=<string>    Password
      --rfb-x509-ca=<string>     X.509 Certificate Authority
          Certificate of the Authority to verify server's against
      --rfb-x509-crl=<string>    X.509 Certificate Revocation List
          List of revoked servers certificates
                                 X.509 Client certificate
          Certificate for client authentication
                                 X.509 Client private key
          Private key for authentication by certificate
      --rfb-fps=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Frame rate
          How many times the screen content should be refreshed per second.
                                 Frame buffer depth
          RGB chroma (RV32, RV24, RV16, RGB2)
      --rfb-compress-level=<integer [0 .. 9]> 
                                 Compression level
          Transfer compression level from 0 (none) to 9 (max)
      --rfb-quality-level=<integer [1 .. 9]> 
                                 Image quality
          Image quality 1 to 9 (max)

 VDR recordings (vdr)
 Support for VDR recordings (http://www.tvdr.de/).
                                 Chapter offset in ms
          Move all chapters. This value should be set in milliseconds.
      --vdr-fps=<float [1.000000 .. 1000.000000]> 
                                 Frame rate
          Default frame rate for chapter import.

 UDP input (udp)
      --udp-timeout=<integer>    UDP Source timeout (sec)

 Time code subpicture elementary stream generator (timecode)
                                 Frame rate
          Frame rate

 SMB input (smb)
 Samba (Windows network shares) input
      --smb-user=<string>        Username
          Username that will be used for the connection, if no username is set
          in the URL.
      --smb-pwd=<string>         Password
          Password that will be used for the connection, if no username or
          password are set in URL.
      --smb-domain=<string>      SMB domain
          Domain/Workgroup that will be used for the connection.

 Shared memory framebuffer (shm)
      --shm-fps=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Frame rate
          How many times the screen content should be refreshed per second.
      --shm-depth={0 (XWD file (autodetect)), 8 (8 bits), 15 (15 bits), 16 (16 bits), 24 (24 bits), 32 (32 bits)} 
                                 Frame buffer depth
          Pixel depth of the frame buffer, or zero for XWD file
      --shm-width=<integer [0 .. 65535]> 
                                 Frame buffer width
          Pixel width of the frame buffer (ignored for XWD file)
      --shm-height=<integer [0 .. 65535]> 
                                 Frame buffer height
          Pixel height of the frame buffer (ignored for XWD file)
      --shm-file=<string>        Frame buffer file
          Path of the memory mapped file of the frame buffer

 SFTP input (sftp)
      --sftp-port=<integer>      SFTP port
          SFTP port number to use on the server
      --sftp-user=<string>       Username
          Username that will be used for the connection, if no username is set
          in the URL.
      --sftp-pwd=<string>        Password
          Password that will be used for the connection, if no username or
          password are set in URL.

 Screen Input (screen)
      --screen-fps=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Frame rate
          Desired frame rate for the capture.
      --screen-top=<integer>     Region top row
          Ordinate of the capture region in pixels.
      --screen-left=<integer>    Region left column
          Abscissa of the capture region in pixels.
      --screen-width=<integer>   Capture region width
          Capture region width
      --screen-height=<integer>  Capture region height
          Capture region height
      --screen-follow-mouse, --no-screen-follow-mouse 
                                 Follow the mouse
                                 (default disabled)
          Follow the mouse when capturing a subscreen.
                                 Mouse pointer image
          If specified, will use the image to draw the mouse pointer on the
                                 Capture fragment size
          Optimize the capture by fragmenting the screen in chunks of
          predefined height (16 might be a good value, and 0 means disabled).

 SAT>IP Receiver Plugin (satip)
      --satip-buffer=<integer>   Receive buffer
          UDP receive buffer size (bytes)
      --satip-multicast, --no-satip-multicast 
                                 Request multicast stream
                                 (default disabled)
          Request server to send stream as multicast
      --satip-host=<string>      Host

 Real-Time Protocol (RTP) input (rtp)
      --rtcp-port=<integer [0 .. 65535]> 
                                 RTCP (local) port
          RTCP packets will be received on this transport protocol port. If
          zero, multiplexed RTP/RTCP is used.
      --srtp-key=<string>        SRTP key (hexadecimal)
          RTP packets will be authenticated and deciphered with this Secure RTP
          master shared secret key. This must be a 32-character-long
          hexadecimal string.
      --srtp-salt=<string>       SRTP salt (hexadecimal)
          Secure RTP requires a (non-secret) master salt value. This must be a
          28-character-long hexadecimal string.
      --rtp-max-src=<integer [1 .. 255]> 
                                 Maximum RTP sources
          How many distinct active RTP sources are allowed at a time.
      --rtp-timeout=<integer>    RTP source timeout (sec)
          How long to wait for any packet before a source is expired.
      --rtp-max-dropout=<integer [0 .. 32767]> 
                                 Maximum RTP sequence number dropout
          RTP packets will be discarded if they are too much ahead (i.e. in the
          future) by this many packets from the last received packet.
      --rtp-max-misorder=<integer [0 .. 32767]> 
                                 Maximum RTP sequence number misordering
          RTP packets will be discarded if they are too far behind (i.e. in the
          past) by this many packets from the last received packet.
      --rtp-dynamic-pt={theora}  RTP payload format assumed for dynamic
          This payload format will be assumed for dynamic payload types
          (between 96 and 127) if it can't be determined otherwise with
          out-of-band mappings (SDP)

 NFS input (nfs)
      --nfs-auto-guid, --no-nfs-auto-guid 
                                 Set NFS uid/guid automatically
                                 (default enabled)
          If uid/gid are not specified in the url, VLC will automatically set a

 RTP/RTSP/SDP demuxer (using Live555) (live555)
      --rtsp-tcp, --no-rtsp-tcp  Use RTP over RTSP (TCP)
                                 (default disabled)
          Use RTP over RTSP (TCP)
                                 Client port
          Port to use for the RTP source of the session
      --rtsp-mcast, --no-rtsp-mcast 
                                 Force multicast RTP via RTSP
                                 (default disabled)
          Force multicast RTP via RTSP
      --rtsp-http, --no-rtsp-http 
                                 Tunnel RTSP and RTP over HTTP
                                 (default disabled)
          Tunnel RTSP and RTP over HTTP
      --rtsp-http-port=<integer> HTTP tunnel port
          Port to use for tunneling the RTSP/RTP over HTTP.
      --rtsp-kasenna, --no-rtsp-kasenna 
                                 Kasenna RTSP dialect
                                 (default disabled)
          Kasenna servers use an old and nonstandard dialect of RTSP. With this
          parameter VLC will try this dialect, but then it cannot connect to
          normal RTSP servers.
      --rtsp-wmserver, --no-rtsp-wmserver 
                                 WMServer RTSP dialect
                                 (default disabled)
          WMServer uses a nonstandard dialect of RTSP. Selecting this parameter
          will tell VLC to assume some options contrary to RFC 2326 guidelines.
      --rtsp-user=<string>       Username
          Sets the username for the connection, if no username or password are
          set in the url.
      --rtsp-pwd=<string>        Password
          Sets the password for the connection, if no username or password are
          set in the url.
                                 RTSP frame buffer size
          RTSP start frame buffer size of the video track, can be increased in
          case of broken pictures due to too small buffer.

 Blu-ray Disc support (libbluray) (libbluray)
      --bluray-menu, --no-bluray-menu 
                                 Blu-ray menus
                                 (default enabled)
          Use Blu-ray menus. If disabled, the movie will start directly
      --bluray-region={A,B,C}    Region code
          Blu-Ray player region code. Some discs can be played only with a
          correct region code.

 HTTP input (http)
      --http-reconnect, --no-http-reconnect 
                                 Auto re-connect
                                 (default disabled)
          Automatically try to reconnect to the stream in case of a sudden

 HTTPS input (access)
      --http-continuous, --no-http-continuous 
                                 Continuous stream
                                 (default disabled)
          Keep reading a resource that keeps being updated.
      --http-forward-cookies, --no-http-forward-cookies 
                                 Cookies forwarding
                                 (default enabled)
          Forward cookies across HTTP redirections.
      --http-referrer=<string>   Referrer
          Provide the referral URL, i.e. HTTP "Referer" (sic).
      --http-user-agent=<string> User agent
          Override the name and version of the application as provided to the
          HTTP server, i.e. the HTTP "User-Agent". Name and version must be
          separated by a forward slash, e.g. "FooBar/1.2.3".

