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This page contains example code for .Net Interface to VLC. This code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General public license |
* IPlayer.cs: IPlayer, IPlayer2 interface definitions
* Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Meadowcroft
* Authors: Chris Meadowcroft
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace VLanControl
public struct TrackPosition : IComparable<TrackPosition>
public int time;
public double position;
public TrackPosition(int time, double position)
this.time = time;
this.position = position;
public TrackPosition(TrackPosition other)
this.time = other.time;
this.position = other.position;
#region IComparable<TrackPosition> Members
public int CompareTo(TrackPosition other)
return this.time.CompareTo(other.time);
public enum PlayerState
None = 0,
Playing = 1,
Paused = 2,
public enum MetaData
NowPlaying = 0,
public class MetaDataUpdateEventArgs : EventArgs
MetaData data;
String text;
public MetaDataUpdateEventArgs(MetaData data, String text)
this.data = data;
this.text = text;
public MetaData Data { get { return this.data; } }
public String Text { get { return this.text; } }
public delegate void MetaDataEventHandler(object sender, MetaDataUpdateEventArgs args);
public interface IPlayer : IDisposable
bool Visible { get; set; }
Control Parent { get; set; }
Rectangle Bounds { get; set; }
Point Location { get; set; }
Size Size { get; set; }
Size VideoSize { get; }
int Time { get; }
double Position { get; }
void MoveToPosition(TrackPosition newTrackPosition);
int Volume { get; set; }
int Rate { get; set; }
void GetRates(out int minRate, out int maxRate, out int normalRate);
bool IsPlaying { get; }
bool IsPaused { get; }
bool IsMute { get; }
int Length { get; set; }
PlayerState State { get; }
double TimeScaling { get; set; }
void Play();
void ToggleMute();
void TogglePause();
void RotateSubtitles();
void RotateAudioTrack();
void RotateDeinterlaceMode();
void RotateAspectRatio();
void RotateCropModes();
bool UseMpegVbrOffset { get; set; }
void CropTop();
void UnCropTop();
void CropBottom();
void UnCropBottom();
void CropLeft();
void UnCropLeft();
void CropRight();
void UnCropRight();
void NextDvdTrack();
void PreviousDvdTrack();
void NextDvdChapter();
void PreviousDvdChapter();
TrackPosition Shuttle(int offsetSeconds);
void ClearPlayList();
int AddToPlayList(String fileName, String title, String[] options);
void PlayItem(int index);
void Stop();
public interface IPlayer2 : IPlayer
String DeinterlaceMode { get; set; }
String AspectRatio { get; set; }
String CropMode { get; set; }
int CroppingLeft { get; set; }
int CroppingRight { get; set; }
int CroppingTop { get; set; }
int CroppingBottom { get; set; }
int AudioTrack { get; set; }
int SubTitleTrack { get; set; }
// in ms
int AudioDelay { get; set; }
int SubTitleDelay { get; set; }
int ChapterCount { get; }
int Chapter { get; set; }
int Program { get; set; }
bool AllowVideoAdjustments { get; set; } // needs to be on to allow Contrast, Brightness, etc. to be adjusted
float Contrast { get; set; } // range from 0 to 2, default 1
float Brightness { get; set; } // range from 0 to 2, default 1
int Hue { get; set; } // range from 0 to 360, default 0
float Saturation { get; set; } // range from 0 to 3, default 1
float Gamma { get; set; } // range from .01 to 10, default 1
void AddAndPlay(String fileName, String options);
String DeinterlaceModesAsString();
void DeinterlaceModes(out String[] choices, out String[] choiceText);
String AspectRatiosAsString();
void AspectRatios(out String[] choices, out String[] choiceText);
String CropModesAsString();
void CropModes(out String[] choices, out String[] choiceText);
String AudioTracksAsString();
void AudioTracks(out int[] trackIds, out String[] trackNames);
String SubTitleTracksAsString();
void SubTitleTracks(out int[] trackIds, out String[] trackNames);
String ProgramsAsString();
void Programs(out int[] trackIds, out String[] trackNames);
void DisplayMessage(String message);
String GetConfigVariable(String name, String returnOnError);
bool SetConfigVariable(String name, String value);
void PrecomputeCrop(Size videoSize, int cropLeft, int cropRight, int cropTop, int cropBottom);
bool ComputeCrop();
event MetaDataEventHandler NowPlaying;