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The logo filter can be used to add a logo on the video. This logo can be a static image or series of images which will be displayed alternatively. When used as a video output filter, you can move the logo with the mouse.

Video sub-filter

Module: logo
Type Video sub-filter
First VLC version -
Last VLC version -
Operating system(s) all
Description Logo sub source
Shortcut(s) logo
  • logo-file <string> : Image to display. The full format is <image>[,<delay in ms>[,<alpha>]][;<image>[,<delay>[,<alpha>]]][;...].
  • logo-x <integer> : X offset from upper left corner. default value: 0
  • logo-y <integer> : Y offset from upper left corner. default value: 0
  • logo-position <integer> { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 5, 6, 9, 10 } : Logo position. default value: 5
  • logo-opacity <integer [0 .. 255]> : Logo opacity. 0 is transparent, 255 is fully opaque. default value: 255
  • logo-delay <integer> : Global delay in ms. Sets the duration each image will be displayed for in a loop iteration unless specified otherwise in the --logo-file option. default value: 1000
  • logo-repeat <integer> : Number of loops for the logo animation. -1 for continuous, 0 to disable. default value: -1

Video output filter

Module: logo
Type Video output filter
First VLC version -
Last VLC version -
Operating system(s) all
Description Logo video filter
Shortcut(s) logo


% vlc --video-filter "logo{file=cone.png,opacity=128}" somevideo.avi
This command will display image cone.png in the video's upper right corner with 50% transparency.
% vlc --video-filter "logo{file='cone1.png,2000,128;cone2.png,3000'}" somevideo.avi
This command will display image cone1.png for 2 seconds with 50% transparency followed by image cone2.png for 3 seconds at default transparency and loop.

Source code


Integer alignment mapping
Integer Alignment Comment
0 Center
1 Left
2 Right
4 Top
8 Bottom
5 Top-Left 4 + 1
6 Top-Right 4 + 2
9 Bottom-Left 8 + 1
10 Bottom-Right 8 + 2
3 n/a contradictory
7 n/a contradictory
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