 FTP input (ftp)
      --ftp-user=<string>        Username
          Username that will be used for the connection, if no username is set
          in the URL.
      --ftp-pwd=<string>         Password
          Password that will be used for the connection, if no username or
          password are set in URL.
      --ftp-account=<string>     FTP account
          Account that will be used for the connection.

 File input (filesystem)
      --list-special-files, --no-list-special-files 
                                 List special files
                                 (default disabled)
          Include devices and pipes when listing directories

 DVDRead Input (no menu support) (dvdread)
      --dvdread-angle=<integer>  DVD angle
          Default DVD angle.

 DVDnav Input (dvdnav)
      --dvdnav-angle=<integer>   DVD angle
          Default DVD angle.
      --dvdnav-menu, --no-dvdnav-menu 
                                 Start directly in menu
                                 (default enabled)
          Start the DVD directly in the main menu. This will try to skip all
          the useless warning introductions.

 Digital Television and Radio (dtv)
      --dvb-adapter=<integer>    DVB adapter
          If there is more than one digital broadcasting adapter, the adapter
          number must be selected. Numbering starts from zero.
                                 Network name
          Unique network name in the System Tuning Spaces
      --dvb-create-name=<string> Network name to create
          Create unique name in the System Tuning Spaces
      --dvb-frequency=<integer [0 .. 107999999]> 
                                 Frequency (Hz)
          TV channels are grouped by transponder (a.k.a. multiplex) on a given
          frequency. This is required to tune the receiver.
      --dvb-inversion={-1 (Automatic), 0 (Off), 1 (On)} 
                                 Spectrum inversion
          If the demodulator cannot detect spectral inversion correctly, it
          needs to be configured manually.
   Terrestrial reception parameters:
      --dvb-bandwidth={0 (Automatic), 10 (10 MHz), 8 (8 MHz), 7 (7 MHz), 6 (6 MHz), 5 (5 MHz), 2 (1.712 MHz)} 
                                 Bandwidth (MHz)
          Bandwidth (MHz)
      --dvb-transmission={-1 (Automatic), 1 (1k), 2 (2k), 4 (4k), 8 (8k), 16 (16k), 32 (32k)} 
                                 Transmission mode
          Transmission mode
                                 Guard interval
          Guard interval
   DVB-T reception parameters:
                                 High-priority code rate
          The code rate for Forward Error Correction can be specified.
                                 Low-priority code rate
          The code rate for Forward Error Correction can be specified.
      --dvb-hierarchy={-1 (Automatic), 0 (None), 1 (1), 2 (2), 4 (4)} 
                                 Hierarchy mode
          Hierarchy mode
      --dvb-plp-id=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 DVB-T2 Physical Layer Pipe
          DVB-T2 Physical Layer Pipe
   ISDB-T reception parameters:
                                 Layer A modulation
          The digital signal can be modulated according with different
          constellations (depending on the delivery system). If the demodulator
          cannot detect the constellation automatically, it needs to be
          configured manually.
                                 Layer A code rate
          The code rate for Forward Error Correction can be specified.
      --dvb-a-count=<integer [0 .. 13]> 
                                 Layer A segments count
      --dvb-a-interleaving=<integer [0 .. 3]> 
                                 Layer A time interleaving
                                 Layer B modulation
          The digital signal can be modulated according with different
          constellations (depending on the delivery system). If the demodulator
          cannot detect the constellation automatically, it needs to be
          configured manually.
                                 Layer B code rate
          The code rate for Forward Error Correction can be specified.
      --dvb-b-count=<integer [0 .. 13]> 
                                 Layer B segments count
      --dvb-b-interleaving=<integer [0 .. 3]> 
                                 Layer B time interleaving
                                 Layer C modulation
          The digital signal can be modulated according with different
          constellations (depending on the delivery system). If the demodulator
          cannot detect the constellation automatically, it needs to be
          configured manually.
                                 Layer C code rate
          The code rate for Forward Error Correction can be specified.
      --dvb-c-count=<integer [0 .. 13]> 
                                 Layer C segments count
      --dvb-c-interleaving=<integer [0 .. 3]> 
                                 Layer C time interleaving
   Cable and satellite reception parameters:
                                 Modulation / Constellation
          The digital signal can be modulated according with different
          constellations (depending on the delivery system). If the demodulator
          cannot detect the constellation automatically, it needs to be
          configured manually.
      --dvb-srate=<integer [0 .. 4294967295]> 
                                 Symbol rate (bauds)
          The symbol rate must be specified manually for some systems, notably
          DVB-C, DVB-S and DVB-S2.
                                 FEC code rate
          The code rate for Forward Error Correction can be specified.
   DVB-S2 parameters:
      --dvb-stream=<integer [0 .. 255]> 
                                 Stream identifier
          Stream identifier
      --dvb-pilot={-1 (Automatic), 0 (Off), 1 (On)} 
      --dvb-rolloff={-1 (Automatic), 35 (0.35 (same as DVB-S)), 20 (0.20), 25 (0.25)} 
                                 Roll-off factor
          Roll-off factor
   ISDB-S parameters:
      --dvb-ts-id=<integer [0 .. 65535]> 
                                 Transport stream ID
          Transport stream ID
   Satellite equipment control:
                                 Polarization (Voltage)
          To select the polarization of the transponder, a different voltage is
          normally applied to the low noise block-downconverter (LNB).
      --dvb-voltage=<integer [0 .. 18]> 
      --dvb-lnb-low=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Local oscillator low frequency (kHz)
          The downconverter (LNB) will subtract the local oscillator frequency
          from the satellite transmission frequency. The intermediate frequency
          (IF) on the RF cable is the result.
      --dvb-lnb-high=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Local oscillator high frequency (kHz)
          The downconverter (LNB) will subtract the local oscillator frequency
          from the satellite transmission frequency. The intermediate frequency
          (IF) on the RF cable is the result.
      --dvb-lnb-switch=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 Universal LNB switch frequency (kHz)
          If the satellite transmission frequency exceeds the switch frequency,
          the oscillator high frequency will be used as reference. Furthermore
          the automatic continuous 22kHz tone will be sent.
      --dvb-network-id=<integer> Network identifier
          Network identifier
      --dvb-azimuth=<integer>    Satellite azimuth
          Satellite azimuth in tenths of degree
      --dvb-elevation=<integer>  Satellite elevation
          Satellite elevation in tenths of degree
      --dvb-longitude=<integer>  Satellite longitude
          Satellite longitude in tenths of degree. West is negative.
      --dvb-range=<string>       Satellite range code
          Satellite range code as defined by manufacturer e.g. DISEqC switch
   ATSC reception parameters:
                                 Major channel
                                 ATSC minor channel
                                 Physical channel

 DirectShow input (dshow)
                                 Video device name
          Name of the video device that will be used by the DirectShow plugin.
          If you don't specify anything, the default device will be used.
      --dshow-adev={,none,Aux (ASUS Xonar DG Audio Device),CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable),Line In (ASUS Xonar DG Audio Device),Microphone (ASUS Xonar DG Audio Device),Stereo Mix (ASUS Xonar DG Audio Device),Wave (ASUS Xonar DG Audio Device),virtual-audio-capturer} 
                                 Audio device name
          Name of the audio device that will be used by the DirectShow plugin.
          If you don't specify anything, the default device will be used.
      --dshow-size=<string>      Video size
          Size of the video that will be displayed by the DirectShow plugin. If
          you don't specify anything the default size for your device will be
          used. You can specify a standard size (cif, d1, ...) or
                                 Picture aspect-ratio n:m
          Define input picture aspect-ratio to use. Default is 4:3
      --dshow-chroma=<string>    Video input chroma format
          Force the DirectShow video input to use a specific chroma format (eg.
          I420 (default), RV24, etc.)
      --dshow-fps=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Video input frame rate
          Force the DirectShow video input to use a specific frame rate (eg. 0
          means default, 25, 29.97, 50, 59.94, etc.)
      --dshow-config, --no-dshow-config 
                                 Device properties
                                 (default disabled)
          Show the properties dialog of the selected device before starting the
      --dshow-tuner, --no-dshow-tuner 
                                 Tuner properties
                                 (default disabled)
          Show the tuner properties [channel selection] page.
                                 Tuner TV Channel
          Set the TV channel the tuner will set to (0 means default).
                                 Tuner Frequency
          This overrides the channel. Measured in Hz.
                                 Tuner country code
          Set the tuner country code that establishes the current
          channel-to-frequency mapping (0 means default).
      --dshow-tuner-standard={0 (Default), 1 (NTSC_M), 2 (NTSC_M_J), 4 (NTSC_443), 16 (PAL_B), 32 (PAL_D), 64 (PAL_G), 128 (PAL_H), 256 (PAL_I), 512 (PAL_M), 1024 (PAL_N), 2048 (PAL_60), 4096 (SECAM_B), 8192 (SECAM_D), 16384 (SECAM_G), 32768 (SECAM_H), 65536 (SECAM_K), 131072 (SECAM_K1), 262144 (SECAM_L), 524288 (SECAM_L1), 1048576 (PAL_N_COMBO)} 
                                 Video standard
          Video standard
      --dshow-tuner-input={0 (Default), 1 (Cable), 2 (Antenna)} 
                                 Tuner input type
          Select the tuner input type (Cable/Antenna).
                                 Video input pin
          Select the video input source, such as composite, s-video, or tuner.
          Since these settings are hardware-specific, you should find good
          settings in the "Device config" area, and use those numbers here. -1
          means that settings will not be changed.
                                 Video output pin
          Select the video output type. See the "video input" option.
                                 Audio input pin
          Select the audio input source. See the "video input" option.
                                 Audio output pin
          Select the audio output type. See the "video input" option.
      --dshow-amtuner-mode={0 (Default), 1 (TV), 2 (FM radio), 4 (AM radio), 8 (DSS)} 
                                 AM Tuner mode
          AM Tuner mode. Can be one of Default (0), TV (1), AM Radio (2), FM
          Radio (3) or DSS (4).
                                 Number of audio channels
          Select audio input format with the given number of audio channels (if
          non 0)
                                 Audio sample rate
          Select audio input format with the given sample rate (if non 0)
                                 Audio bits per sample
          Select audio input format with the given bits/sample (if non 0)

