User talk:Yy

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I am a professionnal user.I have download the vlc source code tar.qz and the vlc soure code tar.bz2. I compile the code.

   But these is some errors.
   The error are unresolved external symbol_vlc_CleanUp,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_AddIntf,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_Destroy,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_Init,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_Create,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_CleanUp,
    unresolved external symbol rootwrap,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_version.,
   I don't know how to compile successfully.I wonder if some lib is settled rightly,the code can be compiled successfully.Can you help me?
   My e-mail :

can't compile vlc source code tar.qz and the vlc soure code tar.bz2

I am a professionnal user.I have download the vlc source code tar.qz and the vlc soure code tar.bz2. I compile the code.

   But these is some errors.
   The error are unresolved external symbol_vlc_CleanUp,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_AddIntf,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_Destroy,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_Init,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_Create,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_CleanUp,
    unresolved external symbol rootwrap,
    unresolved external symbol_vlc_version.,
   I don't know how to compile successfully.I wonder if some lib is settled rightly,the code can be compiled successfully.Can you help me?
   My e-mail :