Documentation:Uninstalling VLC
Windows ![Windows-logo.jpg](/images/Windows-logo.jpg)
You can uninstall VLC from Add/Remove Programs (Programs and Features in Windows 7) located in the Control Panel. Search for VLC media player and right click, then select "Uninstall/Change". Follow the prompts to finish the uninstallation.
Alternatively, you can browse to VLC's installation directory (for a typical install, go to your C: Drive and look for Program Files (if 64-bit, Program Files (x86) )→VideoLAN→VLC and double-click on the uninstall link and follow the prompts to uninstall.
macOS ![Applelogo.jpg](/images/Applelogo.jpg)
Drag the VLC application to your trash can. You can also remove the configuration file and the cache files in ~/Library/Preferences/VLC/. There is an AppleScript on the disk-image which lets you do this automatically.
If that did not work, you can double-click on the Applications icon. This will bring up a list of all applications on your Mac. Scroll through the list of Applications, then press and hold the Ctrl button to bring up a table of options and actions. Click on "move to trash".
Finally, if the previous processes failed, you can try downloading a third-party uninstaller program to uninstall it, such as AppCleaner.
Debian ![Debian.png](/images/Debian.png)
Remove the packages that you installed:
# apt-get remove --purge vlc libdvdcss2
Ubuntu ![Ubuntulogo.png](/images/Ubuntulogo.png)
Remove VLC Media Player by entering this command in the Terminal.
$ sudo apt-get remove vlc
Or you can also search VLC in the Ubuntu Software Center and click on Remove to uninstall it.
Red Hat and SuSE ![Redhat.jpg](/images/Redhat.jpg)
Uninstall the RPM packages that you installed:
# rpm -e vlc-version vlc-mad-version wxvlc-version libdvdcss2-version libdvdpsi1-version
Compiled the sources by yourself
Go to the directory containing VLC sources and execute
# make uninstall
You can then remove the VLC sources.
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