 Digital Cinema Package module (dcp)
      --kdm=<string>             KDM file
          Path to Key Delivery Message XML file

 Audio CD input (cdda)
      --cd-audio=<string>        Audio CD device
          This is the default Audio CD drive (or file) to use. Don't forget the
          colon after the drive letter (e.g. D:)

      --cddb-server=<string>     CDDB Server
          Address of the CDDB server to use.
      --cddb-port=<integer [1 .. 65535]> 
                                 CDDB port
          CDDB Server port to use.

 Windows Audio Session API input (wasapi)
      --wasapi-loopback, --no-wasapi-loopback 
                                 Loopback mode
                                 (default disabled)
          Record an audio rendering endpoint.

 Microsoft Media Server (MMS) input (access_mms)
      --mms-timeout=<integer>    TCP/UDP timeout (ms)
          Amount of time (in ms) to wait before aborting network reception of
          data. Note that there will be 10 retries before completely giving up.
      --mms-all, --no-mms-all    Force selection of all streams
                                 (default disabled)
          MMS streams can contain several elementary streams, with different
          bitrates. You can choose to select all of them.
      --mms-maxbitrate=<integer> Maximum bitrate
          Select the stream with the maximum bitrate under that limit.

 Memory input (imem)
      --imem-get=<string>        Get function
          Address of the get callback function
      --imem-release=<string>    Release function
          Address of the release callback function
      --imem-cookie=<string>     Callback cookie string
          Text identifier for the callback functions
      --imem-data=<string>       Callback data
          Data for the get and release functions
      --imem-id=<integer>        ID
          Set the ID of the elementary stream
      --imem-group=<integer>     Group
          Set the group of the elementary stream
      --imem-cat={0 (Unknown), 1 (Audio), 2 (Video), 3 (Subtitle), 4 (Data)} 
          Set the category of the elementary stream
      --imem-codec=<string>      Codec
          Set the codec of the elementary stream
      --imem-language=<string>   Language
          Language of the elementary stream as described by ISO639
                                 Sample rate
          Sample rate of an audio elementary stream
      --imem-channels=<integer>  Channels count
          Channels count of an audio elementary stream
      --imem-width=<integer>     Width
          Width of video or subtitle elementary streams
      --imem-height=<integer>    Height
          Height of video or subtitle elementary streams
      --imem-dar=<string>        Display aspect ratio
          Display aspect ratio of a video elementary stream
      --imem-fps=<string>        Frame rate
          Frame rate of a video elementary stream
      --imem-size=<integer>      Size
          Size of stream in bytes

 Concatenated inputs (concat)
      --concat-list=<string>     Inputs list
          Comma-separated list of input URLs to concatenate.

 core program (core)

 These options allow you to modify the behavior of the audio subsystem, and to add audio filters which can be used for post processing or visual effects (spectrum analyzer, etc.). Enable these filters here, and configure them in the "audio filters" modules section.
      --audio, --no-audio        Enable audio
                                 (default enabled)
          You can completely disable the audio output. The audio decoding stage
          will not take place, thus saving some processing power.
      --gain=<float [0.000000 .. 8.000000]> 
                                 Audio gain
          This linear gain will be applied to outputted audio.
      --volume-step=<float [1.000000 .. 256.000000]> 
                                 Audio output volume step
          The step size of the volume is adjustable using this option.
      --volume-save, --no-volume-save 
                                 Remember the audio volume
                                 (default enabled)
          Remember the audio volume
      --spdif, --no-spdif        Force S/PDIF support
                                 (default disabled)
          This option should be used when the audio output can't negotiate
          S/PDIF support.
      --force-dolby-surround={0 (Auto), 1 (On), 2 (Off)} 
                                 Force detection of Dolby Surround
          Use this when you know your stream is (or is not) encoded with Dolby
          Surround but fails to be detected as such. Even if the stream is not
          actually encoded with Dolby Surround, turning on this option might
          enhance your experience, especially when combined with the Headphone
          Channel Mixer.
      --stereo-mode={0 (Unset), 1 (Stereo), 2 (Reverse stereo), 3 (Left), 4 (Right), 5 (Dolby Surround), 6 (Headphones)} 
                                 Stereo audio output mode
          Stereo audio output mode
      --audio-desync=<integer>   Audio desynchronization compensation
          This delays the audio output. The delay must be given in
          milliseconds. This can be handy if you notice a lag between the video
          and the audio.
                                 Replay gain mode
          Select the replay gain mode
      --audio-replay-gain-preamp=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Replay preamp
          This allows you to change the default target level (89 dB) for stream
          with replay gain information
      --audio-replay-gain-default=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Default replay gain
          This is the gain used for stream without replay gain information
      --audio-replay-gain-peak-protection, --no-audio-replay-gain-peak-protection 
                                 Peak protection
                                 (default enabled)
          Protect against sound clipping
      --audio-time-stretch, --no-audio-time-stretch 
                                 Enable time stretching audio
                                 (default enabled)
          This allows playing audio at lower or higher speed without affecting
          the audio pitch
  -A, --aout={any,mmdevice,directsound,waveout,amem,afile,adummy,none} 
                                 Audio output module
          This is the audio output method used by VLC. The default behavior is
          to automatically select the best method available.
                                 Media role
          Media (player) role for operating system policy.
      --audio-filter=<string>    Audio filters
          This adds audio post processing filters, to modify the sound
                                 Audio visualizations
          This adds visualization modules (spectrum analyzer, etc.).
                                 Audio resampler
          This selects which plugin to use for audio resampling.

 These options allow you to modify the behavior of the video output subsystem. You can for example enable video filters (deinterlacing, image adjusting, etc.). Enable these filters here and configure them in the "video filters" modules section. You can also set many miscellaneous video options.
      --video, --no-video        Enable video
                                 (default enabled)
          You can completely disable the video output. The video decoding stage
          will not take place, thus saving some processing power.
      --grayscale, --no-grayscale 
                                 Grayscale video output
                                 (default disabled)
          Output video in grayscale. As the color information aren't decoded,
          this can save some processing power.
  -f, --fullscreen, --no-fullscreen 
                                 Fullscreen video output
                                 (default disabled)
          Start video in fullscreen mode
      --embedded-video, --no-embedded-video 
                                 Embedded video
                                 (default enabled)
          Embed the video output in the main interface.
      --xlib, --no-xlib          
                                 (default enabled)
      --drop-late-frames, --no-drop-late-frames 
                                 Drop late frames
                                 (default enabled)
          This drops frames that are late (arrive to the video output after
          their intended display date).
      --skip-frames, --no-skip-frames 
                                 Skip frames
                                 (default enabled)
          Enables framedropping on MPEG2 stream. Framedropping occurs when your
          computer is not powerful enough
      --quiet-synchro, --no-quiet-synchro 
                                 Quiet synchro
                                 (default disabled)
          This avoids flooding the message log with debug output from the video
          output synchronization mechanism.
      --keyboard-events, --no-keyboard-events 
                                 Key press events
                                 (default enabled)
          This enables VLC hotkeys from the (non-embedded) video window.
      --mouse-events, --no-mouse-events 
                                 Mouse events
                                 (default enabled)
          This enables handling of mouse clicks on the video.
      --video-on-top, --no-video-on-top 
                                 Always on top
                                 (default disabled)
          Always place the video window on top of other windows.
      --video-wallpaper, --no-video-wallpaper 
                                 Enable wallpaper mode
                                 (default disabled)
          The wallpaper mode allows you to display the video as the desktop
      --disable-screensaver, --no-disable-screensaver 
                                 Disable screensaver
                                 (default enabled)
          Disable the screensaver during video playback.
      --video-title-show, --no-video-title-show 
                                 Show media title on video
                                 (default disabled)
          Display the title of the video on top of the movie.
                                 Show video title for x milliseconds
          Show the video title for n milliseconds, default is 5000 ms (5 sec.)
      --video-title-position={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)} 
                                 Position of video title
          Place on video where to display the title (default bottom center).
                                 Hide cursor and fullscreen controller after x
          Hide mouse cursor and fullscreen controller after n milliseconds.
      --snapshot-path=<string>   Video snapshot directory (or filename)
          Directory where the video snapshots will be stored.
      --snapshot-prefix=<string> Video snapshot file prefix
          Video snapshot file prefix
                                 Video snapshot format
          Image format which will be used to store the video snapshots
      --snapshot-preview, --no-snapshot-preview 
                                 Display video snapshot preview
                                 (default enabled)
          Display the snapshot preview in the screen's top-left corner.
      --snapshot-sequential, --no-snapshot-sequential 
                                 Use sequential numbers instead of timestamps
                                 (default disabled)
          Use sequential numbers instead of timestamps for snapshot numbering
      --snapshot-width=<integer> Video snapshot width
          You can enforce the width of the video snapshot. By default it will
          keep the original width (-1). Using 0 will scale the width to keep
          the aspect ratio.
                                 Video snapshot height
          You can enforce the height of the video snapshot. By default it will
          keep the original height (-1). Using 0 will scale the height to keep
          the aspect ratio.
   Window properties:
      --width=<integer>          Video width
          You can enforce the video width. By default (-1) VLC will adapt to
          the video characteristics.
      --height=<integer>         Video height
          You can enforce the video height. By default (-1) VLC will adapt to
          the video characteristics.
      --video-x=<integer>        Video X coordinate
          You can enforce the position of the top left corner of the video
          window (X coordinate).
      --video-y=<integer>        Video Y coordinate
          You can enforce the position of the top left corner of the video
          window (Y coordinate).
      --crop=<string>            Video cropping
          This forces the cropping of the source video. Accepted formats are
          x:y (4:3, 16:9, etc.) expressing the global image aspect.
                                 Custom crop ratios list
          Comma separated list of crop ratios which will be added in the
          interface's crop ratios list.
      --aspect-ratio=<string>    Source aspect ratio
          This forces the source aspect ratio. For instance, some DVDs claim to
          be 16:9 while they are actually 4:3. This can also be used as a hint
          for VLC when a movie does not have aspect ratio information. Accepted
          formats are x:y (4:3, 16:9, etc.) expressing the global image aspect,
          or a float value (1.25, 1.3333, etc.) expressing pixel squareness.
      --autoscale, --no-autoscale 
                                 Video Auto Scaling
                                 (default enabled)
          Let the video scale to fit a given window or fullscreen.
      --monitor-par=<string>     Monitor pixel aspect ratio
          This forces the monitor aspect ratio. Most monitors have square
          pixels (1:1). If you have a 16:9 screen, you might need to change
          this to 4:3 in order to keep proportions.
                                 Custom aspect ratios list
          Comma separated list of aspect ratios which will be added in the
          interface's aspect ratio list.
      --hdtv-fix, --no-hdtv-fix  Fix HDTV height
                                 (default enabled)
          This allows proper handling of HDTV-1080 video format even if broken
          encoder incorrectly sets height to 1088 lines. You should only
          disable this option if your video has a non-standard format requiring
          all 1088 lines.
      --video-deco, --no-video-deco 
                                 Window decorations
                                 (default enabled)
          VLC can avoid creating window caption, frames, etc... around the
          video, giving a "minimal" window.
      --video-title=<string>     Video title
          Custom title for the video window (in case the video is not embedded
          in the interface).
      --align={0 (Center), 1 (Left), 2 (Right), 4 (Top), 8 (Bottom), 5 (Top-Left), 6 (Top-Right), 9 (Bottom-Left), 10 (Bottom-Right)} 
                                 Video alignment
          Enforce the alignment of the video in its window. By default (0) it
          will be centered (0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can
          also use combinations of these values, like 6=4+2 meaning top-right).
      --zoom=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Zoom video
          You can zoom the video by the specified factor.
      --deinterlace={0 (Off), -1 (Automatic), 1 (On)} 
                                 Deinterlace mode
          Deinterlace method to use for video processing.
  -V, --vout={any,direct3d11,direct3d9,glwin32,gl,directdraw,wingdi,caca,vdummy,vmem,flaschen,yuv,vdummy,none} 
                                 Video output module
          This is the the video output method used by VLC. The default behavior
          is to automatically select the best method available.
      --video-filter=<string>    Video filter module
          This adds post-processing filters to enhance the picture quality, for
          instance deinterlacing, or distort the video.
      --video-splitter=<string>  Video splitter module
          This adds video splitters like clone or wall

 These options allow you to modify the behavior of the subpictures subsystem. You can for example enable subpictures sources (logo, etc.). Enable these filters here and configure them in the "subsources filters" modules section. You can also set many miscellaneous subpictures options.
   On Screen Display:
      --spu, --no-spu            Enable sub-pictures
                                 (default enabled)
          You can completely disable the sub-picture processing.
      --osd, --no-osd            On Screen Display
                                 (default enabled)
          VLC can display messages on the video. This is called OSD (On Screen
                                 Text rendering module
          VLC normally uses Freetype for rendering, but this allows you to use
          svg for instance.
      --sub-file=<string>        Use subtitle file
          Load this subtitle file. To be used when autodetect cannot detect
          your subtitle file.
      --sub-autodetect-file, --no-sub-autodetect-file 
                                 Autodetect subtitle files
                                 (default enabled)
          Automatically detect a subtitle file, if no subtitle filename is
          specified (based on the filename of the movie).
                                 Subtitle autodetection fuzziness
          This determines how fuzzy subtitle and movie filename matching will
          be. Options are: 0 = no subtitles autodetected 1 = any subtitle file
          2 = any subtitle file containing the movie name 3 = subtitle file
          matching the movie name with additional chars 4 = subtitle file
          matching the movie name exactly
                                 Subtitle autodetection paths
          Look for a subtitle file in those paths too, if your subtitle file
          was not found in the current directory.
      --sub-margin=<integer>     Force subtitle position
          You can use this option to place the subtitles under the movie,
          instead of over the movie. Try several positions.
      --sub-text-scale=<integer [10 .. 500]> 
                                 Subtitles text scaling factor
          Changes the subtitles size where possible
      --sub-source=<string>      Subpictures source module
          This adds so-called "subpicture sources". These filters overlay some
          images or text over the video (like a logo, arbitrary text, ...).
      --sub-filter=<string>      Subpictures filter module
          This adds so-called "subpicture filters". These filter subpictures
          created by subtitle decoders or other subpictures sources.
   Track settings:
      --program=<integer>        Program
          Choose the program to select by giving its Service ID. Only use this
          option if you want to read a multi-program stream (like DVB streams
          for example).
      --programs=<string>        Programs
          Choose the programs to select by giving a comma-separated list of
          Service IDs (SIDs). Only use this option if you want to read a
          multi-program stream (like DVB streams for example).
      --audio-track=<integer>    Audio track
          Stream number of the audio track to use (from 0 to n).
      --sub-track=<integer>      Subtitle track
          Stream number of the subtitle track to use (from 0 to n).
      --audio-language=<string>  Audio language
          Language of the audio track you want to use (comma separated, two or
          three letter country code, you may use 'none' to avoid a fallback to
          another language).
      --sub-language=<string>    Subtitle language
          Language of the subtitle track you want to use (comma separated, two
          or three letters country code, you may use 'any' as a fallback).
      --menu-language=<string>   Menu language
          Language of the menus you want to use with DVD/BluRay (comma
          separated, two or three letters country code, you may use 'any' as a
      --audio-track-id=<integer> Audio track ID
          Stream ID of the audio track to use.
      --sub-track-id=<integer>   Subtitle track ID
          Stream ID of the subtitle track to use.
      --captions={608 (EIA/CEA 608), 708 (CEA 708)} 
                                 Preferred Closed Captions decoder
          Preferred Closed Captions decoder
      --preferred-resolution={-1 (Best available), 1080 (Full HD (1080p)), 720 (HD (720p)), 576 (Standard Definition (576 or 480 lines)), 360 (Low Definition (360 lines)), 240 (Very Low Definition (240 lines))} 
                                 Preferred video resolution
          When several video formats are available, select one whose resolution
          is closest to (but not higher than) this setting, in number of lines.
          Use this option if you don't have enough CPU power or network
          bandwidth to play higher resolutions.
   Playback control:
      --input-repeat=<integer [0 .. 65535]> 
                                 Input repetitions
          Number of time the same input will be repeated
      --start-time=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Start time
          The stream will start at this position (in seconds).
      --stop-time=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Stop time
          The stream will stop at this position (in seconds).
      --run-time=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Run time
          The stream will run this duration (in seconds).
      --input-fast-seek, --no-input-fast-seek 
                                 Fast seek
                                 (default disabled)
          Favor speed over precision while seeking
      --rate=<float [-340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000 .. 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000]> 
                                 Playback speed
          This defines the playback speed (nominal speed is 1.0).
      --input-list=<string>      Input list
          You can give a comma-separated list of inputs that will be
          concatenated together after the normal one.
      --input-slave=<string>     Input slave (experimental)
          This allows you to play from several inputs at the same time. This
          feature is experimental, not all formats are supported. Use a '#'
          separated list of inputs.
      --bookmarks=<string>       Bookmarks list for a stream
          You can manually give a list of bookmarks for a stream in the form
   Default devices:
      --dvd=<string>             DVD device
          This is the default DVD drive (or file) to use. Don't forget the
          colon after the drive letter (e.g. D:)
      --vcd=<string>             VCD device
          This is the default VCD drive (or file) to use. Don't forget the
          colon after the drive letter (e.g. D:)
   Network settings:
      --mtu=<integer>            MTU of the network interface
          This is the maximum application-layer packet size that can be
          transmitted over the network (in bytes).
      --ipv4-timeout=<integer [0 .. 2147483647]> 
                                 TCP connection timeout
          Default TCP connection timeout (in milliseconds).
      --http-host=<string>       HTTP server address
          By default, the server will listen on any local IP address. Specify
          an IP address (e.g. ::1 or or a host name (e.g. localhost)
          to restrict them to a specific network interface.
      --http-port=<integer [1 .. 65535]> 
                                 HTTP server port
          The HTTP server will listen on this TCP port. The standard HTTP port
          number is 80. However allocation of port numbers below 1025 is
          usually restricted by the operating system.
      --https-port=<integer [1 .. 65535]> 
                                 HTTPS server port
          The HTTPS server will listen on this TCP port. The standard HTTPS
          port number is 443. However allocation of port numbers below 1025 is
          usually restricted by the operating system.
      --rtsp-host=<string>       RTSP server address
          This defines the address the RTSP server will listen on, along with
          the base path of the RTSP VOD media. Syntax is address/path. By
          default, the server will listen on any local IP address. Specify an
          IP address (e.g. ::1 or or a host name (e.g. localhost) to
          restrict them to a specific network interface.
      --rtsp-port=<integer [1 .. 65535]> 
                                 RTSP server port
          The RTSP server will listen on this TCP port. The standard RTSP port
          number is 554. However allocation of port numbers below 1025 is
          usually restricted by the operating system.
      --http-cert=<string>       HTTP/TLS server certificate
          This X.509 certicate file (PEM format) is used for server-side TLS.
          On OS X, the string is used as a label to search the certificate in
          the keychain.
      --http-key=<string>        HTTP/TLS server private key
          This private key file (PEM format) is used for server-side TLS.
      --http-proxy=<string>      HTTP proxy
          HTTP proxy to be used It must be of the form
          http://[user@]myproxy.mydomain:myport/ ; if empty, the http_proxy
          environment variable will be tried.
      --http-proxy-pwd=<string>  HTTP proxy password
          If your HTTP proxy requires a password, set it here.
   Socks proxy:
      --socks=<string>           SOCKS server
          SOCKS proxy server to use. This must be of the form address:port. It
          will be used for all TCP connections
      --socks-user=<string>      SOCKS user name
          User name to be used for connection to the SOCKS proxy.
      --socks-pwd=<string>       SOCKS password
          Password to be used for connection to the SOCKS proxy.
      --meta-title=<string>      Title metadata
          Allows you to specify a "title" metadata for an input.
      --meta-author=<string>     Author metadata
          Allows you to specify an "author" metadata for an input.
      --meta-artist=<string>     Artist metadata
          Allows you to specify an "artist" metadata for an input.
      --meta-genre=<string>      Genre metadata
          Allows you to specify a "genre" metadata for an input.
      --meta-copyright=<string>  Copyright metadata
          Allows you to specify a "copyright" metadata for an input.
                                 Description metadata
          Allows you to specify a "description" metadata for an input.
      --meta-date=<string>       Date metadata
          Allows you to specify a "date" metadata for an input.
      --meta-url=<string>        URL metadata
          Allows you to specify a "url" metadata for an input.
      --file-caching=<integer [0 .. 60000]> 
                                 File caching (ms)
          Caching value for local files, in milliseconds.
      --live-caching=<integer [0 .. 60000]> 
                                 Live capture caching (ms)
          Caching value for cameras and microphones, in milliseconds.
      --disc-caching=<integer [0 .. 60000]> 
                                 Disc caching (ms)
          Caching value for optical media, in milliseconds.
      --network-caching=<integer [0 .. 60000]> 
                                 Network caching (ms)
          Caching value for network resources, in milliseconds.
      --cr-average=<integer>     Clock reference average counter
          When using the PVR input (or a very irregular source), you should set
          this to 10000.
      --clock-synchro={-1 (Default), 0 (Disable), 1 (Enable)} 
                                 Clock synchronisation
          It is possible to disable the input clock synchronisation for
          real-time sources. Use this if you experience jerky playback of
          network streams.
      --clock-jitter=<integer>   Clock jitter
          This defines the maximum input delay jitter that the synchronization
          algorithms should try to compensate (in milliseconds).
      --network-synchronisation, --no-network-synchronisation 
                                 Network synchronisation
                                 (default disabled)
          This allows you to remotely synchronise clocks for server and client.
          The detailed settings are available in Advanced / Network Sync.
                                 Record directory
          Directory where the records will be stored
      --input-record-native, --no-input-record-native 
                                 Prefer native stream recording
                                 (default enabled)
          When possible, the input stream will be recorded instead of using the
          stream output module
                                 Timeshift directory
          Directory used to store the timeshift temporary files.
                                 Timeshift granularity
          This is the maximum size in bytes of the temporary files that will be
          used to store the timeshifted streams.
                                 Change title according to current media
          This option allows you to set the title according to what's being
          played<br>$a: Artist<br>$b: Album<br>$c: Copyright<br>$t:
          Title<br>$g: Genre<br>$n: Track num<br>$p: Now playing<br>$A:
          Date<br>$D: Duration<br>$Z: "Now playing" (Fall back on Title -
      --lua, --no-lua            Disable all lua plugins
                                 (default enabled)
          Disable all lua plugins

 This option can be used to alter the way VLC selects its codecs (decompression methods). Only advanced users should alter this option as it can break playback of all your streams.
      --codec=<string>           Preferred decoders list
          List of codecs that VLC will use in priority. For instance,
          'dummy,a52' will try the dummy and a52 codecs before trying the other
          ones. Only advanced users should alter this option as it can break
          playback of all your streams.
      --encoder=<string>         Preferred encoders list
          This allows you to select a list of encoders that VLC will use in

 These options allow you to modify the behavior of the input subsystem, such as the DVD or VCD device, the network interface settings or the subtitle channel.
                                 Access module
          This allows you to force an access module. You can use it if the
          correct access is not automatically detected. You should not set this
          as a global option unless you really know what you are doing.
                                 Demux module
          Demultiplexers are used to separate the "elementary" streams (like
          audio and video streams). You can use it if the correct demuxer is
          not automatically detected. You should not set this as a global
          option unless you really know what you are doing.
      --stream-filter=<string>   Stream filter module
          Stream filters are used to modify the stream that is being read.
      --demux-filter=<string>    Demux filter module
          Demux filters are used to modify/control the stream that is being

 Stream output
 These options allow you to set default global options for the stream output subsystem.
      --sout=<string>            Default stream output chain
          You can enter here a default stream output chain. Refer to the
          documentation to learn how to build such chains. Warning: this chain
          will be enabled for all streams.
      --sout-display, --no-sout-display 
                                 Display while streaming
                                 (default disabled)
          Play locally the stream while streaming it.
      --sout-keep, --no-sout-keep 
                                 Keep stream output open
                                 (default disabled)
          This allows you to keep an unique stream output instance across
          multiple playlist item (automatically insert the gather stream output
          if not specified)
      --sout-all, --no-sout-all  Enable streaming of all ES
                                 (default enabled)
          Stream all elementary streams (video, audio and subtitles)
      --sout-audio, --no-sout-audio 
                                 Enable audio stream output
                                 (default enabled)
          Choose whether the audio stream should be redirected to the stream
          output facility when this last one is enabled.
      --sout-video, --no-sout-video 
                                 Enable video stream output
                                 (default enabled)
          Choose whether the video stream should be redirected to the stream
          output facility when this last one is enabled.
      --sout-spu, --no-sout-spu  Enable SPU stream output
                                 (default enabled)
          Choose whether the SPU streams should be redirected to the stream
          output facility when this last one is enabled.
                                 Stream output muxer caching (ms)
          This allow you to configure the initial caching amount for stream
          output muxer. This value should be set in milliseconds.
      --vlm-conf=<string>        VLM configuration file
          Read a VLM configuration file as soon as VLM is started.
      --sap-interval=<integer>   SAP announcement interval
          When the SAP flow control is disabled, this lets you set the fixed
          interval between SAP announcements.
                                 Mux module
          This is a legacy entry to let you configure mux modules
                                 Access output module
          This is a legacy entry to let you configure access output modules
      --ttl=<integer>            Hop limit (TTL)
          This is the hop limit (also known as "Time-To-Live" or TTL) of the
          multicast packets sent by the stream output (-1 = use operating
          system built-in default).
      --miface=<string>          Multicast output interface
          Default multicast interface. This overrides the routing table.
      --dscp=<integer>           DiffServ Code Point
          Differentiated Services Code Point for outgoing UDP streams (or IPv4
          Type Of Service, or IPv6 Traffic Class). This is used for network
          Quality of Service.
                                 Preferred packetizer list
          This allows you to select the order in which VLC will choose its

 These options allow you to select default modules. Leave these alone unless you really know what you are doing.
   Special modules:
                                 VoD server module
          You can select which VoD server module you want to use. Set this to
          'vod_rtsp' to switch back to the old, legacy module.
      --plugins-cache, --no-plugins-cache 
                                 Use a plugins cache
                                 (default enabled)
          Use a plugins cache which will greatly improve the startup time of
      --plugins-scan, --no-plugins-scan 
                                 Scan for new plugins
                                 (default enabled)
          Scan plugin directories for new plugins at startup. This increases
          the startup time of VLC.
      --keystore=<string>        Preferred keystore list
          List of keystores that VLC will use in priority.
   Performance options:
      --high-priority, --no-high-priority 
                                 Increase the priority of the process
                                 (default disabled)
          Increasing the priority of the process will very likely improve your
          playing experience as it allows VLC not to be disturbed by other
          applications that could otherwise take too much processor time.
          However be advised that in certain circumstances (bugs) VLC could
          take all the processor time and render the whole system unresponsive
          which might require a reboot of your machine.
                                 Clock source
          Clock source

 These options define the behavior of the playlist. Some of them can be overridden in the playlist dialog box.
  -Z, --random, --no-random      Play files randomly forever
                                 (default disabled)
          VLC will randomly play files in the playlist until interrupted.
  -L, --loop, --no-loop          Repeat all
                                 (default disabled)
          VLC will keep playing the playlist indefinitely.
  -R, --repeat, --no-repeat      Repeat current item
                                 (default disabled)
          VLC will keep playing the current playlist item.
      --play-and-exit, --no-play-and-exit 
                                 Play and exit
                                 (default disabled)
          Exit if there are no more items in the playlist.
      --play-and-stop, --no-play-and-stop 
                                 Play and stop
                                 (default disabled)
          Stop the playlist after each played playlist item.
      --play-and-pause, --no-play-and-pause 
                                 Play and pause
                                 (default disabled)
          Pause each item in the playlist on the last frame.
      --start-paused, --no-start-paused 
                                 Start paused
                                 (default disabled)
          Pause each item in the playlist on the first frame.
      --playlist-autostart, --no-playlist-autostart 
                                 Auto start
                                 (default enabled)
          Automatically start playing the playlist content once it's loaded.
      --playlist-cork, --no-playlist-cork 
                                 Pause on audio communication
                                 (default enabled)
          If pending audio communication is detected, playback will be paused
      --one-instance, --no-one-instance 
                                 Allow only one running instance
                                 (default disabled)
          Allowing only one running instance of VLC can sometimes be useful,
          for example if you associated VLC with some media types and you don't
          want a new instance of VLC to be opened each time you open a file in
          your file manager. This option will allow you to play the file with
          the already running instance or enqueue it.
      --started-from-file, --no-started-from-file 
                                 VLC is started from file association
                                 (default disabled)
          Tell VLC that it is being launched due to a file association in the
      --one-instance-when-started-from-file, --no-one-instance-when-started-from-file 
                                 Use only one instance when started from file
                                 (default enabled)
          Use only one instance when started from file manager
      --playlist-enqueue, --no-playlist-enqueue 
                                 Enqueue items into playlist in one instance
                                 (default disabled)
          When using the one instance only option, enqueue items to playlist
          and keep playing current item.
      --media-library, --no-media-library 
                                 Use media library
                                 (default disabled)
          The media library is automatically saved and reloaded each time you
          start VLC.
      --playlist-tree, --no-playlist-tree 
                                 Display playlist tree
                                 (default disabled)
          The playlist can use a tree to categorize some items, like the
          contents of a directory.
      --open=<string>            Default stream
          This stream will always be opened at VLC startup.
      --auto-preparse, --no-auto-preparse 
                                 Automatically preparse items
                                 (default enabled)
          Automatically preparse items added to the playlist (to retrieve some
                                 Preparsing timeout
          Maximum time allowed to preparse an item, in milliseconds
      --metadata-network-access, --no-metadata-network-access 
                                 Allow metadata network access
                                 (default enabled)
          Allow metadata network access
                                 Subdirectory behavior
          Select whether subdirectories must be expanded. none: subdirectories
          do not appear in the playlist. collapse: subdirectories appear but
          are expanded on first play. expand: all subdirectories are expanded. 
                                 Ignored extensions
          Files with these extensions will not be added to playlist when
          opening a directory. This is useful if you add directories that
          contain playlist files for instance. Use a comma-separated list of
      --show-hiddenfiles, --no-show-hiddenfiles 
                                 Show hidden files
                                 (default disabled)
          Ignore files starting with '.'
      --extractor-flatten, --no-extractor-flatten 
                                 Flatten files listed by extractors (archive)
                                 (default disabled)
  -S, --services-discovery=<string> 
                                 Services discovery modules
          Specifies the services discovery modules to preload, separated by
          colons. Typical value is "sap".
  -v, --verbose=<integer>        Verbosity (0,1,2)
          This is the verbosity level (0=only errors and standard messages,
          1=warnings, 2=debug).
      --color, --no-color        Color messages
                                 (default enabled)
          This enables colorization of the messages sent to the console. Your
          terminal needs Linux color support for this to work.
      --advanced, --no-advanced  Show advanced options
                                 (default disabled)
          When this is enabled, the preferences and/or interfaces will show all
          available options, including those that most users should never
      --interact, --no-interact  Interface interaction
                                 (default enabled)
          When this is enabled, the interface will show a dialog box each time
          some user input is required.
      --stats, --no-stats        Locally collect statistics
                                 (default enabled)
          Collect miscellaneous local statistics about the playing media.
  -I, --intf=<string>            Interface module
          This is the main interface used by VLC. The default behavior is to
          automatically select the best module available.
      --extraintf=<string>       Extra interface modules
          You can select "additional interfaces" for VLC. They will be launched
          in the background in addition to the default interface. Use a colon
          separated list of interface modules. (common values are "rc" (remote
          control), "http", "gestures" ...)
      --control=<string>         Control interfaces
          You can select control interfaces for VLC.

 Hot keys
 These settings are the global VLC key bindings, known as "hotkeys".
      --hotkeys-y-wheel-mode={-1 (Ignore), 0 (Volume control), 2 (Position control), 3 (Position control reversed)} 
                                 Mouse wheel vertical axis control
          The mouse wheel vertical (up/down) axis can control volume, position
          or be ignored.
      --hotkeys-x-wheel-mode={-1 (Ignore), 0 (Volume control), 2 (Position control), 3 (Position control reversed)} 
                                 Mouse wheel horizontal axis control
          The mouse wheel horizontal (left/right) axis can control volume,
          position or be ignored.
          Select the hotkey to use to swap fullscreen state.
          Select the hotkey to use to swap fullscreen state.
                                 Exit fullscreen
          Select the hotkey to use to exit fullscreen state.
                                 Exit fullscreen
          Select the hotkey to use to exit fullscreen state.
          Select the hotkey to use to swap paused state.
      --key-play-pause=<string>  Play/Pause
          Select the hotkey to use to swap paused state.
                                 Pause only
          Select the hotkey to use to pause.
      --key-pause=<string>       Pause only
          Select the hotkey to use to pause.
      --global-key-play=<string> Play only
          Select the hotkey to use to play.
      --key-play=<string>        Play only
          Select the hotkey to use to play.
          Select the hotkey to use for fast forward playback.
      --key-faster=<string>      Faster
          Select the hotkey to use for fast forward playback.
          Select the hotkey to use for slow motion playback.
      --key-slower=<string>      Slower
          Select the hotkey to use for slow motion playback.
                                 Normal rate
          Select the hotkey to set the playback rate back to normal.
      --key-rate-normal=<string> Normal rate
          Select the hotkey to set the playback rate back to normal.
                                 Faster (fine)
          Select the hotkey to use for fast forward playback.
                                 Faster (fine)
          Select the hotkey to use for fast forward playback.
                                 Slower (fine)
          Select the hotkey to use for slow motion playback.
                                 Slower (fine)
          Select the hotkey to use for slow motion playback.
      --global-key-next=<string> Next
          Select the hotkey to use to skip to the next item in the playlist.
      --key-next=<string>        Next
          Select the hotkey to use to skip to the next item in the playlist.
      --global-key-prev=<string> Previous
          Select the hotkey to use to skip to the previous item in the
      --key-prev=<string>        Previous
          Select the hotkey to use to skip to the previous item in the
      --global-key-stop=<string> Stop
          Select the hotkey to stop playback.
      --key-stop=<string>        Stop
          Select the hotkey to stop playback.
          Select the hotkey to display the position.
      --key-position=<string>    Position
          Select the hotkey to display the position.
                                 Very short backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a very short backwards jump.
                                 Very short backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a very short backwards jump.
                                 Very short forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a very short forward jump.
                                 Very short forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a very short forward jump.
                                 Short backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a short backwards jump.
      --key-jump-short=<string>  Short backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a short backwards jump.
                                 Short forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a short forward jump.
      --key-jump+short=<string>  Short forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a short forward jump.
                                 Medium backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a medium backwards jump.
      --key-jump-medium=<string> Medium backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a medium backwards jump.
                                 Medium forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a medium forward jump.
      --key-jump+medium=<string> Medium forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a medium forward jump.
                                 Long backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a long backwards jump.
      --key-jump-long=<string>   Long backwards jump
          Select the hotkey to make a long backwards jump.
                                 Long forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a long forward jump.
      --key-jump+long=<string>   Long forward jump
          Select the hotkey to make a long forward jump.
                                 Next frame
          Select the hotkey to got to the next video frame.
      --key-frame-next=<string>  Next frame
          Select the hotkey to got to the next video frame.
          Select the key to activate selected item in DVD menus.
          Select the key to activate selected item in DVD menus.
                                 Navigate up
          Select the key to move the selector up in DVD menus / Move viewpoint
          to up (pitch).
      --key-nav-up=<string>      Navigate up
          Select the key to move the selector up in DVD menus / Move viewpoint
          to up (pitch).
                                 Navigate down
          Select the key to move the selector down in DVD menus / Move
          viewpoint to down (pitch).
      --key-nav-down=<string>    Navigate down
          Select the key to move the selector down in DVD menus / Move
          viewpoint to down (pitch).
                                 Navigate left
          Select the key to move the selector left in DVD menus / Move
          viewpoint to left (yaw).
      --key-nav-left=<string>    Navigate left
          Select the key to move the selector left in DVD menus / Move
          viewpoint to left (yaw).
                                 Navigate right
          Select the key to move the selector right in DVD menus / Move
          viewpoint to right (yaw).
      --key-nav-right=<string>   Navigate right
          Select the key to move the selector right in DVD menus / Move
          viewpoint to right (yaw).
                                 Go to the DVD menu
          Select the key to take you to the DVD menu
      --key-disc-menu=<string>   Go to the DVD menu
          Select the key to take you to the DVD menu
                                 Select previous DVD title
          Select the key to choose the previous title from the DVD
      --key-title-prev=<string>  Select previous DVD title
          Select the key to choose the previous title from the DVD
                                 Select next DVD title
          Select the key to choose the next title from the DVD
      --key-title-next=<string>  Select next DVD title
          Select the key to choose the next title from the DVD
                                 Select prev DVD chapter
          Select the key to choose the previous chapter from the DVD
                                 Select prev DVD chapter
          Select the key to choose the previous chapter from the DVD
                                 Select next DVD chapter
          Select the key to choose the next chapter from the DVD
                                 Select next DVD chapter
          Select the key to choose the next chapter from the DVD
      --global-key-quit=<string> Quit
          Select the hotkey to quit the application.
      --key-quit=<string>        Quit
          Select the hotkey to quit the application.
                                 Volume up
          Select the key to increase audio volume.
      --key-vol-up=<string>      Volume up
          Select the key to increase audio volume.
                                 Volume down
          Select the key to decrease audio volume.
      --key-vol-down=<string>    Volume down
          Select the key to decrease audio volume.
          Select the key to mute audio.
      --key-vol-mute=<string>    Mute
          Select the key to mute audio.
                                 Subtitle delay up
          Select the key to increase the subtitle delay.
      --key-subdelay-up=<string> Subtitle delay up
          Select the key to increase the subtitle delay.
                                 Subtitle delay down
          Select the key to decrease the subtitle delay.
                                 Subtitle delay down
          Select the key to decrease the subtitle delay.
                                 Subtitle sync / bookmark audio timestamp
          Select the key to bookmark audio timestamp when syncing subtitles.
                                 Subtitle sync / bookmark audio timestamp
          Select the key to bookmark audio timestamp when syncing subtitles.
                                 Subtitle sync / bookmark subtitle timestamp
          Select the key to bookmark subtitle timestamp when syncing subtitles.
                                 Subtitle sync / bookmark subtitle timestamp
          Select the key to bookmark subtitle timestamp when syncing subtitles.
                                 Subtitle sync / synchronize audio & subtitle
          Select the key to synchronize bookmarked audio & subtitle timestamps.
                                 Subtitle sync / synchronize audio & subtitle
          Select the key to synchronize bookmarked audio & subtitle timestamps.
                                 Subtitle sync / reset audio & subtitle
          Select the key to reset synchronization of audio & subtitle
                                 Subtitle sync / reset audio & subtitle
          Select the key to reset synchronization of audio & subtitle
                                 Subtitle position up
          Select the key to move subtitles higher.
      --key-subpos-up=<string>   Subtitle position up
          Select the key to move subtitles higher.
                                 Subtitle position down
          Select the key to move subtitles lower.
      --key-subpos-down=<string> Subtitle position down
          Select the key to move subtitles lower.
                                 Audio delay up
          Select the key to increase the audio delay.
                                 Audio delay up
          Select the key to increase the audio delay.
                                 Audio delay down
          Select the key to decrease the audio delay.
                                 Audio delay down
          Select the key to decrease the audio delay.
                                 Cycle audio track
          Cycle through the available audio tracks(languages).
      --key-audio-track=<string> Cycle audio track
          Cycle through the available audio tracks(languages).
                                 Cycle through audio devices
          Cycle through available audio devices
                                 Cycle through audio devices
          Cycle through available audio devices
                                 Cycle subtitle track in reverse order
          Cycle through the available subtitle tracks in reverse order.
                                 Cycle subtitle track in reverse order
          Cycle through the available subtitle tracks in reverse order.
                                 Cycle subtitle track
          Cycle through the available subtitle tracks.
                                 Cycle subtitle track
          Cycle through the available subtitle tracks.
                                 Toggle subtitles
          Toggle subtitle track visibility.
                                 Toggle subtitles
          Toggle subtitle track visibility.
                                 Cycle next program Service ID
          Cycle through the available next program Service IDs (SIDs).
                                 Cycle next program Service ID
          Cycle through the available next program Service IDs (SIDs).
                                 Cycle previous program Service ID
          Cycle through the available previous program Service IDs (SIDs).
                                 Cycle previous program Service ID
          Cycle through the available previous program Service IDs (SIDs).
                                 Cycle source aspect ratio
          Cycle through a predefined list of source aspect ratios.
                                 Cycle source aspect ratio
          Cycle through a predefined list of source aspect ratios.
      --global-key-crop=<string> Cycle video crop
          Cycle through a predefined list of crop formats.
      --key-crop=<string>        Cycle video crop
          Cycle through a predefined list of crop formats.
                                 Toggle autoscaling
          Activate or deactivate autoscaling.
                                 Toggle autoscaling
          Activate or deactivate autoscaling.
                                 Increase scale factor
          Increase scale factor
                                 Increase scale factor
          Increase scale factor
                                 Decrease scale factor
          Decrease scale factor
                                 Decrease scale factor
          Decrease scale factor
                                 Toggle deinterlacing
          Activate or deactivate deinterlacing.
      --key-deinterlace=<string> Toggle deinterlacing
          Activate or deactivate deinterlacing.
                                 Cycle deinterlace modes
          Cycle through available deinterlace modes.
                                 Cycle deinterlace modes
          Cycle through available deinterlace modes.
                                 Show controller in fullscreen
          Show controller in fullscreen
      --key-intf-show=<string>   Show controller in fullscreen
          Show controller in fullscreen
                                 Boss key
          Hide the interface and pause playback.
      --key-intf-boss=<string>   Boss key
          Hide the interface and pause playback.
                                 Context menu
          Show the contextual popup menu.
                                 Context menu
          Show the contextual popup menu.
                                 Take video snapshot
          Takes a video snapshot and writes it to disk.
      --key-snapshot=<string>    Take video snapshot
          Takes a video snapshot and writes it to disk.
          Record access filter start/stop.
      --key-record=<string>      Record
          Record access filter start/stop.
      --global-key-zoom=<string> Zoom
      --key-zoom=<string>        Zoom
      --key-unzoom=<string>      Un-Zoom
                                 Toggle wallpaper mode in video output
          Toggle wallpaper mode in video output.
      --key-wallpaper=<string>   Toggle wallpaper mode in video output
          Toggle wallpaper mode in video output.
                                 Crop one pixel from the top of the video
          Crop one pixel from the top of the video
      --key-crop-top=<string>    Crop one pixel from the top of the video
          Crop one pixel from the top of the video
                                 Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video
          Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video
      --key-uncrop-top=<string>  Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video
          Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video
                                 Crop one pixel from the left of the video
          Crop one pixel from the left of the video
      --key-crop-left=<string>   Crop one pixel from the left of the video
          Crop one pixel from the left of the video
                                 Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video
          Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video
      --key-uncrop-left=<string> Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video
          Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video
                                 Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video
          Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video
      --key-crop-bottom=<string> Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video
          Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video
                                 Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video
          Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video
                                 Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video
          Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video
                                 Crop one pixel from the right of the video
          Crop one pixel from the right of the video
      --key-crop-right=<string>  Crop one pixel from the right of the video
          Crop one pixel from the right of the video
                                 Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video
          Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video
                                 Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video
          Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video
          Toggle random playlist playback
      --key-random=<string>      Random
          Toggle random playlist playback
      --global-key-loop=<string> Normal/Loop/Repeat
          Toggle Normal/Loop/Repeat playlist modes
      --key-loop=<string>        Normal/Loop/Repeat
          Toggle Normal/Loop/Repeat playlist modes
                                 Shrink the viewpoint field of view (360°)
          Shrink the viewpoint field of view (360°)
                                 Shrink the viewpoint field of view (360°)
          Shrink the viewpoint field of view (360°)
                                 Expand the viewpoint field of view (360°)
          Expand the viewpoint field of view (360°)
                                 Expand the viewpoint field of view (360°)
          Expand the viewpoint field of view (360°)
                                 Roll the viewpoint clockwise (360°)
          Roll the viewpoint clockwise (360°)
                                 Roll the viewpoint clockwise (360°)
          Roll the viewpoint clockwise (360°)
                                 Roll the viewpoint anti-clockwise (360°)
          Roll the viewpoint anti-clockwise (360°)
                                 Roll the viewpoint anti-clockwise (360°)
          Roll the viewpoint anti-clockwise (360°)
                                 1:4 Quarter
                                 1:4 Quarter
                                 1:2 Half
      --key-zoom-half=<string>   1:2 Half
                                 1:1 Original
                                 1:1 Original
                                 2:1 Double
      --key-zoom-double=<string> 2:1 Double
   Jump sizes:
                                 Very short jump length
          Very short jump length, in seconds.
                                 Short jump length
          Short jump length, in seconds.
                                 Medium jump length
          Medium jump length, in seconds.
      --long-jump-size=<integer> Long jump length
          Long jump length, in seconds.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 1
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 1
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 2
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 2
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 3
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 3
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 4
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 4
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 5
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 5
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 6
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 6
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 7
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 7
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 8
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 8
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 9
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 9
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 10
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Set playlist bookmark 10
          Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 1
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 1
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 2
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 2
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 3
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 3
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 4
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 4
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 5
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 5
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 6
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 6
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 7
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 7
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 8
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 8
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 9
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 9
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 10
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Play playlist bookmark 10
          Select the key to play this bookmark.
                                 Clear the playlist
          Select the key to clear the current playlist.
                                 Clear the playlist
          Select the key to clear the current playlist.
                                 Reset subtitles text scale
          Select the key to change subtitles text scaling
                                 Reset subtitles text scale
          Select the key to change subtitles text scaling
                                 Scale down subtitles text
          Select the key to change subtitles text scaling
                                 Scale down subtitles text
          Select the key to change subtitles text scaling
                                 Scale up subtitles text
          Select the key to change subtitles text scaling
                                 Scale up subtitles text
          Select the key to change subtitles text scaling
      --bookmark1=<string>       Playlist bookmark 1
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark2=<string>       Playlist bookmark 2
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark3=<string>       Playlist bookmark 3
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark4=<string>       Playlist bookmark 4
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark5=<string>       Playlist bookmark 5
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark6=<string>       Playlist bookmark 6
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark7=<string>       Playlist bookmark 7
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark8=<string>       Playlist bookmark 8
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark9=<string>       Playlist bookmark 9
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
      --bookmark10=<string>      Playlist bookmark 10
          This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.
  -h, --help, --no-help          print help for VLC (can be combined with
                                 --advanced and --help-verbose)
                                 (default disabled)
  -H, --full-help, --no-full-help 
                                 Exhaustive help for VLC and its modules
                                 (default disabled)
      --longhelp, --no-longhelp  print help for VLC and all its modules (can be
                                 combined with --advanced and --help-verbose)
                                 (default disabled)
      --help-verbose, --no-help-verbose 
                                 ask for extra verbosity when displaying help
                                 (default disabled)
  -l, --list, --no-list          print a list of available modules
                                 (default disabled)
      --list-verbose, --no-list-verbose 
                                 print a list of available modules with extra
                                 (default disabled)
  -p, --module=<string>          print help on a specific module (can be
                                 combined with --advanced and --help-verbose).
                                 Prefix the module name with = for strict
      --ignore-config, --no-ignore-config 
                                 no configuration option will be loaded nor
                                 saved to config file
                                 (default enabled)
      --reset-config, --no-reset-config 
                                 reset the current config to the default values
                                 (default disabled)
      --reset-plugins-cache, --no-reset-plugins-cache 
                                 resets the current plugins cache
                                 (default disabled)
      --version, --no-version    print version information
                                 (default disabled)
      --config=<string>          use alternate config file

Note: 2 modules were not displayed because they only have advanced options.